[PS4] Update for Inquisitor - Martyr | v01.08 | Dec 10


Following a maintenance period today, updates for Martyr will be released. Please make sure that your console has downloaded the update fully when the maintenance has ended. The game needs to be restarted for the changes to take effect.

Please note that due to various factors, there may be slight differences in the actual time the patch goes live (within the range of 1-2 hours). Thank you for your understanding.

New Features and Changes

As a compensation for previous issues, all players will now receive the Mask of the Martyrs cosmetic helmet item upon login.
(Players can equip the mask by interacting with the Extras panel at the Command Bridge and selecting it from the dropdown menu.)

  • Detailed Crafting Preview
  • Added detailed tooltips for Advanced Crafting Materials and Tech Tree improvements
  • Players can now preview locked Tarot cards to see their unlock methods
  • Players can now check the System influence rewards at the System info panel
  • New Tutorials added for Special POIs
  • Increased the amount of morality points players can get during Priority Assignment investigations
  • Added Background descriptions for Local Co-Op characters
  • Added a Loading indicator for the following GUI Panels: Leaderboard, Cabal Browser, Player Info
  • Added a more detailed description for the Executioner buff and the Surprise skill
  • Added audio presets and a Video volume slider to the Audio Options
  • Increased dialog clarity

Fixed Bugs

  • Fixed an issue where trophies related to ingame awards such as 'Killstreak' would not track in Multiplayer
  • Fixed an issue where Players could unlock the Mechasapient trophy by learning the same upgrade multiple times
  • Fixed an issue where Players would be unable to delete their Cabal description
  • Fixed an issue where the Player's motion sensor would affect the Henchman selection screen's background
  • Fixed a typo in the trophy description of 'Chosen Warrior'
  • Fixed an issue where sound effects and the background music occasionally went silent during missions
  • Defense mission optimizations (pathfinding & AI)
  • Fixed an issue where players could not interact with Ragna van Wynter on the Command Bridge
  • Fixed an issue where it was possible to get stuck at the beginning of the Terra Incognita mission
  • AoE spells cast by the player no longer do damage to the player's cover
  • Fixed an issue where the camera would get stuck when returning to the Command Bridge after the final Boss Fight
  • Fixed an issue where the second player in Local Coop were unable to use emotes
  • Fixed an issue where both players in Local Coop would get low HP indicators when only one of them is in mortal danger
  • Fixed an issue where the Objective icons would not refresh on the Warzone Nemesis Battle window
  • Fixed an issue where the Player was able to do quick turns while using the Melta Gun and the Inferno Pistol, which resulted in an effect glitch
  • Fixed an issue where the Player would hear Guardsmen dialog even if no Guardsmen were around
  • Fixed a duplicate button on the Warzone Nemesis window
  • The Warzone Battle dropdown box selector is now accelerating at the proper pace
  • Fixed an issue where the game would count the Warzone XP twice after completing a Warzone mission
  • Fixed an issue where the Player was unable to select previous Battles on the Warzone Boss window
  • Fixed an issue where the using Teleportation skill would not grant the Player a Surprise buff
  • Fixed an issue where the descriptions of the Infiltrator and Sniper classes were swapped in French
  • Fixed an issue where the Riposte buff would not stack properly
  • Fixed an issue where Players were unable to donate the specified amount in the 'Pay Tithe to the High Lords' cabal directive
  • Fixed an issue where a placeholder background would show up in the matchmaking window when using it in a Party
  • Fixed an issue where the Player would be unable to cancel targeting when using certain skills
  • Fixed an issue where the Player could enter the Triglav Subsector via Priority Assignments before unlocking it at Ragna van Wynter
  • Fixed an issue where the Favour Boost consumable would not show up in the Data Terminal after activation
  • Adjusted in-game cutscene canceling, preventing accidental skipping of cutscenes
  • Added missing status indicators below the characters during Local Coop missions
  • Added missing notification at random missions stating that only the Party Leader is able to start the mission
  • Added a missing player counter for the Tarot matchmaking window
  • Added the missing sound of the Skulldust DLC emote
  • Added missing text to the Virtual Keyboard of the Cabal Creation process
  • Optimized controller disconnection handling when playing Local Co-Op
  • Fixed the missing influence reward (10 crafting materials) of the Rotwang System
  • Fixed the swapped Investigation choices in the Mind Plague DLC
  • Fixed the tracking of the Master of War Heroic Deed
  • Fixed an issue where the Versatile Operative Heroic Deed could be unlocked without killing a single enemy
  • The Relic Hunter Heroic Deed now has a new requirement (Open 50 Reliquaries during Missions)
  • Various UI fixes and quality of life improvements
  • Major Localization updates for all languages
  • Stability improvements
  • Various typo fixes
This post was edited 6 years 37 days ago by Megapull
Store Page
[PS4] Update for Inquisitor - Martyr | v01.08 | Dec 10
Your Thoughts? Please login to place your opinion. Not a member yet? Register here and now!
6 years 74 days ago
I just bought Martyr 2 days ago and I do love the game. The lore, attention to detail, blood and guts. However on PS4 even on single player is massively sluggish. The frame rate is so slow even with this past update. 
6 years 87 days ago

I have not acquired Ordnance Seeker trophy yet.

Correct this, please!!!

6 years 91 days ago
still buggy. warzone points not being rewarded. have completed all dark eldar missiond yet the horde mode like the cathedreal has still completely disapeard from the whole map. so I still cannot play what ive payed for. istavian ps4
6 years 92 days ago
Is there something wrong? I never got the mask of martyr either, so I'm not sure? Can anyone chime in on this?

6 years 94 days ago

+, and the ragna fix dont work 

This comment was edited 6 years 94 days ago by Endrance
6 years 96 days ago
When framemate ps4 pro patch ????????
6 years 99 days ago
Posted by S2uBu 6 years 107 days ago
Seems a brilliant patch however I do not seem to be able to spend my points in my Cabal Tech tree any longer, I have one point waiting but when I select the upgrade I want nothing happens.  Anything I can do to fix this?
My cabal is having the same issue.  Any update on a fix for this?
6 years 101 days ago

It's great that you take care of computer players, but this must stop, the update should just go out equally. Yesterday, when playing in the unholy cassay after 50 minutes, the monsters began to have lag, but such programmatic ones. the error did not pop out, there was nothing to send. But fortunately today he jumped out and was sent. Where Season 2 ??! Where hot fix like for pc? I'm asking what it's supposed to be?! 

6 years 102 days ago

So... I can walk through walls and up and down through empty space. The enemies can go through walls too, get stuck and then I have to chase them down through said walls. I've only had this game a little over a week, bought it with money I got for my birthday, and this does not feel like a £60 game. I got the Imperium edition. Don't get me wrong here, I love the setting. I love how the guns feel etc but the FPS is one major issue for me, as are the graphics really. I do hope these issues can be fixed in the future.

6 years 102 days ago

I'm on ps4 and I have no helmet in my drop down

6 years 103 days ago

Yerp, got the same thing on my play with ps4. The game is really fun but performance on ps4 is really bad, i don't mind if Neocore downgrade the texture a bit on ps4 for better framerate and performance.

6 years 104 days ago
I own the PS4 version, but there is no Mask of Martyrs in the drop-down menu of my Extras on the Command Bridge. The only options I have for Helmet are Default and No Helmet. Can someone help me with this?
6 years 104 days ago

Also, please do something about the spread of shots on the Bolter and Heavy Bolter. They're supposed to be accurate weapons, and at this time, the stupid thugs with the 50 caliber guns are better shots firing full auto than my highly trained inquisitor. At least put in an accuracy skill tree or something. 

This comment was edited 6 years 104 days ago by Benderisgreat
6 years 104 days ago

PSN: FigureM

Not only can enemies go beyond walls and through obstacles, but the PC can as well. I can also mysteriously float back up pits after floating down them. 

At this point, I'm damn near ready to delete this bloated turkey off of my system and trade the disc in for anything else. I'm sure as hell not going to pay money any DLC.

It'll take more than a free skull head to make up for this. 

This comment was edited 6 years 104 days ago by Benderisgreat
6 years 105 days ago
Thoughts for tonight. "Ooh the patch, maybe they fixed the fps".  I Load Vipers nest and  get 10 fps. Are u kidding me devs? Regular PS4 here. I dont care what bugs you fixed the game is still unplayable. Goodbye until next patch.
6 years 105 days ago
Those who encountered the issue where players and enemies could get beyond walls:

Could you please send us screenshots and/or videos about the problem? That would help us tracking down the source and get it fixed shortly after! Thank you very much in advance! 

6 years 106 days ago
Yes u have right, but how much they fix? I think that is too much to do for neocore, they try to fix everything but its hard to do becose its normal that after patch something is wrong....im sure that u will get some reward for this and u can start play this game again. 
6 years 106 days ago

What should you change with the next dlc

1.Entering the stones (without exaggerating the walls you can not enter) You can go out of them is not bad.

2.Not many use kinetics in psionics and if you shoot with stones, the floor disappears and black bars appear.

3.In my translation there is a flaw and error, or something does not work with the psionic, it is written runs with others and me and run with others and not every time and the osnowa adds ... I know that it will be corrected just like the previous mistakes! it's better but it's not good yet.

6 years 107 days ago
Im really trying to not give up on this game!!!   I want it to succeed  we dont hace any good arpgs like this one. But it needs work still buggy. And why isnt the whole game co op lame!!! 
6 years 107 days ago
Seems a brilliant patch however I do not seem to be able to spend my points in my Cabal Tech tree any longer, I have one point waiting but when I select the upgrade I want nothing happens.  Anything I can do to fix this?
6 years 107 days ago
After this patch there seems to be a bug in the Unholy Cathedral that makes me simply walk out of bounds of the map... 

Anyone else yving the same issue?
6 years 108 days ago
Can we get this mask for PC as well, please!

It was only available during a quest before launch :(

6 years 108 days ago

I’ve had the game since launch on the base PS4 and I can tell you that today’s patch made the frame rate much better than it was.  However, it does still need some more optimization.

6 years 108 days ago
Still targeting supply boxes and their content...
6 years 108 days ago
Ok, I launched the game, tried one mission and I am done. Sick of this, I cannot believe someone actually deployed this game on ps4.

Wasted money. 


6 years 108 days ago
After this patch, I am experiencing some very serious bugs.

I can run through walls and fall through the world.

This is kind of ruining my experience, because I play a gunner/melee hybrid which involves lots of mobility. Falling through walls and the world nearly makes the game unplayable.

6 years 108 days ago
Nabend zusammen,

Frage: "was ist mit DM Fehlern that dem mitten im Spiel abrupt verschwindet Ton, oder Charaktere und Monster im Spiel und in der Lobby des "Rot" angezeigt werden ...!?"


6 years 108 days ago
Hej Team, everything cool but what about the performance? I have so many fps drops that makes this game unplayable in this times. The graphics is also below the standard. I play on regular Ps4, not ps4 pro and my question is if you are going to do something about it?

I checked this game on youtube before i bought, on pc of course and i could not be more disapointed when i ran it on ps4. I felt like i was cheated. 

6 years 108 days ago
Thats amazing thank you guys for hard work i cant wheat to get home and play it i love your guys game 
6 years 108 days ago
What about all the other DLC I purchased the imperial edition I don't see anything different
6 years 108 days ago
Well this is an unexpected yet pleasant surprise. Excited to play tonight