Show all bonuses on character screen


So I'm wondering... Since the character screen already has a scroll bar and some bonuses show up when available on equipped gear only (like damage bonus to channeled attacks), why doesn't the list show all bonuses? 

- damage to slowed, shocked enemies

- damage in x state

- damage bonus from enraged / berserker tokens

- damage reduction ranged/melee

- damage to bleeding enemies

- damage when no enemies around

Also all gear and perk bonus like heal on crit, bleeding on crit, etc... 

There's so much space there. This would be especially nice during missions, when you can pause the game while some temporary buffs are up, to see what they do... 

This post was edited 5 years 99 days ago by Daedrael
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Show all bonuses on character screen
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5 years 97 days ago
Considering this is "make your build" game, I fully support both, full stats listed and dummy room, where you can test your build.
5 years 98 days ago

While making a test room would be awesome, especially to find out what bonuses are better for what, that's a rather involved change (they need to build a new location, even from existing assets, find a way to make it selectable, integrate it somehow into the game...).

A few extra values on an existing list for existing modifiers is a lot more straightforward and realistic to do. It's a "low hanging fruit" in terms of effort vs benefit. And while I'm sure Neocore has their 'to do' list pretty packed, such minor extras might have a chance to squeeze in into a release, if a developer has some leftover time remaining. 

This comment was edited 5 years 98 days ago by Daedrael
5 years 98 days ago
Posted by David3d 5 years 98 days ago

Fully support this proposition and i suggest some "test room" when you can try new items, skills and check how damage is changed.

Great idea...I think this would make sense from a lore perspective as well.
5 years 98 days ago

Fully support this proposition and i suggest some "test room" when you can try new items, skills and check how damage is changed.

5 years 99 days ago
Yes actual extra crit damage including converted crit strength is also very much missing... 
5 years 99 days ago

Don't forget defensive bonuses like "DR vs ranged/melee", etc.
EDIT: Oops, I see you already listed it in the OP.

This comment was edited 5 years 99 days ago by treecargarage
5 years 99 days ago

although all these statistics are relative,  I always improve numbers by the principle - more is better,  when my psyker hits 100,000+   I forget about statistics numbers and just enjoy the huge yellow numbers in full screen ...  and mountains of corpses in the name of the Emperor of course

5 years 99 days ago

and most importantly the amount of damage from vulnerabilities, when the first hit is 3000-4000 and the second 34000-174000

5 years 99 days ago

This is a MUST-HAVE feature.
Don't forget the CRIT DAMAGE %!
Right now it's showing critical hit strength, and critical hit chance, but you NEED to show the calculation when one scrolls over this information.
Also, you need to add:
1) critical damage %
2) TOTAL CRIT DAMAGE (%)...meaning crit hit strength + crit damage % need to be added up and presented as an overall critical hit % strength.

This comment was edited 5 years 99 days ago by treecargarage