"Seasonal Journey" and "Offline Mode" need changes!


The latest updates have finally added two features much-requested by the community: "Seasonal Journey" and "Offline Mode". However, their implementation was such that, I daresay, they satisfied no one. I offer a few suggestions to greatly improve them, echoing many players that made similar comments.

Seasonal Journey:

Most players just wanted a way to enjoy the seasonal journeys, with their own rewards, mechanics and items, for seasons that they missed before. Also, they wanted to selectively activate the seasonal gameplay mechanics they most enjoyed.

Sadly the "Seasonal Journey" as implemented doesn't really hit the spot. The main change required is as follows:

  • Add an option to "retire" Seasonal character, i.e., the character rejoins the main character pool with his items and progress intact, exactly as when a true Season ended before.

In addition, the following features would be most welcome:

  • Have all seasonal drops appear on the main non-seasonal character pool (less frequent than in-season, but possible).
  • Add an option to enable a seasons' mechanics for  the regular, non-seasonal character pool. That is, not a true seasonal journey, but just the gameplay mechanics (e.g. Warp Anomalies). This could also be done as monthly/biweekly rotating events.

Offline Mode:

It would be great just with the following two changes:

  • Add an option to transfer characters from Online to Offline (with identical transfer behavior as season endings). For new players, current behavior may work, but existing players have little incentive to start all over again.
  • Add an option to have a Seasonal Offline character.

In addition, you may consider the following:

  • Add option for LAN based multiplayer (may be tricky to implement or be considered to encourage piracy, but I think it will be a net positive by granting longevity and long tail sales to the game).
  • Add mod support (e.g., via Steam Workshop).
This post was edited 113 days ago by Chacumbele
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"Seasonal Journey" and "Offline Mode" need changes!
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113 days ago
Posted by Distemper 113 days ago

To transfer seasonal items to non-season, you can use the mail system. (send a mail to yourself and get the items with non-seasonal characters). Thus no need to retire a seasonal character, he can stay in that season forever and farm items.

I guess the devs would want the seasonal mechanics to stay online. 

Offline version of the game can be easily pirated so they naturally want something exclusive for online version.

But yes, adding more contents for offline version is welcome. Like when you finished a "megabuild" with items combined from several seasons, it's little disappointing there's not many interesting bosses to fight. I also love the idea to transfer online character to offline.

I'm aware you can mail items for seasonal to non-seasonal, which is a nice workaround. However, seasonal characters can't benefit from the shared item pool or crafting/Ordos/etc. unlocks. Also, I understand neither they can multiplay with nonseasonal or different-season characters. So, I still think having the old season-end mechanic integrated with Seasonal Journeys makes much more sense than the current behavior.

As for offline, I think/hope not having seasons there is more of an overlook, as pirates aren't going to be deterred by a small feature missing.

Now that I recall, another feature I expected for the offline mode is some sort of multiplay (e.g., LAN play). I'll add that to the OP.

113 days ago

To transfer seasonal items to non-season, you can use the mail system. (send a mail to yourself and get the items with non-seasonal characters). Thus no need to retire a seasonal character, he can stay in that season forever and farm items.

I guess the devs would want the seasonal mechanics to stay online. 

Offline version of the game can be easily pirated so they naturally want something exclusive for online version.

But yes, adding more contents for offline version is welcome. Like when you finished a "megabuild" with items combined from several seasons, it's little disappointing there's not many interesting bosses to fight. I also love the idea to transfer online character to offline.

This comment was edited 113 days ago by Distemper