(Ps4/ps5) A bunch of unpleasant bugs


I posted some of these in the content update thread but have encountered a lot more bugs. Decided to make a formal post about it.

- the “Cold Blood” skill from the critical hits skill tree that is supposed to be awarding +1 class resource point on Critical Hit does not work at all. With a critical chance of over 50% right now I will run into mobs AoEing them, see several yellow critical hit indicators, and watch as nothing happens at all with my focus bar.

- the Cerebral Feedback skill from the Movement skill tree is supposed to award me -0.1 sec from cooldowns on Critical. , When using a Personal Void Shield, the only cooldown it seems to take into account is the actual cooldown % stat, as having maxed out crit and using AoE seems to be largely insignificant in changing the cooldown. Even for skills that have 0.5 cds or less, where a 0.1 second reduction would be very noticeable, nothing has been observed.

- the Loot Quantity and Loot Quality seem very temperamental on when they decide to work or not. I regularly do complete Hardcore mastery runs of the Amber void Crusade, totaling over 800+ end loot bonus, Over 200 Loot Rarity Bonus and 75 Loot Quality bonus only to be awarded a single holy enchanted item, a few identical ancients (as in, all being “of dread” or “of stride”), and several Archaeotechs/Relics with minimal stat rolls; some with less than the minimum of 3 random enchantments.

- to drive the point home - the Tarot Card/void shard chest awarded me 15 cards with 192 Loot Quantity bonus. It also awarded me 15 cards at 0 Loot Quantity Bonus (this is with a maxed out Venom Card). However, when the stat seems to be active, that number jumps to over 30, sometimes 40.

- On the note of Archaeotechs - I will often craft or find them with only 2 random enchantments. Re-rolling all enchantments seems to come with an inherent risk of losing one of those enchantments - as in what previously had 1 unique and 5 random enchantments turns into 4 random, then 3, etc. This problem seems exclusive to Archaeotechs and does not seem to be affecting standard or holy relics.

- Personal observation regarding the above: The disappearing enchantments phenomenon seems to happen a lot more often on neural implants and armors. This could just be confirmation bias, though.

-update to the above: with a build of over 250 loot quantity or quality, the bulk of my item drops will still only roll with 3 enchantments (sometimes only 1 or 2, which shouldn’t be possible on relics), and mid stat rolls. The bonus loot stats do seem to be working just fine when it comes to total number of item sockets, so that’s nice.

- On the note of Ancient Relics - my game seems stuck to roll the exact same pool of Ancient enchantments all day long. As in: the only ancients that ever drop will all be the “of dread,” “of stride,” or “of sanctity” variety. Sometimes this remedies itself the next day, sometimes it doesn’t.

- Tarot cards are WILDLY inconsistent and temperamental on when they decide to actually work or not. For example: I currently have maxed out Venom, Treasure Trove, and Momentum cards. For 75% of my hardcore void crusade missions, having these cards active does nothing and not a single tarot card will drop - until they suddenly do and I’ll receive upwards of 10+ in a single mission.

- Coincidentally, whenever the venom card decides to not work, the game seems to think that what I truly wanted was to activate the tarot card for Void Shards. I currently have almost 500 shards of every variety - I have never once picked that tarot card.

- To further emphasize just how temperamental they are: I have, several times, picked tarot cards that will add 2 villain-level enemies to the map only for zero villains to appear at all that mission, but for every single map afterwards to contain 2 villains. Sometimes I will activate a +1 champion to champion groups to find that I have, somehow, tripled the number of champions.

- Empyrean Seals do not work, at all. When using the specific Seal to help the loot pool sway towards implants, finishing off a Hardcore Amber Void Crusade with a Supreme Mission at lv 109, I managed to get all (yes, all) 1 handed melee weapons and shields - every drop, which seems almost like a statistical impossibility.

- On the note of higher level gear: The devs have publicly stated that, for every mission level past Lv96, there is a 3.5% chance for dropped gear to be over level 90. I am currently Level 100, and just ran a Supreme Mission in a mastered hardcore Amber Void Crusade at +11, giving me 52.5% of acquiring Lv91+ gear - however, zero Lv91+ items dropped. Again, if what the devs have stated is true regarding item level 90+ gear, then that seems like a statistical impossibility.  I have been Lv100 for well over 2 weeks and even running missions at base level would still put me at roughly a 14% chance to acquire said gear. I have yet to see a single Lv91+ item of any kind, whatsoever.

- cortex fragments will randomly stop dropping and not a single one will drop afterwards until the usual weekly reset.

- all consumable buffs last only a single round.

- the prompt to press r2 and open my termninal does not ever go away if the Custodian favor vendor is there. This also occurs sometimes with consumable buffs.

- my multiplayer room select screen has seemingly locked one particular player’s former room as always available for well over a week. Ex: RandomPlayer40k opened a multiplayer lobby for recruitment and now, despite that room being closed, it still shows up for me as open. The only way I’ve been able to delete this from my screen is to outright block the player on PSN (sorry, random guy!).

- the “Skip Lootscreen” menu option does nothing, as far as I can tell. Checked or unchecked, it will still force me to press X to accept the loot after a mission.

- if my character happens to still be logged in when the daily reset of Ordo vendors occurs, then my Ordo Hereticus vendor will be completely empty and my Ordo Xenos vendor will only sell me a single, grey-quality, item leve 1 Assault Armor. Simply logging out or changing characters does not remedy this. Sometimes I can remedy this bug by logging out, starting a *brand new* character, deleting that character, and then logging back in. Ordo Malleus seems unaffected by this bug, probably because he’s just a cool guy.

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(Ps4/ps5) A bunch of unpleasant bugs
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2 years 60 days ago

Also, seeing as updates and new content - such as seasons/sorority's - come to consoles on such a delayed and uncertain schedule, will the window of opportunity to play/create seasonal characters be extended for consoles? I think doing so would go a long way to help ease the gap between content updates+droughts.

Edit: by “animation” are you referring to the window that opens to display what was acquired in the loot box? If so, then yes. That window displays every time. If you’re referring to some other animation that I’m supposed to be seeing, then no, and I may have actually never seen it at all before.

This comment was edited 2 years 60 days ago by TheHomieData
2 years 60 days ago
Posted by Marcopolocs 2 years 62 days ago

Ordo Malleus indeed is a cool guy!

Thanks for the very detailed report. I would like to point out a few things though:

- The consumables lasting 1 mission now was a deliberate change. What was not included in the patch which included the changes was the updated description. We will update that. Also, the drop rate will be increased considerably to compensate for the 'nerf'.

- The cortex fragments are limited to 200/week so if you reach this amount then you will not get more drops

- the Skip Lootscreen option removes the animation which plays the opening of a lootbox. You can still see this animation on your end? Then the option is indeed bugged. 

- the removal of enchants if one uses the Reroll all enchants will be fixed in the upcoming period - the fix is already ready but we need a new patch to address the problem

- I cannot really comment on the drop rate of things based on your stats. RNG plays a big role in it and there are many things which can influence the final drop.

- The skills you mentioned have been written up for the devs to check.

--------- On the note of Ancient Relics - my game seems stuck to roll the exact same pool of Ancient enchantments all day long. As in: the only ancients that ever drop will all be the “of dread,” “of stride,” or “of sanctity” variety. Sometimes this remedies itself the next day, sometimes it doesn’t. ----------

- You mean that there are days when only these 3 varieties can drop and nothing else? Or this is the basic behavior on your end and sometimes other items can drop but that's rare?

- If cortex fragments are limited to 200/week, then it appears I was encountering a visual glitch of some kind on console. When I used to go to the tutorials section of the game - designed to serve as the in-game knowledge base - and I go to the cortex fragments/favor tutorial, the game doesn’t appear to load/display the part that communicates to me, the player, that my endgame currency is limited to 200; effectively 2 favor per week; making the total time to earn just the home-base cosmetic upgrades (a total of 30 favor) take almost 4 months. Heck, without that display, an unwitting player might accidentally spend their favor on a temporary space marine companion to take on the game’s hardest challenges, completely unaware that they’ve just delayed earning their home-base cosmetic upgrades by a whole week! Perhaps in the next patch, they might be able to include a simple parenthetical (Limit: 200/week) so that it wouldn’t feel like engaging in one of the hallmarks of the franchise (space marines) is a direct impediment to experiencing a hallmark of the franchise (gaudy extravagance).

- have item level 91+ items not been implemented on console, yet? Given what i have read in some other forums, (3.5% chance per mission level above 96 according to posts by the game’s devs) it would seem like not having encountered even 1 would be either a bug or one heck of a statistical anomaly!

- to answer your follow-up regarding ancient relics: your first interpretation is correct. It was as though, no matter what I did, all ancient relics seemed to be pulled from the same “pool” of suffixes every day. Sometimes this was great if “of wrath” is in there; but not so much when “of butchering” is in there and you don’t do a lot of melee. Since I wrote this post, originally, I noticed that this is a lot more noticeable when my internet connection is unreliable - as is many of the other bugs.

- to expand on that last bit - I’ve discovered an exploit that is very easy to reproduce, so long as one’s internet connection is weak. It’s most easily expressed in Archaeotech shards
1) have a stack of exactly 4 shards of the desired type and at least 1 that is the same type of the next, higher tier of shard. It just needs to be occupying an inventory slot.

2) speak to the tech-priest NPC and use their shard refinement window to convert 3 of one tier into 1 of the next tier

3) the new shard will add itself to the preexisting stack, but the stack of 4 will not have subtracted 3 yet.

4) close the tech-priest NPC’s window and open your inventory 

5) now, simply move the stack of 4 shards to a new spot in the inventory on the same page

6) repeat from step 2

this exploit can be seemingly repeated so long as you don’t move the stack of 4 lower tier shards to an inventory spot that was already used to perform the exploit. 

This comment was edited 2 years 60 days ago by TheHomieData
2 years 62 days ago

Ordo Malleus indeed is a cool guy!

Thanks for the very detailed report. I would like to point out a few things though:

- The consumables lasting 1 mission now was a deliberate change. What was not included in the patch which included the changes was the updated description. We will update that. Also, the drop rate will be increased considerably to compensate for the 'nerf'.

- The cortex fragments are limited to 200/week so if you reach this amount then you will not get more drops

- the Skip Lootscreen option removes the animation which plays the opening of a lootbox. You can still see this animation on your end? Then the option is indeed bugged. 

- the removal of enchants if one uses the Reroll all enchants will be fixed in the upcoming period - the fix is already ready but we need a new patch to address the problem

- I cannot really comment on the drop rate of things based on your stats. RNG plays a big role in it and there are many things which can influence the final drop.

- The skills you mentioned have been written up for the devs to check.

--------- On the note of Ancient Relics - my game seems stuck to roll the exact same pool of Ancient enchantments all day long. As in: the only ancients that ever drop will all be the “of dread,” “of stride,” or “of sanctity” variety. Sometimes this remedies itself the next day, sometimes it doesn’t. ----------

- You mean that there are days when only these 3 varieties can drop and nothing else? Or this is the basic behavior on your end and sometimes other items can drop but that's rare?