Suggestions for matry


1.Exp per kill instead of only gaining exp for completing missions. It just seems odd to keep collected loot but get no exp when you fail.

2.Removal of gas chambers or lowering the damage of the poison so you dont die in about 10 seconds trying to figure how to get out of it.

3. Lowering heat gained on heat generating weapons. Melta over heats to fast in heavy combat. 

4.Removing crafting time or keeping the time to craft 20 mins or below. i feel this kinda game and time gates of any kind just messes with the experience and funfactor.

5.Lower cds this is essentially a horde kill game cds especially long cds are unneeded itd be better to link to a regenerating resource or if nothing else keeping all cds below 4 seconds so you dont have a big downtime before you can fight the large groups or the nasty massive regen mobs.

This post was edited 7 years 263 days ago by Amondus
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Suggestions for matry
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7 years 263 days ago

1 - Agree with 

2 - Think a slight delay to taking damage (+1-2 second) is fine. They are easy to see tbh when you see the doors close.
3 - Yup some heat weapons need a tweak

4 - I'm hopeful that in the tech tree part we can (as we level) lower timers slightly. Personally I like them tho, keeps the game focused on grinding content and not min/maxing gear by crafting 100 items.
5 - Personally I like the CD system, it makes more sense considering they are weapons and not abilities. It's pretty standard within weapon based skill systems, whereas mana is based on abilities tied to a character. Makes the weapons more unique too by having more pros and cons.

just my views. Keep up the good work soldier :D

7 years 263 days ago
Airsick Hydra

thx for the feedback on my feedback. i gotta say doesnt it make more sense not to have a cd on a weapon than an ability sense basically it works on an ammo system and these guys are pros so readying anything wouldnt take them long to do? thats really my basis of saying 4 seconds or less for a cd sense thats the longest id think it would take a pro to ready special ammo/shots.

In regard to point 2 im still unsure how to deal with the gas chambers ive tried destroying the door which did nothing but remove the health bar, and its inconsistant what happens when you die to gas chambers. sometimes itll keep respawning you in the chamber only to die again other times you spawn outside chamber but if there were enemies in the chamber it remains locked. i just think minimum the damage needs to be cut down. 

7 years 263 days ago

Re doors its a bug, they should open when you kill them. Then the gas goes and huzzah you get to live!

Re abilities the system you describe can work in games, no doubt. It's used by most MMO's etc and some arpgs. But on other games like guild wars etc that go for weapon based abilities its often cool down related. I think its because it gives the opportunity to have a continually fluid pace of combat with consistent peaks and lows instead of spikes of damage as a player empties their "resource" to dump dps, then boring bits while it recharges. Instead it makes a more constant and rhythmical "flow"

The best eg I can think of is taking the two sniper rifles the exitus and the standard rifle.

  • The standard rifle clears trash much faster with its right click on a 1.5 second cooldown, it's "rhythmn" is therefore much faster at this clearing when it comes to taking out nurlings. This becomes part of the weapons playstyle and identity. 
  • On the flip side the exitus has a 3 second cooldown for its aoe attack, which makes it slower than the above rifle and again, adds to the "character" of the weapon you are using by making it weaker at something. Basically a 1.5 second difference makes the two weapons "feel" very different. whereas if they just had different mana usages they would play exactly the same, but one would run out of mana first which really doesn't feel varied to the player.

In summary I think the cooldown model is to make each weapon have their own rhythmn and playstyle rather than allowing multiple weapons to be played the same way. I think mana spending is fine for games too, but without the cooldowns a lot of the current weapons would blur together and really be no different in play style. - That's just how i see it anyway.

You are very welcome for the feedback on your feedback and thank you for the feedback you gave on my feedback for your feedback. 

7 years 263 days ago
Airsick Hydra

Is the doors regenerating health also part of the bug cuz i really went ham with all my cds just to destroy it and than die lol?

Atm i use the needler rifles exclusively and personally i like aoe and dots the needle blast skill is my favorite in the game so far but its an 8 second cd between when i can wipe trash and do moderate dot to strong enemies in this game where im often fighting upwards of 30 enemies at a time gunning or running to cut me down. I feel thats too long a gap between when i have any aoe to use at all in a horde kill game. Like you said the standard rifle is 1.5 second cd for mowing down trash with the explosive shot. Explosive shot has half the aoe size and greater burst but, needler blast has quadruple the cd less burst and a 5 second dot. In 8 seconds of fighting only using explosive shot explosive shot will do far far more damage even considering the dot. So i feel a 4 second cd would make needler blast more competitive with explosive shot while allowing people like me who just want to spec for and exclusively use a single weapon type not to be gimped later on.

i could argue that just adding more aoe to the other skills would also solve that problem but, than if every skill is aoe we would run into the lack of variety problem your speaking of. So i just feel lower overall cds solves the issue while allowing people to use the weapon or weapons they prefer adequately.

7 years 262 days ago

Door health thing i'm not sure on, but I haven't seen any regenerate myself so I would assume it's a bug and you have some bad luck :D 

Re your comments on weapons the way I see it is this - Every weapon has some limitations right now, every weapon has something that feels slightly weak and underpowered (some more than others granted) - But it's not in the games best interest to have every weapon viable for every situation. In fact having strengths and weaknesses in a game where you carry two weapons I think is important. 

Taking the needle rifle for eg. Yes if you made the AOE on a 3 second cooldown it would make the weapon much greater. But it would also remove the need to ever use any other weapon. As it stands at the moment when I carry it I also carry a regular sniper so I can compensate for it's lack of aoe clear with the ordinary sniper rifle's aoe. That's just my view at least.

7 years 261 days ago
Airsick Hydra

My thing is assuming the devs logically care about variety so they put in the easy weapon swap and encourage incombat swapping sure that could be the idea behind it. End of the day people are going to use one weapon the one that they specced into the most, and really people who dont swap at all is another variety of player, so why not have reasonable cds across all weapons so people like me who only want to use one weapon and only that weapon can do so. Really if we can be brutally honest about it cds is the lazyman's answer to balancing, guns dont get tired between bullets and its not gonna take 8-13 seconds for these pros to reload in a deadly combat scenario. 

7 years 261 days ago

Re not being able to change weapons and fire instantly, I think it was a smart choice because the concept of shooting ability 12-swap-12-swap-34-swap-34 is probably less "warhammer" than the concept of having to wait a few seconds after pulling a weapon out from behind your back. Although you can put perk points into making this easier if that's your wish.

We will have to disagree that cooldowns are "lazy" - To me they mean there is a constant rhythm during combat rather than spikes and falls in damage and there is therefore more focus on the action and enemies, rather than how you are executing your combos. It's two different styles of game, one of them makes your look at your character 90% of the time, the other suits looking at enemies 90% of the time. Mmo's for eg thrive on mana usage because while you are standing still for 30 seconds doing bugger all in a boss fight, you have to give a player something to entertain them.

Granted D3/PoE went for ability pools like "rage" and "mana" but this is because they wen't for ability based combat and character abilities rather than weapon abilities. But again, keeping your eyes fixed mostly on your character and how awesome your moves look. The downside to their system is in 90% of cases if not 100% you run up to a pack of enemies, press a buff button then continue to spam 1 other button until the enemy is dead. Clearly this is something that the devs wanted to move away from and didn't feel it would suit the game. This is obviously personal preference but 1 button arpg's bore me. I'd rather have 4 buttons that actually get used repeatedly even if they don't feel entirely suited to the fight.

As for guns not using cool-downs, fair enough. But neither do they use mana, rage, spirit or juice :D comparing games to real life is never a good idea because ultimately games have rules to control variables and make things more enjoyable. 

I'd return to my original statement that in weapon-loadout based games there is really only two options, something like guild wars 2 - where its basically the same as a cooldown system but using a very simple rescouce that might let you use an ability 2-3 times but ultimately having to use combos anyway, or just using weapon cooldowns so players can focus on the action :)

This is just my view on the topic. Enjoy the debate :)

7 years 260 days ago
Airsick Hydra

In regard to the cooldowns, you are aware having a strong skill on cd is absolutely gonna cuz both a spike and fall at same time. I mean just being able to spam a strong skill over and over is obviously gonna have the least falls and spikes, spikes when you begin falls when you stop or everything is dead. For rhythm i mean either way theres a rhythm cooldowns or not. With cooldowns its like Bang pew pew pew pew Bang, no cooldowns itd be BANG BANG BANG BANG like pops on the wayans show. 

I get rules and all that but video games are escapism whatever anyone does in a video game to truly be entertaining should be beyond what a real person is capable off, what really suspends the disbelief someone may experience seeing such is the context of the game itself. Its superhuman/magical to carry or summon 50 giant missiles your firing from a hand held missile launcher. Context of the game they have implants, gene splicing, etc, my disbelief is suspended cuz its fits in universe, im entertained. Guy gets disemboweled heals back 5 seconds, guy in question has a mutation used a regen fluid, etc. My disbelief is suspended im entertained. Professional assassins/alien defense force eat 80 bullets keep it moving. Survive 4 nuclear warheads point blank keep it moving. Reload a full 30+ bullet clip into a sniper rifle in 1.5 seconds keep it moving. Take 8 seconds to put another canister/ special bullet into what is likely a separate compartment on the same gun. Whoa and disbelief has commenced these guys were superhuman/supernatural in everything except a special bullet/canister on high tech weaponry. 

Neocore clearly is a competent company, they can come up with a new way to handle weapon systems. Heres my idea no cooldowns or minimal at worst. Aoe and charge up skills use slightly more ammo in the clip like 2-5 bullets. Rhythm maintained cooldowns reasonable or nonexistant.

7 years 260 days ago

This is just down to personal preference I guess but in a game where you "dump" a rescource. You might have a 400 damage attack like aimed shot, lets say you can spam that 4x before you have to "recharge" - After this you would have to use something less effective while you wait for your mana to regain. Then repeat. So if you visualised it as a sound wave (the dps) you could have very dense areas of damage followed by very sparse damage. Whereas granted on a cooldown version there still peaks and lows, but they are drawn out and spread through / along the timeline. 

While I understand that it might suit some players tastes, I never enjoyed builds in diablo and poe where a player ultimately has 1 aoe ability they will spam in packs and 1 single target they might spam in boss fights, or worse.. 1 button which they just hold down, pressing the occasional heal or reactionary defence. That's really what an arpg would naturally morph into if you take away cooldowns. Entire builds would develop just for the sake of 1 ability of an item, rather than crafted around the entire weapon.

As I say though, clearly a case of indiivdual preference. I've had plenty of games with this such system and seen it work (for me) therefore i'm happy with the concept. I've also tried the other and found it didn't suit my tastes.

7 years 259 days ago
Airsick Hydra

Im big on burst and dots which is why poe is my current favorite arpg for now. ive played quite a few arpgs sense i played d2 like 6 years ago i think it was. so far the only arpg thats given me a real build lust is poe sense d2 is just too ancient to play imo. i like a game where i can just churn out build after build and they all have something special about them. 

In the brief time ive owned this game its become one of two arpgs im hyped for the other being wolcen.

Anyway tho i just want to be able to more frequently use needle shot its my favorite skill and fits my dot love.