The Game doesnt save


When i log in do something and then log out nothing is saved, except creating or deleting characters. Havent played a long time and just reinstalled the game on my new PC.

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The Game doesnt save
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7 years 258 days ago

But only on the new Account the old either gets network error or is still reseting.

7 years 258 days ago

Created an new account. now everything works. 

7 years 258 days ago this is basicly my problem. But it was said that an Patch fixed it 2 years ago.

7 years 258 days ago

Yes, I've had chars that revert to lvl 1 as well; usually I create a new char and do 1-3 lvls in Adventure Mode, so before any restart those chars should be ~4-9.

Try logging out and spending a few hours in offline mode with some fresh chars, note down any diffences seen - there will be some, even disregarding any crash/reversions - check all onscreen details, NPC/Quest payouts, etc.

7 years 259 days ago

Even selling all items on all chars doesnt solve this.

7 years 259 days ago

To test this i created a new char, then lvled him to lvl 2 and exited after reaching the town.(normal exit no crash)Then i log out. When i log in again the character is lvl 1 again. Its reproducible on my side with both PC i have. 

7 years 259 days ago

Based on my testing, the bug is most likely triggered by one of at least 2 types of crash, which are most likely to be triggered by a 'quick' click to use a portal or exit. Pausing for 2-3 seconds before clicking does seem to greatly reduce the chances of a crash.

Why it gets stuck I'm not sure, it seems to be restricted to the online game only, therefore connection and the online server are most likely where the problem lies. My guess is that it's a server bug.

Working around this on the online game is difficult, sometimes it's because the crash (and/or *something* happening later) causes a duplication bug, only finding/selling those duped items will 'fix' it.

Other 'causes' appear to be down to *some item(s)* in the Inventories of VH and/or Lady K. Selling the items that appear in the inventories at startup often fixes the 'bug', though often it's only temporary, as once a char is 'infected' (happens for new chars/accounts from lvl 4-14, in my testing), it usually happens again after 1-4 levels.

Transferring the 'bugged' dupes, or the 'bugged' Inv items, to another char seems to transfer the bug to the other char!

7 years 259 days ago

Even a newly created character has this issue.