Several Suggestions


So, as the header says; I kept a pad open and just jotted down some stuff while playing. Some of it is probably obvious, some of it is probably already in the works, some of it might be unrealistic or impossible to understand, but I figure as a smaller company it couldn't hurt to provide you guys with some feedback. Hope you get something from these suggestions :)

all missions should provide exp to account & character level

melee attack with any weapon (like the butt of a gun or an elbow/knee while reloading or in close proximity)

after long enough without combat, auto-reload

on levels with "eliminate all enemies" the last few enemies should have indicators in case you miss one very far back in the level

enable join/invite party while on mission for either decreased rewards or just standby on ship until mission complete

skills don't go on cooldown if they get interrupted or put on cooldown without casting if activated multiple times and interrupt original cast

reduce fate cost of missions (maybe even no cost, to encourage partying) for party members who are just tagging along (not the maker)

inventory screen on other half of screen during mission select, for quick swapping if armored/unarmored/daemon etc..
    -recommended weapons in mission description for new players and just to be helpful (or at least a damage-type/damage list)

blocking line of sight actually prevents firing line of sight weapons and provides cover from said weapons (currently LOS weapons are noclip)

allow weapons to fire into different tiers of level, aka: firing on troops below the level you're on if line of sight exists

once terrain is destroyed, no interaction/ghost-terrain blocking movement when nothing is visually there blocking movement

melee weapon targeting forgiveness (don't force players to exactly click on an enemy to attack, just their general direction within a general range)

more aggressive melee movements like short jumps and charging strikes or stepping into/around target while attacking instead of just standing still

shoot/melee while moving

shared ship bridge in party

invuln/untargetable when doing execution animations on large foes

shorter buffering screens between switching from bridge to mission select etc

shared loading screens so you can see who's loaded and who's not (also include ping of players & server)

pressing map button multiple times should cycle through map centered on screen to map offset from screen (see: diablo)

respec options for account levels?

shorter firing delays for firing single handed weapons
firing speed bonus for using two of the same single handed weapons OR alternate between weapons so a single one doesn't run out of ammo/heat before the other when firing.

general sprint skill for all classes for covering large distances (like already cleared areas of map)[I am aware of the movement skill in the movement tree, just saying]

vault-over option for cover

terrain boundaries can be cover (ex: walls of a space station that stick out a little bit into play zone can be used for cover)

new item idea: digital weapons or psy-cannons that are shoulder mounted and fire independently like in the lore. would auto-fire at a shown range and could auto-disable if cloaked etc. wouldn't fire unless in combat to prevent aggroing enemies the user doesn't want to engage. maybe occupy a use-item slot or suit-power slot (would be good for players who prefer fighting at a distance when encountering a swarm).

bonus exp or credits or rank for enemies killed or for getting killsteaks etc (show this as a stat or "tally" in end mission screen as well as in mission)

option to "vent" plasma weapons (or other heat based weapons) at the cost of supression or possibly disabling special skills for a short time but allowing basic attacks still. [basically a reload option for heat weapons at a penalty]

allow shield charge at indicated area without holding shift and change damage from single target to AOE

plasma grenades + other grenade damage types

clicking or casting abilities while reloading doesn't cause you to blindly run towards your target

greater rewards for playing with more people

sell all [rarity] buttons in shop

Hope this helps, let me know if you want clarification or if you think I'm a butthead

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Several Suggestions
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7 years 158 days ago

A lot of nice ideas :-)

But digital weapons cannot be mounted on a shoulder, after all, they are digital(!) weapons (they are mounted on one's fingers [digitus, latin : Finger]).

7 years 158 days ago

Great ideas!

Except for the vaulting part. It would only work for the assassin. Lighter armour compared to the crusader.

7 years 158 days ago

Kudos on a good list of suggestions, most i would wholeheartedly agree with. 

The "respec options for account levels" by this did you mean being able to respec account skill points (this can be done by left then right clicking an assigned skill) or change the actual account lvl? e.g Lowering it from the current value you have.

7 years 158 days ago
Posted by Ixxolos 7 years 158 days ago

Kudos on a good list of suggestions, most i would wholeheartedly agree with. 

The "respec options for account levels" by this did you mean being able to respec account skill points (this can be done by left then right clicking an assigned skill) or change the actual account lvl? e.g Lowering it from the current value you have.

I think he is refering to reseting your points spend in the account tree.

7 years 158 days ago

That is a good list and many i agree with. specialy with melee

7 years 157 days ago
Posted by Lt 7 years 158 days ago

Err well, I have to disagree according to the lore; featured in several stories, inquisitors with power armor or very heavy special armor are typically described as less agile but certainly capable of vaulting cover. 

It's less about being "balanced" because one class is supposed to be dps and the other tankier, and more about how levels flow and feel. There are a lot of barriers (sometimes impassable) and it breaks immersion for me when my super-duper-grand-awesome inquisitor has to walk 500m around a pile of barrels.

Could be. Your probably more versed in the current Lore then i am. The last codex i dig-de into was the Ordo Malues one.

But on the mather of vaulting.

How about this.

Crusader gets a charge when he moves to cover.

Assassin gets a vault.

But what could the phyker get? 

7 years 157 days ago
Great list, great ideas! Thank you. I will add this to our feedback section. 
7 years 159 days ago

Was just getting ready to post many of these same suggestions. +1

7 years 158 days ago
Posted by Aegirson 7 years 158 days ago

Great ideas!

Except for the vaulting part. It would only work for the assassin. Lighter armour compared to the crusader.

Err well, I have to disagree according to the lore; featured in several stories, inquisitors with power armor or very heavy special armor are typically described as less agile but certainly capable of vaulting cover. 

It's less about being "balanced" because one class is supposed to be dps and the other tankier, and more about how levels flow and feel. There are a lot of barriers (sometimes impassable) and it breaks immersion for me when my super-duper-grand-awesome inquisitor has to walk 500m around a pile of barrels.

7 years 157 days ago
Posted by Aegirson 7 years 157 days ago

Could be. Your probably more versed in the current Lore then i am. The last codex i dig-de into was the Ordo Malues one.

But on the mather of vaulting.

How about this.

Crusader gets a charge when he moves to cover.

Assassin gets a vault.

But what could the phyker get? 

I don't think it should be a damage skill or anything extra, just the ability for all characters to traverse "soft" terrain. The idea of my inquisitor hopping into cover (or out of cover) while under a hail of gunfire just seems way cooler and more "realistic" than him walking around to the other side like he's bringing someone a coffee.

The concept in my head is simply that in-game immersion is: "I am this inquisitor," and that's what the designers want us to feel when we play; fact of the matter being that any time I'm under gunfire while advancing on or egressing from a position with enemies, my first thought is "shit I wish I could jump to cover, or hop this barrier." It's more thematic, more "complex," and more rewarding, to be able to use the entire play space in a way that rewards asymmetric movement and tactical thinking.

Also: I'm willing to concede that the guy toting a plasma cannon with a battery pack coiled to it on his back weighing in at over a ton alone should probably not be gingerly skipping along hopping tall buildings like superman; but these suits are designed to withstand the combat trials of the grimdark w40k universe and I don't see a scenario where they aren't capable of a simple vaulting movement. Just saying