The unfortunate truth about tarrot / fate


I don't think anyone else will want to say or hear this but while the tarrot system is wonderful I do feel like there is a big issue with it in regards to group play.

Since the launch of the patch last week i've been able to play Tarrot missions more or less exclusively with a group of 4 players. We have found by rotating who is hosting there is an almost endless supply of fate in order to perpetuate this grind. My issue is that at no point in the last week have I felt like i've needed to do an ordinary mission or even an investigation, gearing has been very easy. I'm not sure entirely if this is a bug but we seem to be getting awarded fate for mission completion? - Not sure if this is intended.

- As a counter point I feel like for solo play tarrot / fate quantities are absolutely fine. 

Please don't hate me.

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The unfortunate truth about tarrot / fate
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7 years 271 days ago

i'm also prefer solo tarot missions, in this version they're mostly a real challenge

7 years 271 days ago

I hate you.

Nah, just kidding. :P But really, I'd guess either they haven't taken groups into account yet for that, or that's actually what they intended (but probably not). Scaling costs for groups seems like an easy fix.

7 years 271 days ago
Posted by Allerka 7 years 271 days ago

I hate you.

Nah, just kidding. :P But really, I'd guess either they haven't taken groups into account yet for that, or that's actually what they intended (but probably not). Scaling costs for groups seems like an easy fix.

I agree - it's a simple fix in principle but I guess the downside is then if a group of players want to go in a mission and one of them can't afford to go.... well RIP that friendship then because "EMPz NEiDZ MEH!" :D

7 years 271 days ago

Well not an issue for me, as lag is so bad in coop, I can't play in a group at this point. I'm assuming that's because I'm in NA and the alpha server is in EU.

7 years 271 days ago

They also have an american server apparently. Think one of the staff said about re verifying the game on steam might help?

7 years 271 days ago

As a primarily solo player i can see the concern this post raises. I find the fate rewards per tarot mission (even using an Hourglass card) would require me to do more than 4 solo missions to be able to craft another tarot thus making it a requirement to play regular missions in order to earn the fate needed.

For coop (Assuming you all agree to use an Hourglass card in each run) Shared tarot missions gives all party members enough fate to craft yet more tarot missions after only 4 missions i can see and would agree that the perpetual spiral of only grinding that 1 particular mission type for the best possible rewards becoming an issue with how artificer rewards are currently earnt.

Not entirely sure how to suggest a counter for this issue (if it is one that will persist). Suppose diminishing returns on fate ernt during tarot missions for how many squad members there are for the mission could be an answer.

This comment was edited 7 years 271 days ago by Ixxolos
7 years 270 days ago

No hate here Hydra. I understand the concern. They should only allow awards to the person who spent the fate. Then again I look at Diablo III's rift system and think well it's kinda the same thing as it is now.

7 years 267 days ago

Where is hate here? And the ABSOLUT LAST THING I WANT IS A DIABLO CLONE! I beg so much that this game is going i another direction then this unbeleaveable boring Diablo 3!