[PS4] Update for Inquisitor - Martyr | v01.05 | Oct 2


Following a maintenance period today, updates for Martyr will be released. Please make sure that your console has downloaded the update fully when the maintenance has ended. The game needs to be restarted for the changes to take effect.


  • News Feed added
  • Stability improvements
  • Starmap Performance improvements
  • Network optimization
  • Shader optimizations
  • Minor UI improvements

Fixed bugs

  • The Targeting System no longer targets otherwise untargetable objects on the ground
  • Fixed an issue where Players were unable to revive each other in Co-op
  • Fixed an issue where Players were unable to target with the Special Ability when using the Advanced Layout
  • Fixed the unresponsive Invite Friends button at the Online Co-op window
  • Fixed an issue where the Player could teleport past the Cutscene triggers
  • Fixed an issue where the Player was unable to interact with the Warzone Vote window
  • Fixed an issue where everyone in the Party was able to launch a Warzone Mission
  • Fixed an issue where the Player could learn skills in the Single DPS skill tree without getting necessary prerequisites
  • Fixed a crash when opening the Warzone Battle window in Italian language
  • Fixed an issue where the explosion decal of the Nurgle Dreadnought would get stuck until the end of the Mission
  • Fixed an issue where the game would crash or enter into an unresponsive state when playing Unholy Cathedral for more than an hour
  • Fixed an issue where Player names were not displayed properly on Warzone Pop-up error messages
  • Fixed an issue where a debug text would be shown during a Nemesis Battle
  • Reward windows will no longer open on top of each other
  • Various typo fixes
  • Localization fixes
This post was edited 6 years 142 days ago by Megapull
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[PS4] Update for Inquisitor - Martyr | v01.05 | Oct 2
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6 years 142 days ago
In the meantime the Season1 patch is out with the Dark Eldar faction!

@BOOZENJUICE‍ due to technical difficulties this feature most likely won't be implemented.

6 years 142 days ago
THANK YOU. A response after all this time is greatly appreciated! I really want to get back into the game and frustration has started to boil over. At least now we have an idea of when the patch is coming.
6 years 142 days ago
 Are we ever going to get a mailbox like PC ? 
6 years 142 days ago
The patch containing the fixes for the crash issues on PS4 will fix the DLC issue as well. It will come this week or at the beginning of the next! 
6 years 143 days ago

I was lucky enough to finish the campaign prior to the game breaking bug, but I was foolish enough to buy the Charybdis DLC. Thought it might be fun to play a new mission... Instead I just threw $5 in the fireplace.

To make matters worse, I bought the season pass.. I wonder if we will even get any content for that

This comment was edited 6 years 143 days ago by CrazyBizzy
6 years 143 days ago
Me 2. Go on every other day to do daily trying to get some more morality points but half the time those missions don't work either lol
6 years 146 days ago
They won't, but best of luck anyway. I have a psyker and crusader that had already passed the Viper's Nest missions before the last patch; they're both now stuck at Doomed City. And my assassin, which I wasn't playing as heavily but decided to level since I couldn't do anything with the other two, is now stuck at Viper's Nest. I've even started one of each of the other subclasses just for shits-n-giggles, and subsequently deleted them of course since there's zero value in having more than one of each archetype. And now that I quite literally have nothing to do in-game, I'm here pestering the devs in hopes they'll fix this broken crapfest so I can go back to enjoying it. 
6 years 146 days ago
Posted by KiLLyoX69 6 years 148 days ago

I believe that reinstalling the game might be a solution if only a few player experienced that error, but in my opinion, the fact that SO MANY players get the same crashes with the same missions, it can't be a sheer coincidence ^^

But your feedback is appreciated ;)

Ya. Re installed. Did nothing. Still crashes

I might level up my psyker and see if they can get past the ops that are bugged out

6 years 147 days ago
Can't help but notice you and Megapull have been suspiciously quiet for over a week... I'm not sure which is worse, coming on the boards just to lie to us, or this deathly silence. So what's up? Are you waiting to build up tension so you can surprise us with "Great News! We finally fixed the game!"? Or are you trying to sneak away quietly?
6 years 148 days ago
Posted by Vampericmist 6 years 159 days ago
I posted in another fourm here. But i figured id day it here too

 I to am getting the system crash error posted below. In the vipers den priority op and the chase the rebels op. When it loads.  No issues with any other mission so far

Re installing game to test the theory that data is corrupt. 

Ill find out in 7 hours

I believe that reinstalling the game might be a solution if only a few player experienced that error, but in my opinion, the fact that SO MANY players get the same crashes with the same missions, it can't be a sheer coincidence ^^

But your feedback is appreciated ;)

6 years 148 days ago
Multiple campaign missions are still broken from the release of this patch, please play test patches before you release them.
6 years 158 days ago
I not can connect to the server!
6 years 159 days ago
I posted in another fourm here. But i figured id day it here too

 I to am getting the system crash error posted below. In the vipers den priority op and the chase the rebels op. When it loads.  No issues with any other mission so far

Re installing game to test the theory that data is corrupt. 

Ill find out in 7 hours

6 years 159 days ago

I've been looking this game for many months. It was clearly released with a mass of bugs. Being a project engineer myself, it makes me wonder if the game makers really care about anything more than their hourly salary. Many people say missions crash at middle at random and even console crashes mid-mission, and lots of other illogical glitches here and there, are abundantly found... Crashing mid-game and losing progress is the most frustrating thing in a game possible. I wonder if the coders have difficulty concentrating in the office? Give them some peace and quiet. There is definitely genius artists and good concepts and ideas there also. The game is focused on blasting away monsters in cool warhammer universe and finding loot. If you want to fix the loot system, then look closely at diablo 1 and 2. There must be a real difference with the types of loot, and there must be "legendary" gear which are more powerful than could be imagined by the player as he/she progresses in the game. I believe it can still be a good game if you update it enough. If I pay over 60€ for it, it can't be crashing mid-mission, and giving crappy loot for ever and ever.

6 years 160 days ago


The error CE-34878-0 is an error occuring when datas the system is trying to access are corrupted, or at least unreachable. It usually means there's a problem with your HDD where the datas are located (i.e the HDD where you install your games). It could mean there's been a problem during the installation (for example network loss during downloading a game, etc)...

Did you try to uninstall completely the game, and reinstall it from scratch ? I know it can seem a bit tedious, but usually it solves this error. It's not necessarily linked to a specific game, more to the file-system of the console itself. If you have an additional HDD, maybe try to install the game (reinstall I mean, not simply move) on the integrated HDD and then try again :)

Hope this helps ^^


The Wiwitcheur

6 years 162 days ago

Today again I got a major system crash... I start a mission the sound get gone and my controller not responding at all it totally froze the console  if I wait a long time I can hear the ps4 menu sound (music) in the background but the screen it frozes...  I start to ask myself if your game gonna screw my console I try it on my other ps4 console  and same thing happen I need to unplug the console or hold the power button for 20 second to get rid of it.... it very frustrating it's the only with this game I got this kind of crash. 

Plz can you tell me what happen with your game and when you will resolve this major problem....?

Thank you for your time... I get this crash on a ps4 and ps4 pro before after the first patch and the last one.

6 years 162 days ago

Auch bei mir habe ich nur Probleme im Spiel. Extreme Tearing und Ruckler und immerwieder stürzt das Spiel ab. Ich habe es auch auf dem PC und da sind alle Probleme, die ich habe ... Es ist so schlimm, aber es ist so schlimm ... Bitte um schnelle Behebung, da das Spiel ist gut und ist sehr intensiv Spielen könnte. So das ist der letzte Spaß nach 5 Minuten schon weg und ich lass es bleiben .. 

This comment was edited 6 years 162 days ago by rhinsider
6 years 163 days ago
Just a thought, and before I say this is want you to know that I REALLY like the game, but I think you need to push fix patches out as soon as possible. I understand that many of the major issues can't be hotfixed, but waiting to fix literally game breaking bugs until the next scheduled update makes NO sense. You owe it to your players to ship new content regularly, but you also owe it to us to ship major fixes as soon as possible. 
6 years 163 days ago
I am getting this same crash error on Vipers den part 2 and Harbinger of Hate Part 2 crashes with error CE-34878-0

6 years 163 days ago
Hi All,

iam getting random crashes, i have logged over 20 with the ps4 crash report, final straw came when i waited around 10 mins for online tarot mission and it crashed as we where about to start.

i have completed it twice and really enjoyed it, but i think its time to put it aside for now till its fixed

6 years 168 days ago
Hello everybody,

I have some issues as well:

For both my characters the game doesn't start a certain mission:
- Lv 19 Psyker (Empyrian) the 2nd "The Viper's Nest" Mission
- Lv 19 Assassin (Infiltrator) the 4th "The Viper's Nest" Mission

The loading screen appears to be normal, but then the map opens and after 2-3 seconds,
the screen freezes and i get the CE-34878-0 error message

I already tried the following to fix the issue, unfortunately without success:
- restart the game and the ps4 system
- restart my internet connection
- restart the licenses in the ps4 setup
- re-initialize the ps4 system
- de- & reinstall the game

The system is a PlayStation 4 CUH-2004B

Both errors appear for 3 days right now and i tested it in the morning, in the afternoon and at night.

Dear Neocore Team,
Do you have any solution for me?

Kind regards from Austria


6 years 170 days ago
the same error but more early in history... when trying to start mission, don't finish the teleport cinematic and kickout to the ps4 dashboard.
6 years 171 days ago
Topic-Crashing game due to connection error between neocore and psn

Curious if this issue is being worked on,its progress or is this at the bottom of a list? Sent a ticket in last week explaining the problem and got a recipt of ticket back, so as im really enjoying the game i would like to not have to tip-toe around content to avoid crashing the game and my streaming channel.Any response will do, but clairty would be better. Thanks.

6 years 173 days ago
Me too. Same mission, same crash.
6 years 173 days ago
Yeah, I can’t go through story now either, games now glitched. Every time I open story, I get to play the mission for maybe 10-13 mins, then it crashes.

Haven’t tried any regular missions, kinda worried I might hit a patch of disappointment and have that crash out too.

6 years 174 days ago
Same here, can't go any further in story anymore. Seriously sucks
6 years 174 days ago
I never said it would help solve this problem. I said it will help Arcdestroyer get his/her DLC back. Not sure how this became a cure for crashing.
6 years 174 days ago
Ok, so i choose the mission and it take you to the loading screen, then it loads up to 100% but instead of dropping you into the playzone the whole game crashes and you get the CE-34878-0 error screen plus being put to the psn dashboard.Im able to play anywhere else in the Nereus system with no issues,it just that specific mission called The Doomed City (950),its part of the storyline post main story.
6 years 174 days ago
The restore lights licenses trick doesn't work I tried 3 different times and it did not fix the problem. Other than that mission I'm able to do everything else in the game. The detailed version of what happens is you pick the mission and you go to the loading screen, it loads up 100% but when that happens the game crashes and you get the error screen message and it completely closes a game and boots you back out to the PSN dashboard.
6 years 174 days ago
To restore licenses? Sure...

Settings > Account Management > Restore Licenses

6 years 174 days ago

could you please describe the exact steps? As far as we know this cannot be done on PS4.

6 years 175 days ago

Doesn't work, i still crash every mission(attempt).

This comment was edited 6 years 175 days ago by CROWNHAMMER
6 years 175 days ago
If you are on PS4, go to settings and restore licenses. Works almost every time.
6 years 175 days ago
Same issue. Across multiple characters, so it's definitely not a specific or unique bug. 
6 years 175 days ago
Ran into a game breaking bug that crashes the game while loading a story mission after the main story is complete.The error message i get is (CE-34878-0) and it on the PS4 console.I've tried 5 times to launch/start the mission called The Doomed City in the Nereus System all with the same result.Hoping someone fixes this as i was really enjoying the game,plus my viewers were also.
6 years 175 days ago
Connectons for Russian users have started working since v1.05.

Great job, Neocore Team!

6 years 175 days ago

Thats interesting, and to be hones i dont think that my console is dying because i bring it to a local service to keep the console under maintenance once in a while (Cleaning,Thermal Paste changed). Got it since launch day and never had any problem.  Plus other games work perfect without any stutters. Also my friend has a PRO and he has the same issues a few times aswell. Must be bad porting and optimizing i think. 

6 years 175 days ago
Please send an email to [email protected] We will assist you in the matter!

@ALABASTER‍ yes, the Mind Plague will come to console!:)

6 years 176 days ago

The new update wiped out the Charybdis outpost dlc on my account. Will this be corrected? It is no longer available under the astropath missions.

6 years 176 days ago
I've got the old PS4 and no performance issues here. Yours could be on it's last legs
6 years 176 days ago
Will "Mind Plague" come to PS4? 
6 years 176 days ago
Hi, guys! 

I like your game and I a'm glad that you patch up things. Keep up the good work! I hope that you will continue to add stuff inte the game!

6 years 176 days ago
I have played many, many hours and never once lost connection. Do you typically play during peak hours?
6 years 176 days ago
Posted by Marcopolocs 6 years 177 days ago
The maintenance has ended a couple of hours ago already! You can log in now!:)
Logged in and played just fine. Thanks,.

Only thing not so good is the constant fear of loosing connection for a few seconds and having to start the mission again.

Netflix is buffered and has no problem with a short disconnect. Wifi and all the rest is fine, but sometimes it just looses connection. Not your fault of course (more mine, but can't do much about it), if you could fix that loosing a connection would not throw you immediatly out of the game that would be nice. i guess I'm not the only one having this issue :)

6 years 176 days ago
Well sadly it did not fix the bad performance on the Classic PS4 (Fat 500gb model) Any hope on fixing that? Because i find it a bit disturbing that other games like Spider-Man,God Of War,Rainbow Six,Overwatch,Diablo III, etc,  run flawless and this one not performing so good. 
6 years 177 days ago
Also need to add another Suggestion:

5. Elective mode for Weapon skills for Crusaders and Assassins, it's been brought up before by multple people and I will bring it up again each time until it is implemented as this really needs to happen, the presets are (no offense) Trash. 

6 years 177 days ago

And again typo on Number 2 for Hits: 

2. You can NOW COOP the Nemesis Boss fights.

6 years 177 days ago

Sorry typo on the Number 1 for Hit:

1. You can NOW select the Warzone level you want properly.

6 years 177 days ago
Hello again from PSN: Jonny_Utah and Cabal TheUnclean.

Here are my quick thoughts on the Hits and Misses of this patch so far: 


1. You can not select the Warzone level you want properly.

2. You can not COOP the Nemesis Boss fights.

3. Melee targeting is better now (not perfect but going in the right direction).

4. Game seems smoother performance wise while in group, less graphical issues and hitching/screen tearing (on the PS4 Pro).


1. Takes a long time to scroll up and down while selecting Warzone levels (perhaps add an accelerator while holding up or down).

2. Pysker buddies report slow/unresponsive spell casting (compared to last patch).

3. Still have a bit of screen tear (lets work on knocking that out more in the future).


1. Accelerate the content release (I know not everyone pushes as fast as we do but we want more, MORE!).

2. Need more armor customization, there are a lot of nice armor skins while leveling, however once you get to the Relic gear you only get three main options, which are tied to the subclass so if you want assault armor you really only have one choice (add more options to the relic gear in terms of looks).

3. Randomize the Warzone tile sets, there are lots of different tile sets in this game so make a few Warzone versions from them (ie: Snow/Ice, Platforms, Cathedrals and Planet environments).

4. Different Nemesis Boss fights, or randonmize the tile set like the Warzone suggestion above.

6 years 177 days ago
Curious to hear feedback on this patch. I can't play until later tonight