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- Repeatable crash on Iona V mission
Personal experience so far, with both a Heavy Weapons and Assault Weapons specialist, I have been unable to complete the mission after 3 tries.
All three tries, the game locks up while engaging one of two Chaos Decimators (repeatable against either one). I have been successfully able to clear the rest of the mobs to engage the Decimator solo. Twice I was able to destroy the first Decimator I came across. However, all three times, I have been in the middle of fighting the Decimator when the game would lock up.
It did not appear to be performing any of it's normal attacks that I could see, so I am not sure what would trigger the lock up.
I was able to successfully get to the desktop to force close the game each time.
Of note, when playing the Heavy Weapons Specialist (my first pick) in two of the three missions, I got zero drops from mobs, including the one Decimator I successfully destroyed. Only items in chests were dropped. Third mission, with Assault Weapon specialist, I got several pieces of loot from mobs, though none were retained due to the game crash, of course.
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Can you continue to hear music and combat for 1-2 minutes after the video freezes for you when this happens? If you can recreate again, check to see if it happens right after swapping weapons. I suspect this is what is triggering this bug.
Oh, and I've been seeing this on any mission, not just the Iona V mission.
Set this current order state as My default.