Steam Package Pricing Errors


The game Warhammar 40,000: Inquisitor - Martyr is on sale at Steam Store, with a 60% discount for the games (including Inquisitor - Prophecy) and all DLCs. 

However, the Complete Collection Package of the game, with its full content priced 255CNY in total, has no discount and is priced at 355CNY. (Store region in China.)

Is this an error or it's intended?

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Steam Package Pricing Errors
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5 years 83 days ago
The displayed price of the Complete Collection is correct as it is not on sale at the moment. The Collection was only on sale during the Midweek Madness for 60% off.

On the contrary all the products in it - Martyr, Prophecy and the various DLCs - can still be purchased for a discount for a limited period of time. Hence the difference in the price tags.

5 years 84 days ago
I have the same problem in the Russian + CIS region on Steam. Some weird pricing indeed.