PS4 Pro Screen Tearing & Low FPS Issues


Just bought this game and I love It BUT the severe, constant screen tearing is horrendous and It's totally ruining my enjoyment of the game. On top of the that the huge drop in FPS is terrible too...surely this should have been fixed by now as this has been a huge issue since day 1 right?

Has this been acknowledged by the dev's as an issue yet? Is it going to be fixed??

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PS4 Pro Screen Tearing & Low FPS Issues
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3 years 355 days ago

This is still a major issue in Online Multiplayer. Could you please check and fix it?

4 years 337 days ago
Just as Rigg suggested please enable Frame Blending in the Options and see if the performance got better with it.
4 years 339 days ago

new checkbox is appear in option. something about framerate.. I don't remember exactly right now.. with it the frames goes smoother in my opinion

4 years 339 days ago
Just a suggestion but maybe instead of adding new content all the time like this expansion which I regret buying since the tech adept is boring and those ridiculous pope hats are a joke and an eyesore which a tech adept whether he was an inquisitor or not would never wear, maybe fix the performance issues that have been and still are the games biggest flaw since day one. I only play on a standard ps4 so no options to change any settings that involve graphics but the hardware can handle much more complex games and run them much better so there is no excuse for the poor optimization. Go look at Horizen zero dawn or assassins creed, massive open world games that have no screen tearing no blur no lag no real graphic issues at all. And comparatively those games are much much heavier spec wise compared to martyr. I understand you are a much smaller company with a much smaller budget but after more then a year there is no reason all of these issues should not have been fixed especially long before adding new content. Its true some things have been improved but the visuals have not at all and that should be the main focus, I love everything warhammer so will continue to play in hopes you guys finally listen and fix these issues, I will not post videos because it happens in all parts of the game, from the command bridge to basically any and every map I play on. Thanks for a decent game but I know the system can handle it to be a great one please don’t let us down. Oh and for the love of the emperor please please get rid of those hats on the tech adept and put him in hoods with face augments his main page armor that’s what I want and only that, the hats are an insult not only to the gamers but to the lore as well. Thanks for reading.
5 years 121 days ago

Regarding the improvement of 2.0, yes, I also saw a lot of positive reviews, but this is not even clear to me since I have been playing on PS4 since February 2019 and when I started playing in 2.0 I saw all the same problems as in February.

Regarding the change of permissions. Do you really think I would write all this without having tried all sorts of options?

I changed the resolution in the game from 1400 to 1080 and vice versa, I changed the resolution in the PS4 from 2160 to 1080, even tried, 720, deleted and added the Deep color parameters and HDR functions. I tried all the options.

The video was recorded only with a resolution of 1080, in general, does not change anything, at least if it changes, it is not very significant.

I already started playing on the PC, and I like everything on the PC version, the FPS is smooth and just perfect at the highest settings. I will return to the Inquisitor on the PS5, I hope that by that time you can adapt the game, good luck!

5 years 121 days ago

First I have to highlight that we never stated that the game being capped on 60 FPS means you will always get 60 FPS. We introduced this cap as there were certain areas (like the menus) where the FPS could go beyond this number unnecessarily overloading the consoles.


We’ve also checked the videos you provided as it shows the current performance still lacking. Our apologies for that, we will try to correct these by checking the maps/number of effects etc which can result in such an outcome.


On the other hand, we believe it was not an understatement that major improvements came with Patch 2.0, which many players could confirm.


Regarding the problem you encountered: may I ask in what mode are you playing? In case you play in Quality mode please switch to Balanced mode and see if it solves the performance issues. We hope it will help in most places.

5 years 121 days ago
Posted by Kammorag 5 years 125 days ago

"the game is now capped 60 fps" ...

Projecting textures and frame rates per second, you just look)

Like an ostrich head in the sand of Marcopolocs)If someone who reads this section has thought to buy a game on the PS4, do not do this, you will break your eyes. On this, I say goodbye to this game on the PS4, all the best to everyone!!!

5 years 124 days ago

Marcopolocs, please comment on how patch 2.0 solved the performance problems by looking at this?))

5 years 124 days ago
Posted by Kammorag 5 years 125 days ago

"the game is now capped 60 fps" ...

Projecting textures and frame rates per second, you just look)

Anyone who looks at this video and still claims that Martyr is performing well is completely blind

5 years 124 days ago
Posted by Marcopolocs 5 years 127 days ago

Massive stability improvements have been done to reduce the screen tearings, FPS drops and any other performance occurrences. The changes will get implemented with Patch 2.0 on PS4 today.

it's a lie, blatant lie

5 years 125 days ago

"the game is now capped 60 fps" ...

Projecting textures and frame rates per second, you just look)

5 years 125 days ago

LoL...I knew that the developers could not fix the performance. Thank you neocore for giving you money for nothing. Meanwhile i deleted was just dead weight on my hard drive

Biggest bad investment in my whole gaming life. Luckily Vikings arent a complete total failure...maybe i can play Martyr next year on Ps5, provided you program it for it thing

"the game is now capped 60 fps" 

what the...??? 

 Why not capped at 30 with good motion blur? especially because you arent able to perform smooth 60 fps

This comment was edited 5 years 125 days ago by Lobus
5 years 125 days ago
Posted by Marcopolocs 5 years 125 days ago

All forwarded to the console dev team, thank you very much for taking the effort to create footages!

Thank you, but your answer looks like a template. 

I read various comments, and most are happy with patch 2.0, I also waited for this patch and hoped that the image on the screen would become smooth. But this did not happen, except for FPS, the flickering of the textures continued, maybe this is in the PS4 Pro? Maybe on a simple PS4, everything is better, I don’t understand, or are all those who liked everything turn a blind eye to this? Those videos that I posted, again, this is not the limit of the fall of FPS, you, as a developer, cannot help but see this!I do not know. I really liked this game, and with great expectation I thought that the patch will fix these problems, but no.You yourself wrote the following:

"Fixed Bugs

  • Major stability improvements and various other optimizations
  • The game is now capped at 60 frames per second everywhere to prevent huge FPS spikes in menus"
5 years 125 days ago

All forwarded to the console dev team, thank you very much for taking the effort to create footages!

5 years 126 days ago
Posted by Marcopolocs 5 years 127 days ago

Massive stability improvements have been done to reduce the screen tearings, FPS drops and any other performance occurrences. The changes will get implemented with Patch 2.0 on PS4 today.

Also just going through the company, this is far from the FPS drop limit..

5 years 126 days ago
Posted by Marcopolocs 5 years 135 days ago
There will be a major update coming to PS4 on the 8th of October. It will contain numerous stability improvements!

Listen, I'm tired of proving obvious things.

So I recorded the gameplay, I just go through the company without choosing a more problematic mission, such as Viper Nest, Warzone, any siege missions.

Continue to insist that FPS is normal?

5 years 126 days ago
Just for balance, the game runs (almost) buttery smooth on my Xbox One X on Quality mode.
5 years 126 days ago

Could you describe the characteristics of the mentioned mission (enemy units, mission- and terrain type)? We will check this out along with the Viper's Nest mission!

This comment was edited 5 years 126 days ago by Marcopolocs
5 years 126 days ago

Play the Viper’s Nest, there everything is as before. Confidence in you has been completely lost, sorry ...

5 years 126 days ago

I played the new Tarot mission in a new location where it was necessary to kill three targets .. The FPS fell very hard. And this is my PS4 Pro, I'm afraid to imagine that the owners have a simple PS4. You said that you worked hard, you need 2.0, you said that the frame rate will be at around 60? You hell seriously ???

5 years 127 days ago

terrable fps drop, again.. wraaaaaath!!!

5 years 127 days ago
You're right, today's patch has only made the issues much worse.
5 years 127 days ago
Sadly the update on PS4 Pro has actually made the issues much worse along with additional issues which were not present before such as insane artefact flickering :(
5 years 127 days ago
Posted by Marcopolocs 5 years 127 days ago

Massive stability improvements have been done to reduce the screen tearings, FPS drops and any other performance occurrences. The changes will get implemented with Patch 2.0 on PS4 today.

This is what I like to hear! Good to know you are actively listening to the community! I'm downloading update 2.06 now and will let you know my thoughts
5 years 127 days ago
Now put the servers on im sat waiting on the edge like a lemming
5 years 127 days ago

Massive stability improvements have been done to reduce the screen tearings, FPS drops and any other performance occurrences. The changes will get implemented with Patch 2.0 on PS4 today.

This comment was edited 5 years 127 days ago by Marcopolocs
5 years 128 days ago
Firstly, his/her username is Marcopolocs. Godlike is a... rank?

Secondly, as a dev, I'm betting PC.

Thirdly, 'nothing has changed' because they can't afford to release constant hotfixes for consoles. Wait for the massive patch coming, well, today, then come back and complain if it hasn't been fixed.

5 years 128 days ago

I created a similar topic at the beginning of the year, nothing has changed)

They just don't give a damn, Godlike, like a robot constantly responding. Godlike do you play on PS4 ?? I'm sure you're not a masochist

5 years 135 days ago

I doubt neocore ever gets the performance running well. I am waiting for a year now and nothing happens. Who knows maybe this time they can handle it. Its there last chance for...if the performance is still so bad it will be deleted. Pay 70$ for nothing then

5 years 135 days ago
There will be a major update coming to PS4 on the 8th of October. It will contain numerous stability improvements!