The Future of Martyr:

Seasonal Journey & New Class



We're proud to announce that the Seasonal Journey is now available on PC (Steam) for Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor - Martyr.

The Seasonal Journey is the culmination of all the work of past years and all the free updates we've added to the game. This new feature makes all seven previously released Seasons available at the same time for everyone (for free of course) in preparation for the upcoming offline mode. You are now able to pick a Season on the character creation screen from the very first fire-centric Season of Inferno to the most recent ones and create a Seasonal character for that particular Season.

The Seasonal Journey, including the yet unreleased PC exclusive Season 6 and 7, is coming soon to consoles as well. 

That's not all, we have a pretty cool surprise for today! You have enjoyed the Sororitas Class as much as we did, and this enthusiasm has inspired us to create something new for Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor - Martyr.

We are happy to announce that a new class DLC will be available later this year, namely, the Hierophant Class! You will assume the role of an Inquisitor who can call in multiple acolytes to form a squad. Use your faith and authority to inspire your acolytes to carry out the Emperor's will, manage them like a true leader, and teach the Imperium's truth to all the heretics in the Caligari sector!

We will reveal more details in the time leading up to the release, we hope you will like the new features and abilities!

This post was edited 1 year 57 days ago by Tender
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The Future of Martyr: Seasonal Journey & New Class
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318 days ago
Hi! No specific timeframe yet that we could communicate, but it's in the works, and our plan to bring it to consoles as well! Thank you kindly for your patience.
318 days ago
Xbox here , when will this patch be out for xbox ? I've been waiting patiently . Thanks 
364 days ago
Will the Hierophant be able to use the neural whip who was previously announced for the sisters ? i was really looking forward to it.
1 year 37 days ago
I'd love to see Necrons, Orks, Tau as well in an expansion besides a new class. :)
1 year 45 days ago
Astropaths predict hundreds of new chars named Eisenhorn...
1 year 49 days ago

Can i use Soritas Weapons as a Crusader ?

1 year 54 days ago
Hey! They are locked to the season, yes
1 year 55 days ago
I'm also curious if a seasonal character can be converted to a non seasonal character. Or is the character just locked in that season for good. 
1 year 55 days ago
Can you explain small thing as I just returned and never played seasons? If I make season character from start he will be forever locked in that season or he can be transferred to regular campaign and than go on another season? Does it work similar for already created non season characters?

Lets say I have character, do season and than use same one to do another season?

1 year 55 days ago

Hey, you can't change seasons after you have created a character for a specific season. We know jumping between all the seasons sounds fun, but pulling it off technically and dealing with the balancing issues would be tremendously hard.

We still hope you will have plenty of fun with having access to all the seasons from now, as this is staying as a permanent feature. :)

1 year 56 days ago
Posted by StaticYeti 1 year 56 days ago

If u type in the search bar and filter for warhammer, there is a post from a moderator or developer with the discord link that you can click. 

1 year 56 days ago

If u type in the search bar and filter for warhammer, there is a post from a moderator or developer with the discord link that you can click. 

1 year 56 days ago
Thanks, will search for it. If you can can you check name of server?
1 year 56 days ago
Can't post it since it's a link. It's saying the link is not allowed lol. Could probably Google it the name of the server is Warhammer: 40k Inquisitor. Think I found it from steam a whole ago. 
1 year 56 days ago
Posted by StaticYeti 1 year 57 days ago
I think I read on the discord chat them saying that once a character is on that season it stays on that season. So can't have a character swap from season to season. I could be mistaken. 
Can you please provide me with link to their discord server? Under media here on site there is everything except discord.
1 year 56 days ago
This is big question for me. You are adding offline mode on top of everything as addition for players who want it or you are removing online mode and we wont be able to play with others and game will just be offline?
1 year 57 days ago
I think I read on the discord chat them saying that once a character is on that season it stays on that season. So can't have a character swap from season to season. I could be mistaken. 
1 year 57 days ago
Just wanted to let you know, YOU'RE FUCKING AWESOME!!!
1 year 57 days ago
I have a question about Seasonal Journey.  It says I can pick a season at character creating and play that season, but can I change seasons?  If I am playing a season is there a menu I can open and pick a different season play it for a bit then pick another season or return to the first season I was playing, or is that character locked to that season?
1 year 57 days ago
Oh sweet. I'm excited to play some seasons that I have missed out on. Thanks! 
1 year 57 days ago
I admit, it's a bit of a surprise, I did not expect the Spanish Inqui... I mean, a new class. So we're getting the ecclesiarchy, that looks like fun! Just finished a Rogue Trader playthrough with a dogmatic RT having the ecclesiarchy background - interesting coincidence!

So are you Neocore guys planning to add something more with this new addition? New maps? Necrons? Tau? Orks? Or will it be just the new class?

While you're at it, please add mech missions to the random missions deployment. Why exclude them from the enemy roster? And you could add a heap of tech fragments specifically to the mech missions - it would make sense thematically and having additional 100k - 200k fragments per mech mission would really help.

1 year 57 days ago
Dear Neocore, you rock.

Thanks for your great work. 

1 year 57 days ago

That is truly a suprise,  the idea of this class sounds interesting. 

Would this new class bring some new stories as well? 

Keep up the good work guys.

This comment was edited 1 year 57 days ago by Distemper
1 year 57 days ago
Amazing, can't wait to try the Hierophant class! The Tech Adeptus class has been awesome Prophecy has been an outstanding journey , keep up the work guys !