Questoin :)


If there was a possibility in the game to choose the faction of the Empire or Chaos, who would stand on the Chaos side?

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Questoin :)
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1 year 323 days ago
This comment was deleted 1 year 323 days ago by Jim Fox
6 years 352 days ago

For the Greater Good!

6 years 352 days ago

Sorry no help from me. As long as it's fun I am all for it.

6 years 352 days ago

So far its only one side for u to choose, the inquisition(Empire side), but keep in mind the game is still in a very early stage of development, so everything might be changed in the future.

This comment was edited 6 years 352 days ago by Reptilienski
6 years 353 days ago

It's a trap! xD he just wants to know who the heretics are. 

Emps or gtfo is my stance. <3

This comment was edited 6 years 353 days ago by Airsick Hydra