Time for a rant on variation - With vid


This vid will be a talk through what I think to be currently missing from combat and what I look forward to seeing in future. I think we can guarantee Neocore has some tricks up their sleeves for this problem / issue. Can't wait to see it implimented! - Oh and new map / Co op tarrot footage included x

Emps be with us.

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Time for a rant on variation - With vid
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7 years 254 days ago

Yeah, that's a good point. I mostly make 2D games, so optimization is generally a non-issue for me. :P

7 years 255 days ago

"soon" - Optimisation is the very last piece of a games development im sorry to say. Otherwise you have to re optimise it every patch, which wastes countless hours of the devs time. Might be a little bit of a wait :)

7 years 255 days ago
Airsick Hydra

I've got a 960 GTX, so I'm ASSUMING that's not the issue, heh. Also running the game off an SSD. My CPU is a... i7-970, I think. Bit of an older model, but it's generally held up well to whatever I throw at it. Guess maybe it's age is finally starting to show... :P

Either way, I hope optimization is in the pipeline soon.

7 years 255 days ago

Well theres about 10 years worth of i7's so I guess it depends which one. Whats ur GPU? - All I can say is with an OC'd R1700 CPU and Rx480 (1360mhz) i'm not going below 30 in combat, and 40-50 most of the time otherwise. I think this is largely just optimisation issues and somehow the ryzen chip seems to deal with it fairly well...

As of yet no other chaos daemonic forces are / have been announced. Only nurgle. But we can expect champions and daemon princes :) (confirmed) among a few other scary things coming our way!


7 years 255 days ago
Airsick Hydra

Is it really all down to the CPU? I've got a quad-core i7 at 3.2 Ghz, and I only get above 20 FPS at the end of a mission once everything's dead. Rest of the time it's 11-15. REALLY hard to do much and do it well at that rate...

Anyway, cultists/daemons of the other three Chaos gods seem obvious choices for additional enemies. I would imagine something like Khorne forces being scary good in close-combat, so keeping your distance is ideal (unless you think you can take them, of course). Slaanesh stuff is probably pretty fast with a high crit chance, and Tzeentch of course is all about 'dem psykers. Summoning forcefields to shield them from your puny fire and shoot back at you with fireballs while cackling maniacally.

Some more undivided daemons would probably be good too. I think we're pretty good on the variety of actual cultists at this point, though more certainly can't hurt.

7 years 255 days ago

Get a good CPU - i'm running a poo poo Rx480 (mid range gpu) with all settings on max (except shadows off because there is no difference in visuals) but it stll runs a treat because its currently just a CPU stress test...... or just wait for optimization

Also please feel free to add your own view - mine is no less valuable than urs and I hope these vids stimulate discussion :)

7 years 255 days ago

Not gonna water down your personal opinion with adding my own but - what is necessary to get the game's performance to an equal level as shown in the video?