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- Suggestions (so far)
Alright folks,
Been playing a fair bit, great so far. One problem I am finding is getting stuck on mobs when trying to kite. In Path of Exile for example you can set your left click just to be movement rather than an attack, stopping the problem with getting caught on mobs when trying to kite back. The more I think about it, I can't help but feel that the control system would suit a WASD set up much better. That way you could be aiming, while moving together and still have full control of your aim. Rather than when you are moving backwards having to keep clicking behind you then shooting forward.
Let me know what you think
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Alright folks,
Put a few more hours in, and I have a few more suggestions as far as movement/combat. If the plan is to only have 2 combat skills per weapon (or 4 for two handers ps. not complaining), then the cool down on the aoe skill (default set to right click) needs to be as quick as the single target (default left click). I appreciate that its following pre-determined ARPG functionalities, but in order to fit with the lore he needs to be reaping with that sword.
I've been messing around with ranged quite a bit (tried out heavy bolter/plasma & sword & bolt gun) and it feels quite awkward kiting back and having to turn around, a more fluid movement allowing for run and gun again would fit with the lore. This fits in with my earlier point about WASD - I feel the movement should be purely WASD. The mouse should be free to aim and shoot while you run/walk backwards; rather than being stopped when you click on a target.
Let me know what you think guys, these are in no way criticisms I just fear the game might sway heavily to ARPG laws in terms of combat representation, rather than a more fluid feeling of a super soldier.
- WASD is supposed to work, but it's buggy atm. It's fixed on our end already so next patch will contain the fix
- Stuck mobs is being worked on at the moment, hopefully it'll get fixed soon too.
Very good idea!
Thinking of it now it would probably help a lot in movement and combat fluidity.
Set this current order state as My default.