The Martyr: Chapter 2 ''Hunt for the Martyr''



I've recently started to play this again and have the objective The Martyr: Chapter 2 ''Hunt for the Martyr'' Talk to Omicron about Uther's Tarot. 

Omircron Arkh is also tied to another objective I have for Chaos Undivided ''The Enemy Below''.

I can't find Omicron Arkh anywhere on the Command Bridge, is there a fix for this please? Thank you!

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The Martyr: Chapter 2 ''Hunt for the Martyr''
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1 year 337 days ago

Mind sharing with me what platform you are using and your respective Steam name/PSN/Gamertag?

1 year 337 days ago

I will contact the system and tell them about the problem you are having. I hope that they will fix that problem soon.