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- [PS4/Xbox] Content Update for Inquisitor - Martyr | Feb 19
[PS4/Xbox] Content Update for Inquisitor - Martyr | Feb 19
Warhammer 40K Patch NotesAn unexpected Chaos incursion into the vaults of a renowned Navigator House exposes a disturbing new conflict in a forsaken region of the Caligari Sector. The trail of buried secrets leads to a place that shouldn’t even exist and unleashes the tide of carnage that will soon engulf entire planets if the agents of the Inquisition cannot stop the mayhem of Khorne, the Chaos God of war, rage and hate.
The new Season for “Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor – Martyr” will let loose the bloodthirsty followers of Khorne in the Caligari Sector, opening up a new Subsector with new star systems, introducing the Daemons of Khorne and the visually stunning and macabre gameplay mechanics designed to conjure the atmosphere of battling the violent and primal followers of the Blood God, while two brand new investigations will tell the dark story behind the existence of the Voidrippers, the unique sandboxed Chaos Space Marine Chapter worshipping Khorne.
New Features
- Season 2: Khorne is now live
- 11 new enemy units introduced within the new Khorne faction
- Inquisitorial Rank cap increased to 80
- Item level cap increased to 70
- The Agartha Subsector has opened. Minimum power rating: 1300
Attention: in-game descriptions display minimum power rating for the Agartha Subsector as 1300, but because of a bug, the content can be only accessed at 1500 PR. This will be fixed in a quick update soon!
- Introducing two new Investigations, "Awakening" and "Retribution"
- New game mechanic: Blood Tithe
- Dynamic weather and difficulty change as you slaughter Khorne forces
- Revised, faster execution animations for the normal and medium sized enemies without an additional slow motion effect and rotating camera movements
Fixed Bugs
- Fixed various bugs causing significant framerate drops
- Various stability and performance related improvements
- Collision fixes on various maps
- Various minor UI & typo fixes and numerous quality of life improvements
- Fixed a wrong camera angle for Elite executions
- Fixed an issue where players were unable to research Cabal Tech Tree upgrades
- The second character in Local Co-Op mode no longer copies the cosmetic helmet equipped on the Main Player
- The camera no longer zooms out unnecessarily when starting missions at special POIs such as the Unholy Cathedral
- The character no longer tries to pick up grenades and supplies with a full belt or inoculator when pressing the interaction button
- Added collision to the Hall of Heroes terminal and to the Angel Statues on the Command Bridge
- Fixed an issue where the character's footprint effects would appear in the air when using jump skills
- Fixed an issue where the game would crash while players were navigating on the World Event Leaderboard
- The Damage over Time mastery now can be used on the Assail skill and provides DoT damage - Bleeding as it is indicated in its description
- The Hinder Movement, Telekinetic Shock, Psychic Shackles and Blindness masteries now can be properly used on the Constrict skill
- The Anti-Spatter Nozzle passive skill now properly deals Burn damage
- The Death Augury skill now works properly in Co-Op
- The Call Astartes world skill has been fixed and now summons at most 3 Space Marines in a Defense mission
- The Fiery Form skill now properly adds +15% damage reduction
- The Corrosive Agents skill's description now properly shows Poison damage
- The party leader now no longer loses privileges when playing invite based multiplayer Tarot missions (e.g. the ability to kick and promote other players)
- Fixed a bug where cover usage was hindered when using the "Advanced" layout and having other interactable objects in the vicinity
- Fixed an issue where the player's minimap would not reset upon removing the sidekick character in Local Coop
- The defended object will no longer receive buffs in Defense missions
- The camera no longer ascends from the ground when launching the City of Suffering mission
- Localization improvements across all languages
PS4 specific changes
- Fixed a trophy requirement check algorithm to avoid unlocking problems caused by connection errors
- Fixed an issue where the Controller Layout would revert to "'Default" upon restarting the game
- Fixed an issue where the "Ordnance Seeker" trophy would not unlock
- Fixed an issue where the game would crash on the initial loading screen
- Fixed an issue where the game would crash upon opening a Stolen Relic
Xbox One specific changes
- Fixed an issue where controller disconnections and reconnections would mix up their owners in Local Coop
- Fixed an issue where the game would crash when pressing several buttons repeatedly during the start of a Priority Assignment
- Fixed an issue where the game would crash when playing Warzone mode with German localization
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These bodies completely ignore the reports on their work. They didn't fucking do anything. There is no late game at all. Only psyker and Assasin Solo may have something to do. The imbalance is simply maximum. Damn blacksmith. Full. Multiplayer is also garbage. Fucking damage is a problem you have to shoot 2 times in fucking Norlin. War gives nothing but the same prey. Nemesis gives supposedly ancient things, but they have nowhere to go. All by itself. That there they added levels so they the fuck there not need. Should I add 10 points?! I'll stay a little longer. A sailor?! What the fuck is this transfer for?! You are confusing critical chance with the government?! Are you stupid?! I've tried all the weapons, all the hats are not reproduced, except for 2 species. What else is there to say?! That is all you there ohueli to take on the game is 4000 rubles. For 500, I wouldn't talk about it here. Пидоры!
Are you kidding me ?! Why is there no answer ?!
How long is "soon"? Season 2 was implemented this week with no algorithm. I have since completed 3 runs of all 11 missions since update. Twice on the console in my bedroom and one utilizing the one in my living room. I wiil try running a co-op mission with a freind and see if it unlocks for either of us.
But I'm seeing a pattern develope when it comes to unlocking console progress in Neocore games. It's eithere people dont care or dont know how to implement console fixes which is appearant looking at the bug reports and since Van Helsing still has broken achievements
Can someone "in the know" actualy comment IF the algorithm was implemented with the patch? If no can we get a projected time frame for the achievement to complete each mission type from Starmap as well as the achievement for maxing either Puritan/Radical morale choice?
To begin, welcome everyone! I do not know how on (XB1 or PC) but after updating 2.0 for PS4, STRONG CHANGES HAVE BEEN HAPPENED. Firstly, the graphics fell to a level lower than in Diablo 3 (2012 release), and secondly one of the main features of the game disappeared - environmental destruction. Apparently such foolish measures were taken to increase the frame rate, but I would disappoint the subsidence of staff as they were and remained in hot moments. Only with this lost excellent graphics and destructible. Bravo developers, instead of changing the way you load a map or objects into a non-visual field, you cut the game's chips and leave only the dark world of 40k. I bought your game in order to support you and express my gratitude for the popularization of the world of 40k, but you have deceived me ... I am upset and I regret the money spent. I apologize in advance for my English, but I do not apologize for the attacks on the developers, the truth is that I am very sad because I loved this game.
How long is "soon"? Season 2 was implemented this week with no algorithm. I have since completed 3 runs of all 11 missions since update. Twice on the console in my bedroom and one utilizing the one in my living room. I wiil try running a co-op mission with a freind and see if it unlocks for either of us.
But I'm seeing a pattern develope when it comes to unlocking console progress in Neocore games. It's eithere people dont care or dont know how to implement console fixes which is appearant looking at the bug reports and since Van Helsing still has broken achievements
Praise the Emperor!
Great story and voice acting as usual (especially like the banter and nitpicking).:)
Thanks, and keep up the good work!
Ps. Only complaint: how many more missions do I have to complete before I can lay my hands on a new shiny power sword?;)
Great story and voice acting as usual (especially like the banter and nitpicking).:)
Thanks, and keep up the good work!
Ps. Only complaint: how many more missions do I have to complete before I can lay my hands on a new shiny power sword?;)
Regarding the targeting are you using target lock or default targeting?
Ok, megapull.
You got time to censor my post but not enough time to censor your code or reply to the slew of complaints regarding your horrible dev skills?
We see where your priorities are now.
Why there is no answer from support?! 60 $ the cost of this game in Russia. 60! AAA class games are about the same. But none of them had elementary grammatical errors. No free helmets, no free Tarot will help me in playing with so many bugs. Look at the number of dissatisfied. Can you make as a PARAGON?! Return the money...
I apologize for not being on the topic, but ... I bought the game recently and started to explore the Warhammer 40k universe, everything is very interesting, except that after the five training missions, the rest of the game just unbearably slows down, fps falls very hard, just unbearable to play, I changed the resolution settings, but nothing helped, how to solve this problem? I have a PlayStation 4 Pro console
Yep, nope. You tools just seem determined to not do things right.
STILL obstructed by manned turrets I've destroyed.
STILL obstructed by light posts I've destroyed.
STILL having targeting issues. Like, the unwanted switching to non critical targets or switching from a target I've been hammering to a target with full health.
STILL can't shoot right from some cover or jumping out of cover to shoot.
Upon booting game this afternoon ran one of each of the listed 11 mission types (Assassination , Bunker Busting, Data Hunt, Demonic Incursion, Hunt, Nurgle Infestation, Panic Room, Purge, Rescue, Siege and Silence the Guns) from Starmap twice.
How is this still not fixed?
Psn id ev-geniy
Since I started about bugs. Multiplayer in Warzone. Damage is displayed incorrectly. Damage passes incorrectly. I put on 15K damage to ordinary enemies, and they stand. There is a delay in calculating damage. I have time to make 2 critical shots at little nurling before he dies. This is an extra overheating or cartridge. And in General it is very annoying . The speed of the Internet is not suspicious, because in other games this has never happened. AND AGAIN LOCALIZATION AND TRANSLATION. What's the problem with the font ?! Is it so hard to finish 10 letters ?! Считаю, что русскоязычные поддержат.
I already have a few hundreds of hours beneath me, so this isn't something that would pass me by (i.e. failing to notice said exclamation marks). I've tried logging out and in again to no avail, so it definitely makes me think it's simply bugged - much like the situation regarding the main campaign a while back.
Is it serious?! I should have known better... Quest is worth 0/8. All NPC make, that and before . No sign of the new season.
There is still a bug for the quest Grim harvest were it is impossible to reach the gates or kill the enemies you need to kill in order to progress with the mission I played the mission countless time it is very frustrating that I keep failing the mission after just reaching the body on the ground there is no timer or indicator bar for Barricade which doesn't help please fix I want to enjoy the mission not fail every time I don't want to speed run the mission also because that doesn't work either so please fix.... For the god emperor
Good evening. I apologize for weak English. I write with a translator. I was waiting for the update as my birthday, hoping for a complete modernization of the game. In the end download it. I go into the game, I pass the first mission from the new season (executed captain coward ))) and more I can not do anything. Loot for mission was not given. No exclamation points. The new system is not allowed. Power around 1900. Talk less. Dear developers, please fix. And yet, the translator into Russian it is better to find a new one. We can even help ourselves. The perk Power critical damage switched with a Chance. This is serious. Throughout the game there are no capital letters P.
P. S. Burns.
Hopefully you guys can get this fixed soon enough.
Oh, and the fix for the over sensitive R stick camera issues seems to have extremely unfortunately been missed out of the quality of life improvements in the patch
Set this current order state as My default.