Thoughts of a noob


Greatings everyone.
Now i feel comfortable with sharing my thoughts with you. Feel free to disagree, as long as you do it constructively ;)

My Annoyance: (Some may have been leveled before but here goes)

- The camera; In general i like the camera, but i really would like a setting to have it on auto or slaved to look "forward".

- The inoculator magos; This guy feels odd, there might be more to him than i get, but the thing he offers from his stand, could just as well be handled in the inventory or in a separat menu.

- Movement speed; yes yes i know, this has been worked on, but it still feels off... slugish... maybe its just me and my hankering for big weapons.

- The slugishness of big weapons; Like movement speed this can be fixed and excelerated in late game yes. As a friend told me (regarding his marriage) "The journey is the adventure, not the destination". And you do spend a great deal of time in the early/midgame.

- Co-op; This really should have a menu/tab for it self, or maybe put it in with the pvp tab and call it socialize.

- The moving background; this might be a small problem to many, but i get easy motions sick, so just for me, can i have a button to just have it stand still?

- The cover system; tbh i just think this needs the brush up of time, it feels a bit slugish, and its hard to tell what can be shoot over/around, but hay alfa, i know.

My Delights

- Impactfull weapons; I cant remember the last time a bolter fealt that good to blow up nurgles with.

- Aesthetics; That is a goooood looking world, not that mutch to say there.

- Potential; This is a good game, in my humble opinion, and im sticking around to se how it turns out (so far so good Neocore)

My Hopes and Dreams:

- Psyker class; I will literally give my right testicle (and thats the big one!) for a chance to play a psyker class inquisitor.

- Augmentations; Im not saying im giving up my left testicle for augmentations as part of the character creation, im saying the right on is still on the table... 

There it is, my humble thoughts.
Behave plx, english is my 3rd language, there will be spelling errors.


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Thoughts of a noob
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7 years 170 days ago

>- Co-op; This really should have a menu/tab for it self, or maybe put it in with the pvp tab and call it socialize.

Reckon the general chat is gonna be busy as of tomorrow. I am playing 2 weeks, and did my first co-ops tonight. Hella fun. An LFG system might help?
>- Psyker class; I will literally give my right testicle (and thats the big one!) for a chance to play a psyker class inquisitor.
Check the dev video airsick posted. Prayers [To the God-Emperor] have been answered.