Store - Ragna Van Wynter


Talking to Ragna and opening the store leaves me unable to sell items of common quality, I can buy items and sell other quality items, but if I try to sell any common items, the store locks up and it will not sell items or let me close the store. (either by pressing esc or using the x icon at the top right of the window)
I am forced to close and re-open the game, though the bug persists even after that.

Store Page
Store - Ragna Van Wynter
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4 years 257 days ago

Would you please tell me your account name? Our developers would like to have a look on your character.

This comment was edited 4 years 255 days ago by Marcopolocs
4 years 258 days ago
Apologies, I knew I forgot something. 

I am playing on PC
The issue remains after restart (of both the game and my PC as a whole) and only effects one character of my two, a low level assassin (eradicator if that makes any difference)

After restarting my PC, the bug only appears after I try to sell a common item, to test this I restarted and played for 4 hrs perfectly fine until I tried to sell one, then it locked me in the store.

4 years 259 days ago
On what platform you are playing?

Do you experience this after a restart as well? The problem affects all of your characters?