Something accumulating in video RAM or elsewhere during playing?



Some players continue to complain stuttering issues in some localized versions such as Chinese version.

We do not have direct proof but there're some indirect clues:

Many people describe this issue as "everything seems to be fine at start, but AFTER several hours of playing, stuttering becomes more frequent".

And they usually say they need to restart the game or even the PC to regain the visual fluency. Makes me wonder what's happening behind, and why this issue seems to be specific for these localized versions but not English version.

Hope this information helps. 

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Something accumulating in video RAM or elsewhere during playing?
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2 years 101 days ago
Unfortunately, this amount of information is not enough for the devs. If they have any other tip please share it with me.

I will let Inquisitor run for a few hours then in Chinese and I will see if something happens.