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- Storage empty
Logged in today and found my entire seasonal character's storage wiped. Pages of psalms, shards, consumables and intels...
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Storage empty
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269 days ago
Alas, no, last character i deleted was only a lvl 7 battle sister :( Ah well, i'll just start again, so no worries with the storage now at least lol. Thank you very much for your attention though :)
269 days ago
Ohnooo. If that was the last character you deleted, you can still revive him from the graveyard, which can be accessed from the main menu, on the character creation screen, in the bottom-right corner.
270 days ago
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270 days ago
oh damn, i deleted the wrong character so dont worry about the loss, i'll have to start again from fresh >.<
it was a level 85 scryer psyker if there's any way to revive him, but if not it's fine - my mistake :(
270 days ago
oh damn, i deleted the wrong character so dont worry about the loss, i'll have to start again from fresh >.<
270 days ago
oh, i forgot to say, this is the character Daze on the season of judgement save (i have others also called Daze lol which i shall delete to make it simpler for you...
270 days ago
roughly a page each of shards and codes, around 20 of the treasure chest consumable (forget the name lol) and again, around 20 of the +50% damage to next mission, roughly 250 intels. i had a few pieces of gear in there too, and some other consumables but those i'm not worried about. thanks for your attention :)
270 days ago
Hi! Sorry about the silence over the weekend. And mainly sorry about this major issue on hand. I suppose all is still lost, a couple restarts of the game didn't solve your issue? This is most likely due to a very unfortunate momentary desync between our backend and the servers. If you could tell me what items and how many of them were to the utmost importance to you, I'll try and recreate your inventory as closely as possible, and additionally compensate you with some valuable lootbags for the rest of your losses. Item types I can best restore for you are shards, psalm codes, intels, consumables. Again, I'm sorry about the trouble, I'll try and make it up to you as much as possible.
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