Things that are not CLEAR in game  


Thing like SUPPRESSION - there is no info about that in game ( like DEBUFF, BUFF or use it like this or that, help in THIS or THAT etc. ) for me when i play now its just 3 colour bar and its doing NOTHING 

Psykers Skills upgrades - there are upgrades but skills desc after change is not CLEAR ( no percentage or radical change of skill effect ) There is no different animation on upgraded skill, not even colour.

CD skills are not showed - like health "potion" when CD is active i need to put mouse arrow on it to check how long etc. 

There is loots of DATA like Stats, strange way to unlock skills by the achieves, different types of shield ( void, energy ) , Void anomalies ( cool thing ) BUT nothing is explained and players need to guess or read on game guides ( many ppl dont like this ) and with anomalies created because of Psykers skills this is GREAT lore friendly idea BUT you need to tell more in game about that ( not everyone is 40k fan :p )      

Skill points reset ( how can i reset skill points )

Mission progress - i played one week and until yesterday i didnt know that under my char window is small arrow that i need to click to go to NEXT CAMPAIGN MISSION :p i was doing randoms = this should be more clear and this arrow looks bad :/ better some nice 40k friendly button like skull or something 

Hope this things will help 



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Things that are not CLEAR in game  
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6 years 351 days ago
I know i can find everything SOMEWHERE :P but like in your description this is not easy ( fun ) to look for some buttons, i love complicated games with Lore that i can read after i finish my game but UI should be nice and clear plus lore friendly  ( colors , shape of the buttons etc. ) in the moment you need to look on wiki for some button that means something is made wrong. This is small thing ( not many scripts to change, more graphics ) but can change game play ( and ofc reviews and this important for launch of the game ) 
6 years 351 days ago

Helpful option for things on the UI interface that are difficult to notice.

How about a Reticle that would pulse on anything that has not been scrolled over or opened yet, much like the red notifier that pops up alerting you to inventory items that you have not looked at yet ?

There is a wiki/glossary in the game that explains a lot of things. I am not sure if you know about it ? Just trying to help =)

If you look at the bottom of your character screen the 3rd button from the right says "Journal" click that then look at the very top of the page that opens and on the far right top you will see a tab that says "Tutorials" and once you open that you will see 2 + signs for sub menus if you click the first one and or the second one the description of many of the effects in the game are explained in detail in there.

This comment was edited 6 years 351 days ago by Contavius