Self Flaggelation not working for Psyker


As said in the title, the perk self flaggelation increases warp heat every second for Psyker instead of lowering it.

It took me a good while to get that perk, and it was super dissapointing to see it broken in such an avoidable way,
which tells me no one even tested this.

Therefore, you should seriously increase your software developement standards, this is one simple thing that really looks bad.

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Self Flaggelation not working for Psyker
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6 years 275 days ago
Posted by Tao12345 6 years 275 days ago
You do realize that this is scheduled to launch in june?!

Trying to keep things in eternal alpha for using it as an excuse is bad.

Having such a bug slip through is also bad, simply because it means no one tested it, ever,
this means their process of software developement is lacking, and not just a bit,
this is one kind of mistake that you just do not make, because you're a professional and you have certain standards and procedures when developing software.

Please don't confuse a real alpha with the popularized open betas that are just glorified demos. Bugs like these are incredibly common in alphas and while they need to be reported the goal of an alpha is to try and finalize content and make sure the build is stable. Once the content is final then the quality changes start and this is when beta begins. Features can still be added throughout the beta but if the build stability gets worse these are reverted. Bugs are rarely resolved in alphas unless they affect build stability, otherwise they are logged and fixed once the build enters beta (or at least that was how we did it).

In the case of Martyr, the release build failed certification for one of the console versions but the build is as close to final as possible. This build is not the same as the closed alpha build that PC currently has. Also, the latest update for the alpha was more than likely not even current and was probably compiled from an older build and given to the early supporters to hold them over until release. As the release date was delayed by a month the newly announced beta is simply another way to appease the supporters and gain some additional feedback before release.

6 years 275 days ago
Posted by Hiero Glyph 6 years 275 days ago
You do realize that this is still an alpha build, right? At least wait until the beta build releases on the 21st before crying about an outdated build. If it is still broken then you can call the devs incompetent but alpha phases are for stability, not bug sweeps.
You do realize that this is scheduled to launch in june?!

Trying to keep things in eternal alpha for using it as an excuse is bad.

Having such a bug slip through is also bad, simply because it means no one tested it, ever,
this means their process of software developement is lacking, and not just a bit,
this is one kind of mistake that you just do not make, because you're a professional and you have certain standards and procedures when developing software.

6 years 275 days ago
You do realize that this is still an alpha build, right? At least wait until the beta build releases on the 21st before crying about an outdated build. If it is still broken then you can call the devs incompetent but alpha phases are for stability, not bug sweeps.