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I just thought about 3 pretty interresting ideas for beginning the Campaing.

1. If you start as a Crusader an Inquisitor calls for backup to purge a world (or whatever) and your fleet answers. During the Mission you support said Inquisitor and as a reward he asks you to follow him.

2. If you start as an Assassin your Job is to eliminate a target which is currently observed by the Inquisition. After finishing the Job you get cought by the Inquisitor in charge of the observation and interrogated. He gives you the chance to support him to secure the sector to pay your debt...or get executed as a traitor. 

3. If you start as a Psyker you are currently on one of the Black Ships heading to Terra. During the Warp transition Demons attack the ship and corrupt most of the other Psykers. However you are strong enough to defend yourself against the Demons and fight a way through the ship to support the troops on board. After the Demons have been defeated everyone on  board will be interrogated by the Inquisition and you are asked if you (as a A+ Psyker) want to join the Inquisition and help to secure the new sector.

I'm sorry if my English is a bit strange, but it isn't my mother language.

This post was edited 7 years 364 days ago by K A R
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7 years 364 days ago
I think the general idea of earning your seal irrespective of background is actually a pretty cool idea. I suspect it might be a little late right now to make a change to the story....
7 years 364 days ago
I was under the impression that the player WAS the Inquisitor, not just someone working for the Inquisition. Or do I have that wrong?

7 years 364 days ago
Posted by Menion125 7 years 364 days ago
I was under the impression that the player WAS the Inquisitor, not just someone working for the Inquisition. Or do I have that wrong?

That's correct but wouldn't it be more interresting if you have to work your way up the ranks of Inquisition to become a complete Inquisitor than to begin as one? 

And it doesn't have to take the complete campaing to become one just the first 3-4 hours.