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- Stuttering/lag/FPS drop
Stuttering/lag/FPS drop
Warhammer 40K Bug Reportdoes anybody have issues with huge drops in animation fps and gamelogic fps (im using the ingame fps counter), never had any issues before now with the game, i have tried many different troubleshooting solutions with no luck.
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Sorry to hear the issues didn't get resolved on your end with the offline patch. I suppose you've also tried the last batch of possible fixes I've shared with you?
One more thing I recommend you try is to reinstall the game, but instead of deleting it via Steam's 'uninstall' function, you yourself deleting ALL game files from ALL your folders on your PC, and then reinstalling the game again. This will also nullify some preferences that would otherwise survive the uninstallation of the game when done through Steam.
Hi i have been getting into warhammer videogaming again and tried out the offline version of this game to see if it could have fixed the problems i was having, with the lag/stuttering, and its exactly the same as before, does anybody have an idea for a fix to this problem. All info about the problem is in this thread. :-)
Hi, I'm sorry about the delay. I'm running out of direct fixes to stuttering issues, but some further things that may be worth trying are the following:
Try and Sync CPU to GPU,
Enable Frame blending
Install everything from inside martyr InstallUtils folder (redist , physx , directx and keys)
Update your GPU drivers if there is any update available
I tried it and no difference sadly. I took a picture of the ingame fps counter i cant upload it but the values are:
Render FPS: 41 (1920x1080)
Clipping FPS: 62
Animation FPS: 10
Effect FPS: 38
Physics FPS: 63
Gamelogic FPS: 14
Network FPS: 64
these are taken when in mission.
Out of mission they are really stable and there is no stuttering.
Here is an example of the values when in the hub area.
Render FPS: 92 (1920x1080)
Clipping FPS: 62
Animation FPS: 62
Effect FPS: 62
Physics FPS:62
Gamelogic FPS: 108
Network FPS: 64
Please try putting 'physics detail' and 'character detail' as well as 'persistent bodies' down to zero.
that didnt help sadly but i will try to uninstall the game and delete every leftover file from my computer then reinstall and see if that helps.
things i have tried so far:
trying different ingame graphic settings
unistalling the game from steam
deleting the warhammer progam folder
deleting the the fonts folder in neocoregames folder
and mixing all of the above to see if different combinations works out
the lag and stuttering mostly happens in missions and i have played the game before without trouble so i dont think it is a hardware issue but i could be wrong i have a NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 graphicscard but i have noticed that the game doesnt show up in the geforce experience panel like my other games does.
Hey! What is it you've tried already? :)
One surprising yet at the same time surprisingly effective fix for stuttering issues is to delete all font files from C:\...\documents\Neocoregames\warhammer martyr\fonts\
Set this current order state as My default.