The game isn't ready for launch.


I figured I'd try the test one last time before launch. I was doing a mission and found a turret that I couldn't control at all with my controller. That's actually a downgrade. They used to work, but the sensitivity was ridiculously high and you couldn't aim. Now some kinds don't even work at all. So I tabbed out to go look it up and see if it was just me, and if there was a fix. When I tried to tab back into the game I couldn't get it to and had to close it from the task manager and start the mission over. Is this the broken train wreck of an experience you want to give people at launch?

This post was modified 6 years 298 days ago by Morzan
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The game isn't ready for launch.
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6 years 298 days ago
william dutton
But if you are truly that unhappy about It id suggest a refund. Ive been in hundreds of betas and some come out polished and some dont. This game to me feels good and even in its current beta bug state I find it enjoyable
6 years 298 days ago

The current build and the release build are 2 separate things

6 years 299 days ago
Posted by Airsick Hydra 6 years 299 days ago
I think if we said that every beta that had bugs in it should not be released, then there goes 99% of future games. That's not to say there isn't an alarming amount of minor bugs within the game, thus far i've not had any major faults asside from the tarrot crash. 

As for there being another version of the game? Well yes there is. It's how they push patches forwards. They work on an internal build then replace ours with theirs. As far as I know that's happening tomorrow, so we shall see then how many bugs are left on the wall. 

Ofc the live build does not get updated to the dev version every minute,

but I doubt the current dev version is that much better than the live version.

And yes, riding on that old argument again, betas tend to have bugs, but not tons of gamebreaking bugs,
and by all means, if you're halfway professional, you test stuff before it goes live.
The mouse issue was a big no-go, and honstely idk if it even has been resolved.
And there were a few more things that looked like no one ever tested them, which is a frightening prospect for a game.
How is the overall stability? ...ALT-TABbing? ...the turret bugs that made them completely unusable?

I would have loved to test things myself and see if some of the more serious bugs are fixed already,
but the timing they picked is pretty unfortunate, and with the grindy nature of the game, I am definitely not burning 100h+ played just to test things and have everything wiped on the release date.

6 years 299 days ago
I think if we said that every beta that had bugs in it should not be released, then there goes 99% of future games. That's not to say there isn't an alarming amount of minor bugs within the game, thus far i've not had any major faults asside from the tarrot crash. 

As for there being another version of the game? Well yes there is. It's how they push patches forwards. They work on an internal build then replace ours with theirs. As far as I know that's happening tomorrow, so we shall see then how many bugs are left on the wall. 

6 years 299 days ago
Funny how people keep trying to teach everyone what a beta is and simply ignore all else,

ignorance must be really bliss. -.-

This game, no matter how you call the state it is in, is not ready for launch, full stop.

Say there is a secret, much further developed version of the game, that the devs are working on,
and that is in no way comparable to the beta that was just released... do you guys even think about the stuff you write before you post it?!

6 years 300 days ago
The purpose for Beta is to help the developers find out what isn't working while they continue to work diligently to finish the game. If you're expecting things to be perfect in the Beta, then you'll be dissatisfied every time you participate in a Beta (regardless of the game).  Play the game, find a bug - document it (cause & effect), provide some system stats (cpu, gpu, etc) - as to determine if it may be hardware/software related.  If Bug-hunting is not in your interest, then just wait until the Final Release.  The Beta also gives you the opportunity to experience the game as it grows from its infancy - and possibly allows you to contribute to it by adding your feedback/suggestions.

"An empty mind is like unto a freshly turned sod; if not sown with the seeds of love, duty and honor, the insidious weeds of heresy will take root" - Prefect Xavier Lanate

6 years 300 days ago
I think(hope) the problems is only a 0.8 beta problems.

Not represent the full 1.0 game!!!
If the game 1.0 version and a 0.8 version same bugs and same optimalization problems they delay a pc release.
They think a Pc version is good to launch this is enough for me.

They said a beta and full game seperated development!
Alpha, Beta is a data and information collecting!

6 years 300 days ago
The game is ready for launch. It's in a playable state. Sure it has alot of bugs and performence issues but I'm 100% sure it will be launched at the 5th ^^.
6 years 301 days ago
I would have to agree. This game is nowhere near ready for launch. Game is far too laggy/choppy, there are still the odd graphical stutterings, ALT+TAB murders the game 8 out of 10 times. Would hate for this game to fail, cause people get into a game, that feels like playing a stop-motion picture. Rather have the release pushback, and get a decent release, to make sure we get a community going :)
6 years 301 days ago
Posted by Tao12345 6 years 301 days ago

It's amazing how many people there here are trying to educate everyone on what terms like this mean and what not.

Sorry, but I do know what I am talking about, spare that biased lecture for someone who welcomes it.

I am not confusing anything here, as you can read even in these forums, even stability of some game parts is still an issue, then there is that mouse thingy and a few other bugs that definitely 1.) not belong into a beta 2 weeks before release (!) 2.) should have been fixed right away.
If you look more closely at the differences between "alpha" and "beta", you may even realize some things did not change to the better,
some are questionable, like caius thorns animated portrait in missions,
some may be concerning, like the general drop in performance and stability,
some may be philosophical in nature, like the removal of the account level (I for instance say it's a pretty bad change)...
But in general, the direction of the game is not promising, and it is nowhere close to where a game 2 weeks before launch should be.
And no matter how you try to define and use terms to your liking, there is no way to talk around this.

And you clearly missed the purpose and intention of an open beta.
And regarding leveraging this developement approach, you "knowing" or "assuming" the players have an outdated version for beta testing, and especially you using this as an excuse... clearly shows that you do not understand what you try to teach here.

I am not making any excuses. I am just telling you how the industry works from my personal experience. Making it an open beta would do little to improve the game this close to release anyway and, in truth, if the game is as bad as you think it is, an open beta would hurt potential sales for the release version. You have already stated your opinion, no one is confused here.
6 years 301 days ago
Posted by Hiero Glyph 6 years 301 days ago

A beta is any game that is stable and has enough content to properly 'play' the build. You need to stop confusing open beta with demo which is what many recent titles have done. Betas have bugs, lots of them. This is perfectly normal and often the build that players have is several iterations behind what the developers are using. Feel free explain what betas you are basing your opinion on though; I think it will explain quite a few things if you are honest about it.

It's amazing how many people there here are trying to educate everyone on what terms like this mean and what not.

Sorry, but I do know what I am talking about, spare that biased lecture for someone who welcomes it.

I am not confusing anything here, as you can read even in these forums, even stability of some game parts is still an issue, then there is that mouse thingy and a few other bugs that definitely 1.) not belong into a beta 2 weeks before release (!) 2.) should have been fixed right away.
If you look more closely at the differences between "alpha" and "beta", you may even realize some things did not change to the better,
some are questionable, like caius thorns animated portrait in missions,
some may be concerning, like the general drop in performance and stability,
some may be philosophical in nature, like the removal of the account level (I for instance say it's a pretty bad change)...
But in general, the direction of the game is not promising, and it is nowhere close to where a game 2 weeks before launch should be.
And no matter how you try to define and use terms to your liking, there is no way to talk around this.

And you clearly missed the purpose and intention of an open beta.
And regarding leveraging this developement approach, you "knowing" or "assuming" the players have an outdated version for beta testing, and especially you using this as an excuse... clearly shows that you do not understand what you try to teach here.

This comment was edited 6 years 301 days ago by Tao12345
6 years 301 days ago

A beta is any game that is stable and has enough content to properly 'play' the build. You need to stop confusing open beta with demo which is what many recent titles have done. Betas have bugs, lots of them. This is perfectly normal and often the build that players have is several iterations behind what the developers are using. Feel free explain what betas you are basing your opinion on though; I think it will explain quite a few things if you are honest about it.

6 years 301 days ago
Posted by Marcopolocs 6 years 301 days ago
The reason behind the beta update was to collect feedback and polish the game by fixing the bugs until the release. The issue of the turret has been added to our list and we are working on it. This goes for the ALT+TAB option too.

If that was your intention, you should have either made it open beta, or schedule it in any somewhat intelligent way.

I for myself am not playing in this "beta" as 2 wipes in 2-3 weeks makes very little sense.

You know the game is grindy in nature, and if you'd want some thorough testing (which is not... at all, not by any means, no way happening due to those decisions of yours), then you would have either planned more than 3 weeks for a complete beta, which, regarding the "polished" state of this game is ridiculously tiny, or made it open beta, which would have likely got you more attention from players also, and some free load testing on top.

The single most reason someone does not go open beta, is that the game is actually still an alpha, or bugged beyond anything you could show to the public.

Honestly, I did play a few hours in this "beta", and I played a lot more before, and from what I can tell, this is still an alpha,
and on top of that, the dev team seems to have entered that "bad design decisions road" in that you might get lost if you either never had a clear vision of the game to start with, or a recent bad course of developement lowered your confidence to a point where you start to question your own decisions for no reason and then panic and attempt to "get things right" but this road almost always ends with a very solid dead end wall that the game is crashed into, never to recover.

I've seen that one too many times, I really hope it's not going to happen here as well.

Good god, someone please show that "the count"-guy a site for learning english, that's on a scale I've only seen so far by hardcore trolls who intentionally write that way to maximize their ..."trolling"....
seriously, unreadable

This comment was edited 6 years 301 days ago by Tao12345
6 years 301 days ago
No. It's Beta. It's hard to calculate reliable release day, for the 3 platform and with constant pressure from publishers and players.

If Snakefist was asked, he'd said straight Q318, without specifying anything - that He said deep into 2017. But it of course depends would Mighty Snakefist actually had that power to make such bold claim and keep up to it. If strongly financially dependent, probably no. 

Even first 2 seasons are probably stuff which was meant to be included on launch, but couldn't make it in time...

And about Blizzard... (notorious fan of D2 and the person who hates D3 so passionately) - who remembers the launch precisely? Snakefist does, it was May 15th and he took his precious vacation to play what he meant to be a great moment in ARPG history... Unconnectable... Bad balance... Game-breaking bugs... for like 4 months. 

Snakefist would forgive all of that, but! "We have to restructure the game heavily. We won't do ANYTHING on your 60eur game in next 11 months, afterward we'll make an Expansion (more like a DLC, or patch even - those things were broken). Oh, yes, you'll have to pay 40eur - we will supposedly fix vanilla too, but left it unplayable. 

With all the resources... 12 million copies... 720 million eur/$ (ok, not that much but compare it to NeoCore funds). With that resources, they could like double the team and bring Brevik, Schaeffer brothers and Snakefist - 4 persons who know the most about D2, and create a perfect game.

Including Snakeself may be to arrogant (but isn't considering his general attitude toward understanding of the matter in D2 - things did right and with rationale were left to RNG and uncontrolled in D3 - whatabout 70%/700% CC/CD? Not doing crit is a failure, instead crit being a reward; in D2 numbers were like 50% or 100% for CD%, and 10% or 25% for CC%. Which are better controlled? Yet Blizzard invents trifecta and brakes itemization, etc... Of all that Snakefist was aware soon as the mechanic was revealed)

Back to the topic - better bug in Beta, then in final game. There will be bugs at launch. Every game has them. And some of greatest hits had them for 15 months and required extortion money to fix them...

6 years 301 days ago
The reason behind the beta update was to collect feedback and polish the game by fixing the bugs until the release. The issue of the turret has been added to our list and we are working on it. This goes for the ALT+TAB option too.
6 years 302 days ago
Posted by Xolukeh 6 years 302 days ago
What an interestingly worded bug report... oh wait.

Instead of being so god damn entitled why dont you report the bugs up to the devs and be useful instead of creating a winging thread?

You are right, we dont want a broken game and OBVIOUSLY the devs don't want a broken game, it is beyond ridiculous to even suggest such a thing. 

So help them make a great game and report the bug. Don't cry about it.

Mainly because I already have multiple times. I tried the game again today and oh look that bug where explosions blow holes in the map and let you see under the map is still here. That bug has been here since I started over a year ago and I've reported it multiple times as well. How about not making random assumptions about complete strangers and then being rude to them based on the behavior of this bizarre fantasy version of them you've created?

This comment was edited 6 years 302 days ago by Bitskrieg
6 years 302 days ago
To want to be able to get through an hour of play with no major technical problems isn't expecting wonders. It's expecting the very basics.
6 years 302 days ago

at my point of view is al okay. why?that my reasons:


I have many eraly acces games behind me. the gratest desaster was etharnel crusade, they make nothing of that what they say and i have give them 120€.. for nothing. at that point i looked to the publisher/game studio.

i see the first time martyr, hmmm, t mean 2years agoe and bevor i sayed "ok i will founder it" i have a critikal look at hear early games and bye me one of the van helsing tittel on a sale.

at that point i know: okay the games what they make, are good ones, no terrribel bugs and there is love for the details in it.


i see that neocore is a littel company and with that knowing i expect no wonders. they are no blizzard team that have so mutch resources, but with the time they will make there job.

because of that i dont know how mutch time presiur they have to komplete the game at release.

when the game is not perfekt at release its okay for me (!), because i know they will spent more time in the game to make it... hihi... grate again^^ hihi.. hrr sorry^^. no realy. i dont no what state it will have next week. but for me is it totaly okay. its a littel company in comarison to others, but they make there work.


they will make that frequently events, what is a good think, with that will be the game from event to eventbigger, will bring you more kontent and enjoyabel for me.

not like other games. not long agoe i played diablo. and for a short time it was an realy good game. but at one point it was terribel booring. it was quik on that point that i have my gear, at max lvl. at that i think: ok ENDGAME, LET AS HAVE FUN!... but there was only one: boring experinces ! you make all day the same shit... hunting grater rifts for a better quality of my things that i have. to make higher tiers of the rift, to have better quality of the gear i have, to make a grater tier rift...and so on...

it was terribel boring shi.... , than i say okay... seasons.. that is the same boring shi...

i say: okay... make different thing and look for other way to play it... like i used other skills of my char. but than i mustsea the game give me no chance to make higher tiers, i MUST USE sets in combination with other gear to make higher tears.. its boring for me.

so long tale. but the point: in martyr i sea at this state of the game, more nices change at that trippel A titel caled diablo3.

okay, maybe it is next week not perfekt finished. but it will be a grate game. i have there trust in neocore, because i have see the van hellsing final cut and the love in the game, and i know what they make with martyr in the future. and it feels FOR ME(!) good.

6 years 302 days ago
What an interestingly worded bug report... oh wait.

Instead of being so god damn entitled why dont you report the bugs up to the devs and be useful instead of creating a winging thread?

You are right, we dont want a broken game and OBVIOUSLY the devs don't want a broken game, it is beyond ridiculous to even suggest such a thing. 

So help them make a great game and report the bug. Don't cry about it.