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- Skill tree bug
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Me and my mate were having the same issue it was i either got his tree or he got mine this happened on every player we created including diffrent seasons
- Coop !
- I could not say if it happen in a mission or in the hub : / I noticed the problem in the HUB.
- the 1st time, I had no misallocation, the 2nd, I had about 10 points misallocated on a total of 30+ "invisible allocated" point
- No, it seems my friend received no more points.
I can add that, if I look on tne player stats, I indeed lost the points I invested, and stats are at 0%. And in mission, the number are a lot more smaller. It's not only an HUD problem.
Please, share with me some info:
- is this in co-op or singleplayer? Both?
- happening mid-mission? in the HUB?
- are the misallocated points going to a different skilltree of yours? are they going to a co-op partners skills??
- what class are you playing
Hey guys, thank you all for your reports, we are looking into it
I have this EXACT same problem. I tried putting a point in and resetting one of the trees that I already had points in, but that didn't work. I also tried putting a point in a tree I did not have points in, then reset that tree. I've done several missions and it looks like this isn't fixing itself. The only difference is the class: I'm playing a battle sister.
The weird thing is that it appears the selections are still active. I have all my movement speed from the movement tree, but I can't progress it because I can only select the first skill.
Set this current order state as My default.