Too dificult or not balanced? - Rant video


After all the feedback regarding current difficulty I thought it best to throw together some ideas / discussion coming from someone who has played the game for an unhealthy amount of time in both single player and Co-Op. That isn't to say i'm right but this is my thoughts regarding the current patch and how "broken" it may or may not be.

Also take note, at no point do I mention getting gud or obtaining 1337 skillz. We have some genuine meat and potato that needs discussing here..

Would love to see your own thoughts down below, but lets keep it constructive mkay? :D

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Too dificult or not balanced? - Rant video
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7 years 269 days ago

The mission was more of just something in the background. And there is a difference between difficulty and balance. Poor difficulty is where there are random spikes and valleys of difficulty completely randomly and unexpectedly. Poor balance is where the spread is too wide for whatever we're talking about (i.e. weapons in this case, like needle/exitus rifle vs plasma gun/longlas)

Also, people expect it to play like a typical ARPG, which it does not, especially with the assassin. 

This comment was edited 7 years 269 days ago by KvotheTheArcane
7 years 269 days ago

Despite the fact you clearly want to offend me i'd like to clarify a couple of points as you took the time to critique my works. Which i'm grateful for in all cases. 

  • Many players complain and have complained that even investigation missions are too hard to complete, as they are the smartest way of starting a new character that is therefore what I did - Please see tips for new players for other tips. 
  • Would you please clarify what was exploited? - Making smart gear choices along with weapon selection in order to make life easier is exactly what I needed in order to prove that game is not broken nor impossible to beat. 
  • My sub count is something i'm immensely proud of, and grateful for everyone who takes the time to watch anything I produce. 
  • I have nothing to gain from making videos on this game, I do so as a way of trying to help and doing the best I can to help provoke others into thinking more about the alpha. If that makes a few people dislike me then so be it. Simply don't watch it. 
  • Finally I have permission both verbal and written for all of which that I am doing, as it falls under the category of fan work / video based discussion it's not promoting "me" - it's just a video medium in which I communicate some thoughts and do my best to help players on the game.

Carry on


7 years 267 days ago
Airsick Hydra

I do respect tho that players won't want to die left right and centre. But again I'd emphasise the moment you get any gear the power level x vs x becomes a cake walk. Ergo we have more of an issue with starting gear than we do with actual difficulty. 

7 years 268 days ago

A very valid point and possibility, one of the drawbacks of the warhammer 40k universe will be that people want to use their favorite load-out and weapon, irregardless of it's state of balance or stats. I've certainly had to shop around to find stuff that gets the job done. 

It's difficult to comment on play style - i'd really like to see footage of people who are struggling to see if they are just being unlucky with tiles and getting some really bum deals with the RNG, or if it's something that could be worked around etc by changing variables like kiting or cover usage for eg.

Would love to see a survey at the moment to see exactly how many people as a % are struggling with difficulty vs how many are happy. It would help shed some light on the scale of the issue.

This comment was edited 7 years 268 days ago by Airsick Hydra
7 years 269 days ago

Exactly, they're the "intro" missions basically. He wasn't gunning to do a tier 3 hardest cards tarot mission solo. Just a video for newer players who struggle clearing any mission,

7 years 269 days ago

instead of feeding the troll we might lobtomize it

7 years 269 days ago

To me it's just a matter of balance. Certain enemies like the plaguebearer (I think)  are regenerating a lot. I figure this is something that will either be toned down a little, or like you suggest possibly mitigated by player skills/abilities. Remember portals did the same thing for a while? I'm pretty sure this will get tweaked similarly.

Hmm, I swore the plasma gun had at least one AP ability?  I stopped using it when the grav gun came around. :p

7 years 268 days ago
Posted by MCbonez 7 years 269 days ago

To me it's just a matter of balance. Certain enemies like the plaguebearer (I think)  are regenerating a lot. I figure this is something that will either be toned down a little, or like you suggest possibly mitigated by player skills/abilities. Remember portals did the same thing for a while? I'm pretty sure this will get tweaked similarly.

Hmm, I swore the plasma gun had at least one AP ability?  I stopped using it when the grav gun came around. :p

It's primary ability has nothing, some of the others however do. But compare this with some of the other weapons in the game that have 3-4 different modifications to all 4 abilities, this is where their base damage needs to be tweaked to compensate. 

*That being said perhaps there will be future heat realated or splash damage orientated skill trees that might jump in and help some of these weapons out! 

7 years 268 days ago

From my perspective, the issue of what are the right weapons/load outs is not so much a matter of difficulty & balance but, one of individual play style.  I think that those who are having problems with the game at point are trying to use "favorite" weapons & equipment that don't match their play style. I have experimented with many different weapons for both of my characters to find what works for ME. I may really want to equip my crusader with that grenade launcher because it is "cool", but it is simply not the right choice for my play style.

7 years 268 days ago
Airsick Hydra

I can tell you now people are not using cover. I have read so many people complaining about havocs and knockdown. (you can't be knocked down in cover, or so it seems)

7 years 267 days ago

right now for me 'retreat and fire' tactics works much better than covering

under heavy fire any cover destroyed too fast, under light fire i can stand and fight uncovered, HP restored itself before i reach another pack of Emperor damned targets

7 years 267 days ago

What you are asking for is the base difficulty of the game to be at a tutorial level. Whereas in the final version of the game will have this included. Right now it seems unfair that it isn't new player friendly but it isn't supposed to be. If all power level content is designed around someone playing their first mission the game  will be a care bear disaster. When the game is released there won't be people jumping right into these missions, they will be doing the tutorial planets.

7 years 267 days ago
Airsick Hydra

"Many players complain and have complained that even investigation missions are too hard to complete, as they are the smartest way of starting a new character that is therefore what I did - Please see tips for new players for other tips. 

Would you please clarify what was exploited? - Making smart gear choices along with weapon selection in order to make life easier is exactly what I needed in order to prove that game is not broken nor impossible to beat."

Those a two "tools" to reduce difficulty that are not available to new players.

A new player will play with the starting gear, and he will play a random basic T1 mission, not a "special" investigation mission.

If he can't do much and experience frustrating encounters on easiest difficulty, he will ask for a refund.

The game should give a player all he needs to start playing (hence starting difficulty adapted to starting equipment).

A player should not have to go on a forum to know what stuff to replace (depending on the little money he have and the luck of what the shop will offer) and what is the easiest mission to start with.

Bad choice, either in stuff or in mission selection, should not occur on the starting difficulty.

Starting difficulty is for discovering, trying and learning, and have to allow some mistakes.

Punishing (or optimizing from the player pov) is for higher difficulties.

You wan't challenge? Fine, there are (will be) T2, 3, 4... missions for that.

Don't impose it starting from T1 difficulty.

7 years 269 days ago

That's just the point. Investigations are easy, all the time. The enemy density is significantly lower and there are very few elites. Now compare that to a mission on the rooftop tile in the same tier, which is not part of an investigation. Difficulty spike.

7 years 269 days ago

Talks about difficulty, plays an investigation mission to showcase - arguably the easiest missions currently available in the game - and to prove his point "it's not too difficult, it's just not balanced, you are doing it wrong when you can't manage to exploit balance properly like I do". One word: unnecessary... Addendum: usual.

You know why you have no subscribers? Your videos are just entitled hypocrisy which you are trying to wrap into some "you are bad but I can help you to get as good as I am" stuff, on top sprinkled with some shilling action "I got spicy leaks" so you potentially won't anger any mods while you are trying to promote your Youtube channel - which is forbidden in the forum rules.

Carry on.