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- [PS4/Xbox] Hotfix for Inquisitor - Martyr | Feb. 28
[PS4/Xbox] Hotfix for Inquisitor - Martyr | Feb. 28
Warhammer 40K Patch Notesv02.01 PS4 EU/US - v01.03 PS4 Japan - v1.0.1.10 Xbox
Updates for Martyr have been released. Please make sure that your console has downloaded the update fully. The game needs to be restarted for the changes to take effect.
Please note that due to timezone differences, patching mechanics, etc. there might be a couple hours of disparity between platforms and locations regarding the download of the update.
- Fixed the 1300 Power Rating requirement for the Khorne season content
- Fixed a missing planet name in the Ormeus System
- Fixed progress blocks in Khorne missions
- Tarot missions now cost Fate as beforehand
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Hi Inquisitors! The Emperor offers for the PS4 players 500 Fate and an XP Boost comsumable as compensation for last weekend's Campaign progress issues. You will recieve it as soon as you load the Commander Bridge.
We fixed numerous accounts on Sunday and Monday and our colleagues are still working on it to prevent the issue from happening again. Those who haven't checked it since Sunday afternoon (CET timezone) please log in and try to either create a new character, or if their characters are not newly created and stuck in random places in the campaign, then check if the next campaign mission appeared.
In case anyone still experiences the problem, please reply to my comment or contact us at [email protected]. We will handle their problems in the shortest time possible! Thank you for that in advance and our apologize for the inconvenience this matter caused!
it's a shame that this game its on sale.
it's possible a refund?
anybody knows where can I reclaim it?
Weekend passed constantly reinstalling the game. I hope that the developers will solve this problem.
Я не могу создать героя ....Hero appears after rebooting the game ....the same thing happens as the others....Waiting for a response from the developers
And when the hell do people take a weekend off with no follow up to something that is completely broken. Your jobs are not finished. Get your asses back to work. You dont break something and then say "oh we will get it after the weekend". LMAO If anyone of us on here did that WE WOULDNT HAVE A DAMN JOB!
How do literllay 0 of ALL of Neocore employees not become aware of this immediately? Youre telling me that NOT ONE of you has some type of notifier, emergency, email, ping, ding, noise ANYTHING to be made aware of major issues? That NOT ONE dev or moderator checks these boards on a somewhat frequent basis. That NOT ONE of you has done anything for an issue that makes this game unplayable and is going to go on its third day now??????
Everyone on Patch Notes Page planting to show [hotfix = NO!]********
Please join the clearest posted group voice, get ur update first/fast, and encourage reading some of the back and forth. Please weight in if u haven't yet. And we welcome all new and returning players to join our community on PS4 if ur on console. But platform is open, stage open, experienced players even interested in speaking wat u like about game is REALLY welcome to balance out the energy.
But ultimately let's put our voice and expectations in a one-stop-shop. We need them focused on one thing. Results. With the additional boards together it will be fun but digestible. Especially planted in the place to be seen let's get that up vote and convo count.
We have some great discussions and end crisis planning. If you want to be loud about ur frustration yell at us, we get u. If you want to read our thoughts and comment please do. Those who have purchased recently will especially want to come by....
It's more a "Hotfix Heresy" support group at this stage gg
Thanks for helping us
PSN - OvRmind
PSN Community
WH40K - The Hotfix Heresy Order
Our goal is to enjoy this game at all cost.
Maybe Together? Or Not? 100% vote ASAP Tho.
Everyone on Patch Notes Page planting to show [hotfix = NO!]********
Please join the clearest posted group voice, get ur update first/fast, and encourage reading some of the back and forth. Please weight in if u haven't yet. And we welcome all new and returning players to join our community on PS4 if ur on console. But platform is open, stage open, experienced players even interested in speaking wat u like about game is REALLY welcome to balance out the energy.
But ultimately let's put our voice and expectations in a one-stop-shop. We need them focused on one thing. Results. With the additional boards together it will be fun but digestible. Especially planted in the place to be seen let's get that up vote and convo count.
We have some great discussions and end crisis planning. If you want to be loud about ur frustration yell at us, we get u. If you want to read our thoughts and comment please do. Those who have purchased recently will especially want to come by....
It's more a "Hotfix Heresy" support group at this stage gg
Thanks for helping us
PSN - OvRmind
PSN Community
WH40K - The Hotfix Heresy Order
Our goal is to enjoy this game at all cost.
Maybe Together? Or Not? 100% vote ASAP Tho.
If me cussing offends anyone here, players and devs included...tough shit. Grow thicker skin.
THIS GAME IS UNPLAYABLE! You cant get past the first mission. Character creation is a bitch. I finally have a full weekend off, finally got excited for a game that I havent had the excitement for in a LONG time and NOPE FUCK YOU SAUNDERS. You actually thought you were going to pay 80$ and get to play a game. HAHAHAHA! NO! but thanks for your money.
You have got to be fucking kidding me. This is unacceptable at a games fucking LAUNCH let alone after it has been out for months. Thank you for yet another jab at my hopes for actually enjoying myself. I want, no no no, I DEMAND my money back flat out no questions. Thanks for nothing.
Restarted new character to see if it's singular in nature, but no, it happens on each character I make.
Please fix.
Thanks for your time.
I just completed the Take back the Voidport on Ascalon mission, and after returning to the ship it says I still have to do it. There’s no where I can select the mission though. I can’t progress any further. I’ve never bought a game that’s such a buggy mess, and I forked out for the season pass too.
Game is broken and unplayable. What are we doing. No news no emails. Tell us wats up at the very minimum.
Please and thank you.
I started the Game 1 week ago and enjoyed it alot until the new patch totally messed up everything. Faith undone Dlc final stage is bugged when complete and incognito side Quest dissappears after 1 stage
Set this current order state as My default.