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- [PS4] Update for Inquisitor - Martyr | June 18
EU/US 02.04 & JPN 01.06
Updates for Martyr have been released. Please make sure that your console has downloaded the update fully. The game needs to be restarted for the changes to take effect.
- Major stability improvements
- Fixed an issue where some inoculator components would not work correctly in multiplayer
- Fixed an issue where the Martyrdom tarot card would unintentionally be available to everyone
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Thanks for the good vibes. The console versions will get the 2.0 updates soon, which was released on PC, so we work hard to bring it to PS4 and Xbox too with it's cool new features and put in it some console exclusive extras too. ;)
Hi guys,
I've tried new changes on PC and i love it!
When we can expect it on PS4? I have played today on PS4 and Martyr is still in the old version. Yesterdays patch does not have major changes from PC.
Game for me is still unplayable on console :(
Maybe i am a bit sensitive. But you cant say that Martyr runs fluidly. There is stuttering, screen tearing when you turn the camera...even when you just walk forward the game isnt stable. There are going waves through the whole terrain. Either you are blind and do not want to see it, or you have no problems with these issues. I have problems with it...in the year 2019 i expect a good performance.
I realy hope u can handle the performance on Ps4 sometime. Because i want to play it. There is no doubt...Martyr is in his base gameplay mechanics great. But in this current status, with this bad performance?...regrettably i cant have Fun with Martyr. Certainly I'm not the only one who thinks so
We made changes on our end which improved the general performance on PS4 and are planning to implement these with patch 2.0. We would like to ask your kind patience until the patch is released.
And again! I give you my thoughts...again! I am so angry...cant say it often enough. Your game is broken rubbish on Ps4. I play for 30 Years now and i never did a fail purchase. Martyr is my first one. All my Games that i bought were good games, at least good enough to play. But Martyr?... It is nearly unplayable for me. The performance is a bad joke, I get headaches from it.
I paid the Fullprice with seasonpass. And what did i get? A unfinished game, crammend with content. Only because you developers think you can mess with the big ones, like Diablo or Path of Exile. My goodness...Path of Exile its a relief! It runs so good compared with your work and it costs nothing.
I would like to hear your opinion dear Neocore. But probably you are hiding yourself under a rock.
Sorry but i had to say this. Cant hold back my anger anymore
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