tarrot mission


Tonight after finish tarot mission i got only credits - no exp, no fate, no items

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tarrot mission
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6 years 313 days ago
Posted by Skydance 6 years 313 days ago

I play solo

No idea then sry mate

6 years 313 days ago

I play solo

6 years 313 days ago

Did you team up with someone who has a rating higher then 1000 and yours is below 1000? because this results in no loot for the guys under 1000 rating. Oh yeah there are those funny guys who lfg for people under 1k rating while they are above 1k rating so ppl lose fate. Nice scam btw ^^.

6 years 314 days ago

It wasn't per chance the implant one was it? I did that one early this morning and got all crafting components according to the box...however, when I checked my inventory I had a purple injector and a purple main implant as well as the crafting components added to my craftier.