TAA and Frame Blending cause graphical bugs


(I originally posted this on the Steam forum under Technical Support about two years ago, but since it never got a reply and these bugs still exist today, I should repost it here)

While sitting in the hub messing with graphic settings, I noticed that two of them are causing different graphical errors when they're turned on and off.

Turning Temporal Anti-Aliasing on causes transparency problems. You can see through some objects like the backside of monitors and the container holding Thorn. Bloom is also noticeably decreased when TAA is off, for some reason. Here are comparison images for both:

Frame Blending on the other hand causes some lights to not work, like the little red light on this object, among others in the hub:

Additionally, if you disable Frame Blending then it seems like you lose out on some shading, as you can see on the skull in the comparison below. Also note the strange transparency (?) around the bars when Frame Blending is on:

So whether you turn these two settings on or off, you're losing out on something. No combination of settings seems to get you the best of both worlds.

Side note, could we get an option for SMAA? I don't like TAA, it blurs too much, but without it the game has a lot of noticeable jaggies (and also the problem of less bloom effects..).

This post was edited 2 years 27 days ago by Zach Fett
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TAA and Frame Blending cause graphical bugs
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2 years 26 days ago
I'm sorry but graphical improvements won't be implemented into the PC version of the game in the upcoming period.