[PS4] Online multiplayer progress bug


Me and my friend plays coop on PS4, he is the leader and invites me to the game.

After every mission there is always some issues for varying from one to all of the following;

  • Mission completion status not saved, meaning next mission cannot be started as ”player have not progressed enough”
  • No loot from previous mission available
  • Cannot trade with any trader
  • Cannot scrap loot

All of these problems can be temporarily worked around with a restart of the game....but the same issue appears after next mission.

Other issues experienced in multiplayer;

  • Intermittent lag at accept vote for mission, sometimes 3-5 attempts by leader is needed before I can see vote window and some times when voting yes nothing happens, the vote window just times out.
  • Lag spikes and movement ”fallbacks” during mission gameplay

We do like the game but with these technical issues it is starting to get quite frustrating for us.


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[PS4] Online multiplayer progress bug
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4 years 139 days ago
Two months and nothing?

Are developers looking in these forums at all?

I would really appreciate some feedback if this has been seen at all.