The Game so far


So new to this game and i've got to say it has amazing potential. Few things i've noticed besides the normal early access fps grind.

1. My character and sometimes enemies falling off edges and sometimes being stuck under the map outside levels.  

2. Largely a camera issue with targeting enemies that are on turrets and instead targeting the turret and targeting the nurglings is somewhat hit or miss, literally. 

So the rest of this is just balancing issues i've personally had largely related to the assassin class. 

1. All of the armor abilities are not that useful, the clones don't draw away fire very often the distortion field possibly the best of the bunch when used as close quarters cc. the clock gets broken all the time, cant be used defensively and doesn't offer that much of a damage bonus though i commend you for giving it as a 6 second buff as apposed as first hit. 

2. survivability is pretty bad largely due to the fact that the enemy ranged units tear them to pieces as the assassin has no native defense capabilities besides the dodge roll, which while useful is only situationaly so.

3. The needler rifle is very weak and most DOTs are all but pointless. ark blade stuns don't work most of the time.

That's all i've got off the top of my head ill try to update when ive got more in depth information. 

Brothers take heed I have gained words of wisdom from our brave brother AirsickHydra who sent me his teachings over the vox.

Here is some footage and an in game talk through. It's fairly basic but hopefully it helps. (I'm low level but I do purchase some gear)

No matter what is said though, melee is harder than ranged by a long margin :) once you have some gear however it's a doddle, because imho gear scales far too much. Some +Physical protect stacked up turns you into a tank even as an assassin + Fabric distortion armour is essential.

This post was edited 7 years 258 days ago by ZetaFalcon
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The Game so far
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7 years 257 days ago

Glad it helped my friend :)

7 years 258 days ago
Airsick Hydra

Thank you for the great video Brother, ill be posting it at the top so others who come here can benefit from it.

7 years 258 days ago

Yes ill give the Crusader a shot in a bit.

7 years 258 days ago
Posted by ZetaFalcon 7 years 259 days ago

Thanks for the pointers Brother. I think i will shelve the melee assassin for now. Even with defensive items and use of cover the suppressing fire is too much. I would be interested to hear upon your tactics.

Here is some footage and an in game talk through. It's fairly basic but hopefully it helps. (I'm low level but I do purchase some gear)

No matter what is said though, melee is harder than ranged by a long margin :) once you have some gear however it's a doddle, because imho gear scales far too much. Some +Physical protect stacked up turns you into a tank even as an assassin + Fabric distortion armour is essential.

This comment was edited 7 years 258 days ago by Airsick Hydra
7 years 259 days ago

I've been playing melee assault crusader.  Set up his alternate weapons with pistols.  The 3 hours I have been purging in the Emperor's name have been downright amazing. 

7 years 259 days ago
Airsick Hydra

Thanks for the pointers Brother. I think i will shelve the melee assassin for now. Even with defensive items and use of cover the suppressing fire is too much. I would be interested to hear upon your tactics.

7 years 260 days ago

o/ welcome and good feedback brother :)

Couple things that might help you in your quest as the game lacks any form of tutorial / introduction. 

  • Shift Key shooting for nurglings - its basically "force fire" from diablo games. Might find it more efficient.
  • Wait till enemies start regenerating health faster then you can kill them, then the needler is the strongest weapon in the game! :D - Agree the dot is lack luster though.
  • Remember the game is supposed to revolve largely around a cover system, it's rough as assassin melee as balance is needed but make use of it because you are supposed to loose in fire fights without it (otherwise why use it right?)
  • For the melee assassin try a few defensive belt slot items, its a nice way to offset your weakness and remain viable.
  • Arc blade stuns will only work when an enemies "shield" (which is actually suppression) is empty, otherwise they are stun immune.

    Agree with much of the balance stuff

Emps protect!