Purity seal enchant dont work


Hi there and sorry for the bad english!

I have roll on my purity seal an enchant that taken the enemy 45% supresion on an fear effekt. but it makes nothing when the fear debuff is aktive. no lose on supresion. its very hart to make from that an screenshot, but here is the relic with that enchant:

Thanks youre Bolt Thrower!

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Purity seal enchant dont work
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5 years 23 days ago
ah okay.... you right.

that makes more sense!

than i misunderstand it!

i was wondering about that overpowerd enchant :D

5 years 23 days ago

Just keep in mind the enchant says +45% not "45%".

If an enemy has 1000 suppression and is under the fear effect and one of your attacks does 100 suppression dmg, it will do 145 (755 suppression left) and not 450 (550 suppression left).

This comment was edited 5 years 23 days ago by Tubben
5 years 23 days ago
We will test the enchant, thanks for the feedback!