Unable to find the magus biologis after hoing to 3 locations. Cant proceed.


Unable to find the magus biologis after hoing to 3 locations.  Cant proceed.  Ps4 pcast30 gamer tag

Store Page
4 years 355 days ago
As we checked your account we could not find any issue related to the Magos Biologis campaign part. Do you still experience the problem?
5 years 1 day ago
Stuck after playing coop online then going to finish the ch 2 plot for the 3 areas. It does not show up ( where to cnn o for the final area) but the quest is still not complete.

5 years 21 days ago
In case you may run into any problem in the future feel free to report it and we will assist you! 
5 years 21 days ago
I deleted my characted and started over. Now it's working. It was a hassle though!
5 years 21 days ago
I am unable to find the magus biologis. I am missing the campaign mission.
5 years 60 days ago

We are still working on it, sorry for the inconvenience.

5 years 61 days ago
Reblog in my ps4 or through the game.   Relogged on my ps4 and still a no go

5 years 65 days ago
Still stuck and cannot proceed

5 years 66 days ago

We built in a script which - after a relog - corrects such problems. Could you please check whether after logging in now you can proceed in the campaign once again?