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PS4 Servers status
Warhammer 40K Support AreaHello there.
I would like to ask when do the servers come online for PS4 so we could enjoy gaming at long last? So far there is no connection and it looks dull. Thank you for the answer. Region - Eastern Europe.
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There is no maintenance but a connection issue and we are cooperating with Sony to restore it as soon as possible!
Location: Lisbon, Portugal
Purchase: 2 Days Ago
may I ask when you restarted the game did the items reappeared in your storage? Or they are gone?
Finally can play this game in Russia. Connection is ok. One time game freezed when I started mission and item get lost from storage, when I reloaded the game. Everything else works.
They don't care at all i suppose.
I contact Sony support and they refused to refund this game without letter from Neocore approving the refund.
I mail to Neocore support and they refused give any approvement, becouse on their side all works fine. It's my problem now.
So they take money for not working game and don't have to give them back, why should they care to solve this problem? Maybe RKN unblock servers eventually, maybe not, Neocore just dont have any reasons to do anything, they already sold game.
Hello there.
My post is the last 1, they do something like that already, so we just have to wait
Hi, Guys.
Country: Russia,City: Rostov-on-Don,
Provider: TTK.
Playstation network connection is fine, so the abovementioned DNS fixes are not required.
The game connection errors out with "Unable to reach the server", though.
I know there was a fight between RKN and Telegram and many Amazon subnets were blocked.
Since that time RKN has lifted blocks from many AWS subnets, including generic Playstation Network ones.
However, looks like the game servers are still in the blocked zone.
Here are the thoughts of actions that might help:
1) By Neocore Team: is it possible to start up a secondary server (or just a proxy) in a unblocked subnet? I am sure Buka Team can communicate RKN and find any which isn't blocked.
2) By Sony Team: is it possible to organize forwarding through Playstation Network servers?
3) By Buka Team: is it possible to contact RKN regarding specifically Neocore AWS servers to have them unblocked? I hope they are doing that, but just to make sure.
Sorry for 2 posts in a row: some lag on mobile phone (
Ok, guys I'll summ it up: I wrote a letter to the publisher of WH 40 000 Inquisitor-Martyr in Russia, the Buka company with the question if they can do something about it. Got the answer the same day which states that they are aware of the problem and both Neocoregames and Buka are taking actions to make it possible. So fingers crossed that they make is asap. Don't loose faith just yet.
why then sell it in Russia? greed, more money to earn?
The Russian Inquisition ! There is a temporary solution with access problem:
details in the official group
The Emperor protects!
I have the same problem, and ill be to complain Sony support team and will try to get money back because this game is defective in my country.
Was of no use, in other words: it doesn't help at all.
I can not run the game for the same reason. The game has already been bought by many and if there is no solution to access the servers, people's discontent will grow.
i mean my friend in Siberia region launched it just fine first try, but i can't do it.
So you started selling game which will be unplayable in this region fully aware about a problem? It looks like scam due to Sony refund politics, i can't get my money back because I already downloaded it and its pretty sure will not be playable any time soon.
Any time gap for solution? Don't get me wrong, i'm perfectly aware of what's going on but I thought neocore already had some kind of solution for that problem.
Have you trying this - https://kanobu.ru/news/s-podklyucheniem-najden-vernyij-sposob-obojti-blokirovki-i-pochinit-psn-404625/ ?
Any time gap for solution? Don't get me wrong, i'm perfectly aware of what's going on but I thought neocore already had some kind of solution for that problem.