Servers seem to have poor response time


So, since the server migration I've noticed that interactions with things on the bridge of the ship seem to be at best, laggy.  Or simply poor response time.  Everything takes longer accept literal walking around. 

All of the following seem to take multiple seconds, when prior to migration were near instant.  I mention this somewhat obtuse complaint only because it is likely another symptom of all the other problems the game seems to have since migration.

-Opening caches

-accessing the storage

-accessing ordos/captain vendors

-using a blueprint

-using a consumable (seemingly every one i've bene able to get my hands on so far.)

-accessing the inoculator menu (Metrodora Thelema)

-accessing Crafting (Omicron Arhk)

-accepting post mission rewards

-clicking ANY  UI pop up that says yes, no, quit, accept, or anything else that could be written on the button to close the pop up

-sending mail, which also often simply gets "lost" and doesn't show up for the recipient.

-Mission deployment UI

So in short nearly everything that has an "interact" type access.

So far the only thing I find that reliably has the same interaction time of near instant since the migration is the Void Crusade menu.  Which in my mind is astounding since the Mission Deployment window should have a near identical function and call system to make it work, yet works better somehow.

I'm hoping that any and all feedback regarding the from consumer viewpoint, blunder of a migration will help get the game back up to previous standard.


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Servers seem to have poor response time
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2 years 170 days ago
This comment was deleted 2 years 169 days ago by Jim Fox
2 years 181 days ago
Posted by SlowLane 2 years 193 days ago
I noticed all those lags too, but I sometimes have spotty internet connection so I assumed it was caused on my end. I don't know it it's related, but have you had the in-mission messages from your bridge crew getting cut short if you're in combat? Not that Caius Thorn ever has anything interesting to say, but a bug is still a bug. In any case, it looks like Marco Polo isn't answering bug reports any more. 

Dont blame your internet connection, looks like this new AMAZONAWS.COM servers located somewhere in Antarctica...

PING is bad (132 ms), TRACERT even worse (23 jumps)  :(

I dont know where old servers was, but PING to is 32 ms and TRACERT gets only 8 jumps.

2 years 193 days ago
I noticed all those lags too, but I sometimes have spotty internet connection so I assumed it was caused on my end. I don't know it it's related, but have you had the in-mission messages from your bridge crew getting cut short if you're in combat? Not that Caius Thorn ever has anything interesting to say, but a bug is still a bug. In any case, it looks like Marco Polo isn't answering bug reports any more.