Tabbing in and out problem


1 problem I come across is the tabbing out of the game in full screen mode and I would do so to change music or do something on my second monitor. When I click back on the game it does nothing, but when I click the games icon on the task bar it would then let me resume to play the game.

It should just resume the game play when I click the actual game on the first monitor instead of clicking the actual task bar icon.

Also the game has crashed my entire PC 2 times now when playing and I don't know why. 

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Tabbing in and out problem
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7 years 86 days ago

Yeah well I still would prefer the idea of a fix around for it since it's ideal for me and how I like to play most games. Let's see if they come up with a solution to this.

7 years 102 days ago

Full screen mode is not the best in any game, most won't let you go to the second screen at all. I always play in border-less mode.