Still cannot connect to the Servers on PC for 22 days


On 20.09 I bought full collection of Martyr and tried to run in for the 5 hours without any progress so far. Tried every day after with the same result.

Send mail to support on 20.09 and get answer after 7 days to wait 15 more days for solution and still can't login.

Have zero progress in Season that is very bad.

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Still cannot connect to the Servers on PC for 22 days
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1 year 97 days ago

I'm sorry for the troublesome experience. Were you able to make it work with the file? 

1 year 97 days ago
Just bought on steam having the same issue.... Kinda feels like trolling to sell a game on steam that doesn't work with out contacting support
2 years 75 days ago
We are glad guys that the cert file worked for you! We will include the file in the game repository with our next PC patch so that people who have this problem can easily access and install it.

The task is not yet done though as we identified 2 other (though rare but existing) connection issues. We will try to fix them too in the upcoming period.

2 years 75 days ago

Got a reply 2 hours ago with a cerfication download link from customer service, and YES it works now. I can create character and right now I'm in the campaign. Hope everyone's problem gets solved too.

2 years 75 days ago

Finally after 117 days of waiting and writing got a working solution from the developers!

Here the link to the file (certificate) after installing it got first possibility to connect to the server

Hi Marco,

Hope it will help all other players with connection issue!

2 years 84 days ago

Here some Links about this issue:

And the worse point in this situation that developers are ignore respond to such posts as you can see even here.

2 years 90 days ago

I was able to play for last week but, suddenly can't connect to servers this week.  just stuck on the logining in screen

2 years 91 days ago
Hey there! I installed the OpenSSL-Certificate and it did NOT work - sadly, this does not solve the problem at all. 
2 years 92 days ago

Here's the closest thing to a solution I can find. Still didn't work for me:

2 years 92 days ago
I just got this yesterday my 40mins in game was trying to name a character and staring at the log in screen for guys have been here for awhile waiting for a reply. Should I just refund the game? like whats the point of online play if you cant play it for days?
2 years 92 days ago
Brother Kundari
Just bought the game, created account just fine, "server error". Tried verifiying all of the files in Steam again, verified just fine. No dice. Very disappointing. 
2 years 93 days ago
Played a couple rounds a couple days ago just fine. Bought Sororitas DLC today and now cannot connect to servers..... The heck?
2 years 93 days ago
Same, I just bought it today. How can we play?
2 years 93 days ago
Same with me, the error just suddenly came into being - without any changes. I was able to play without problems for the first 3-4 days. I also additionally opened all ports and deactivated any anti-virus and firewall tools. Does not change anything at all. 
2 years 94 days ago
Same here not connect
2 years 114 days ago
yeah, I just gave up. I'll check here weekly to see if there's any progression, but seeing them saying they don't know what causes this issue is the real problem. I hope they "find" it , then we will wait the solution. But again, seeing they're adding "new" content and stuff , I think we will have to "wait" a lot lot more unfortunately.
2 years 117 days ago

Unfortunately no solution yet for all of us with this critical issue yet, more over developers completely ignore respond on messages or come to this post and inform all of straggling to connect players when a solution will be. Offine mode will be perfect solution but developers have strong position against (more info here and still give us no solution in months. 

2 years 117 days ago

Hi, still no solution ? It's been almost 4 month for me ...

A good solution would be to create an offline option.

2 years 127 days ago

Verifying game files didn't help either.

2 years 128 days ago

Found replay from developers on Steam in regard of our critical issue:

proba 1 2 3  [developer] 14 Nov @ 4:58pm  

We checked today the login errors which could be grouped into 4 categories:
-checksum (content not in sync)
- bans (we banned the player)
- Unknown (we don't know the origin of the problem)
- Script-error(we made a mistake somewhere in the code)

Checksum problems appear when the content on the client side is not up-to-date. These problems should be fixed by file verifying in Steam. Please give this a try, everyone who cannot connect.

Some connection issues were fixed already but we also acknowledged that there are particular problems that our team could not yet handle since the server migration. These issues are not widespread but affect a considerable amount of players and though we didn't give up on fixing the problems the progress slowed down because we are out of ideas at the moment.

2 years 131 days ago
You know what? I have no idea whatsoever of what may cause the problem of you all. I just find it extremely strange. I can´t say anything else then it has to be something on your ends that may/is causing this thing of yours. I had absolutely no issues last time I played for an hour or so. That was last time now on the 15th. Today it is the 17th, and I just checked to revv up Inquisitor just to check and to see if any issues at all. No, absolutely NONE. Clicks PLAY, it starts up beautifully, it comes to Character Screen Seelction, I click further PLAY and no problem. Also see it is the Week of the Void Brethren when I´m on the deck.

Also see that some of you mentioning the same issue on Console. I talked with my Friend yesterday which also plays on Console, and he played last time 5 days ago today. He said no problem whatsoever. Everything smooth.

All I can say on my end, is good luck.

2 years 131 days ago
At this point, I'm gonna uninstall it soon. I was planning to play this game then buy the King Arthur one, afterall I did play all Van Helsing games (1,2,3,final cut ,deathtrap) therefore I had 0 concerns for any kind of problem to occur from Neocore Games' products. But seeing this situation / problem to take this much time, I guess I'll have to revisit game in the future. Probably gonna try it out in 6+ months later.
2 years 131 days ago
Brother Kundari
I bought the game on 23.09.2022, and tried that day. On my first launch I did reach to the "character creation" screen, when I was reading the characters' ability/skill description suddenly game froze and threw me to the login screen. I thought nothing, and restarted the game and I saw the OP's posted screenshot. Again, I thought "it might be just server maintance" and I waited for 2 days while checking everyday. Still same screen, then I wrote to support on 26.09 and 03.10 . I got my first answer on 06.10...

Since then, I sent few files back and forth and at the end we are here, waiting.

2 years 131 days ago
Any news about a fix for those of us with older accounts that can't log in due to the game still trying to log into the GameSparks servers and not the new hosting server? 
2 years 133 days ago
Brother Kundari

Good point about software installed on our end and possible problems it can create. I can only answer about my particular case:

- Before contact support I tried to find solution myself Antivirus/Firewall/VPN all off and different combination ON/Off.

- I have for years (play games since Fallout 1) different services installed (Steam, GOG, Ubisoft,, Origin and ets.) They all working without an issue.

- I have dedicated game rig without any unnecessary soft (no office, no social soft) to have max experience with games.

So based on listed above I can be almost sure that no issues from my end that always blocks connection.

2 years 133 days ago
Posted by ViSent 2 years 167 days ago

I also tested again after new patch and still cannot login:

Greetings, this problem also affects Ps4 and Ps5 users. The problem is on their end. Those of us with older accounts, maybe not all of us but, its because there is still some internal code thats still linking to the GameSparks servers. We can't log in to unlink the account to change it either as it still wants to use the GameSparks servers. This happens to me on Ps4 / Ps5, but its says " There was an error connecting to GameSparks server, please try again later " 

This may be your issue or may not, I just firgured I'd provide an answer from the support area. And no answer on ETA for a fix. Hopefully this issue is fixed soon.

2 years 133 days ago
Your trouble with connecting is beyond me. Hope you all get it fixed, but personally have or have had no problems whatsoever starting up the game. Surely had smaller issues over the entire length of game being out, but never near to be something like this.

I have no problem revving up the game and play for a few hrs.

You´re sure this is on the PC, and not something else?? I see you say PC, but surely I wonder when you do say that, since I myself is also playing on PC, and never had any issues.

It just makes me wonder what kind of Software you are having installed on your PC or what kind of Software all of you may have installed in order for this to happen. And you also know what they say of any other issues? In 99% of the cases, it is Updates, updates and then there are Updates.

2 years 134 days ago
Update. So 56 days of waiting and still no solution. Bought the game and have 0H of play time! The current Season is almost gone with all interesting items. You were lucky to get replay from support as to my last two letters (send them 5days and 3weeks ago) about status on this critical issue they even don't respond or react to this post.
2 years 142 days ago
i`m in the same situation , can´t connect to the server , been try every other day for a few weeks now , but nothing changed, very sad
2 years 146 days ago

It's been another two weeks, problem is still there. Yesterday I asked the situation or any update for the topic. It seems they didn't gave up on the problem, but "We will keep working on it though so it would be best if you were to check back on the game from time to time" is the best we can do as players. Hopefully, we can play the game in the future

2 years 162 days ago

I hope there is a unique solution, we are a lot in that bad position, but i sent my verbose too, and they can't find the solution.

When you do win+R and type "certmgr.msc" you see all certificate installed. Someone know what Martyr need to play ? Maybe if we delete it, it will work.

2 years 163 days ago

!!!Update: After they saw my dxdiag file, they might have a specific solution for some people therefore they asked "verbose_logging", so I sent them 3 days ago, waiting their response.

2 years 167 days ago

I also tested again after new patch and still cannot login:

2 years 167 days ago

Same thing here ...
Same screen as you Visent since more than a week  ... mail / tchat contact and nothing change.

2 years 167 days ago

Wrote to support on 26.09, so far they asked the "dxdiag" file.I'm still waiting their answer/solution.

Game just did a patch, 2.6.2, and still doesn't connect to the servers. I have total of 97 minutes of gameplay time on Steam, and all of it belongs to that  " Reconnect / Quit " screen.