Pykser Auras Heat


Don't know when it started, but just noticed it. I suspect it has been that way since we have been limited to 3 auras. Once you have all 3 auras up, it takes up the entire heat bar. Same Auras, Same Runes and I know the auras affect the reserved heat. But they seem to be taking up more heat, than they were before the patch. 3 of the auras I use are now taking up the same heat as 4 auras from before.   

This post was edited 3 years 201 days ago by Nathual
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Pykser Auras Heat
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3 years 165 days ago
This issue hasn't been forgotten but we decided to give a partial rework to the Psyker which will remove the problem. 

Nevertheless, thanks for the report!

3 years 200 days ago
No, the world doesn't revolve around me, but apparently you want to weirdo.
3 years 201 days ago

Might wanna look at my profile before you start typing bullshit. Also you're off-topic in your own topic. The world doesn't revolve around you. Grow up kiddo.

3 years 201 days ago

And there you go again. You claim to be this big deal in this game and never visited the forums in till I mentioned them. In fact you laughed when I mentioned the forums. First your a little troll on the discord and then you follow me to the forums and 3 out of 4 of your comments on here are coming after me? For talking to the developer and telling them they should look into something with all the changes lately... So who is the douche again? Grow up kid and you know there is this thing called a TOS. I am going to enjoy watching them ban you for being a immature ass to other players.

This comment was edited 3 years 201 days ago by Nathual
3 years 202 days ago
What a douche. Enjoy your ignorance.
3 years 202 days ago
You are so off base right now. I know you want to sit here and try to troll me like you failed to do on the discord. Go away boy and let me talk to the developers. You are clueless about what I am talking about, just like you were before on the discord, and making a fool of yourself again. Same Auras, Same Runes, Except using 3 auras instead of 4 and they are taking more heat than before the patches... Like I said in my last comment..  But you have demonstrated your lack of reading comprehension before.. so no surprise that habit continues with you. You don't listen to people, you just want to be right, even though you are wrong. 
3 years 203 days ago

Reservation for the Endurance blessing:

Reduced Cost rune: -25%

Enhanced Effect rune: +30%

Damage Boost rune: +30%

Knit Flesh rune: +10%

So the highest this blessing can reserve is 46,475% and the lowest is 18,75%.

3 years 203 days ago

I know they aren't static... But they move about 5% in each direction, with 2 specific runes. The one that  decrease warp heat and the one that increases the power of a spell. However that would be a 90% warp heat reserved even with all 3 auras having the increase power of the spell. Currently it is topping 100% with 3 and before we were restricted to 3, it took 4 to top my heat bar out with the same auras. The 4th aura being the save me from death one, which I now switch out with  the damage reduction aura, depending on the bonuses to enemies in the mission. So there seems to be a problem they need to look into, because the same set of auras, only less of them, aka 3 instead of 4... are now taking up way more heat than 4 auras.

This comment was edited 3 years 203 days ago by Nathual
3 years 203 days ago
The reserved amount is not static. It changes depending on the runes you insert into your powers.