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- [PS4] Content Update for Inquisitor - Martyr | v01.06 | Nov 6
Following a maintenance period today, updates for Martyr will be released. Please make sure that your console has downloaded the update fully when the maintenance has ended. The game needs to be restarted for the changes to take effect.
Please note that due to various factors, there may be slight differences in the actual time the patch goes live (within the range of 1-2 hours). Thank you for your understanding.
New Features
- New Inquisitorial Rank Cap: 70
- New Item Level Cap: 60
- New Enemy Faction: Drukhari Dark Eldar
- New Investigations available
- New Title Screen and Main Menu Theme
- New Achievements and Trophies
- The Triglav Subsector is now open for Inquisitors! Players need to talk to Ragna on the Command bridge to start the Investigation that allows entry.
- Minimum Mission Power Rating: 900
- 5 New Tarot Cards available, unlockable by System Influence
- Adjusted PR rating and greatly increased XP rewards of campaign maps
- Adjustment from (200+PR)*2 to (200+PR)*3
- Adjusted PR rating and greatly increased XP rewards of random maps
- Adjustment from (500+PR/2)*Difficulty to (500+PR)*Difficulty
Fixed Bugs
- Fixed an issue where the console would enter into an unresponsive state after loading a Mission
- Fixed an issue where the game would randomly crash upon opening the Journal
- Fixed an issue where a player's Cabal would remain unchanged on the Leaderboards after joining a new Cabal
- Fixed an issue where the same button would be assigned to two separate functions when joining a Party
- Fixed an issue where the selector bugged at the Warzone panels
- Fixed a missing sound in the conversation with Klosterheim at the final bossfight
- Fixed an issue where the wounded Thorn's model was missing when the game was still downloading content
- Minor UI fixes and improvements
- Localization fixes
PS: The long-awaited progression/crash fix is getting pushed live ASAP - most likely during this week. Thank you for your patience - The Emperor Protects.
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For The future: try using more fantasy and implement some new gears appearence and some more econimic and accessible Skin personalization 100000 credits Just for paint An armor is absurde........
For The future: try using more fantasy and implement some new gears appearence and some more econimic and accessible Skin personalization 100000 credits Just for paint An armor is absurde........
Listen up jerks!!!! We have waited for That damned patch fixin progressions and still It won't bé released......i don't understand why some parts of The game are Good White other are......Well, Just dirt in a junkyard, and maybe You should hire some better translator for The italian Language, The traslation seems to bé done by An elementary school Class. Beware il You don't move Your fuckin ass this game's gonna sunk.
The Emperor protects STO CAZZO
Thank you.
Excellent news to see the release of this Season/story content !!
That brings more unified game release fronts to all platforms <3 " in hope to see less bugs due to different contents"
please bring all extra/comistc that in the PC to consoles 'n vice versa bring things to PC.
A Bug - Missing DLC <<<<<
Yet, till today , I can't access my Charybdis Outpost even tho I was able to see it in game once but after relogging it is gone for 1~2 months now.
My PSN ID is = Tesal2005
The matter of regular missions missing from the Starmap has been handled on our backend, a game restart needed to be done for those who are playing atm though.
Here are my thoughts concerning the new free Update.
Also, what's the use of being able to zoom in if it just worsens the field of view?
Also, what's the use of requiring me to reload a gun if ammo is infinite anyway? Just ditch the mechanic.
Also, back to the drawing board on the aiming system. Ugh.
I apologize if others have had these comments before, I just started playing this last night.
After doing the campaign in Triglav subsector I can not find any mission! it's normal? ...Neocore?
after doing the campaign in Triglav subsector I can not find any mission! it's normal?
Still crashing,deinstalled,thank you for wasting 70bucks and lifetime......the worlds most worse company.
I will wait one week,if it s get not fixed,iam out and spread the word about neocore.
A freakin pissed customer!
Still crashing,deinstalled,thank you for wasting 70bucks and lifetime......the worlds most worse company.
They literally say at the end of the post that the progression/crash fix is coming after this patch.
PS: The long-awaited progression/crash fix is getting pushed live ASAP - most likely during this week. Thank you for your patience - The Emperor Protects.
When we will get cherub pet?
Set this current order state as My default.