PS4 (GER) "Vorboten des Hasses" Mission Crash



ich habe das Problem das bei mir die PS4 immer abstürzt wenn die Mission "Vorboten des Hasses" geladen wird.

Dieses passiert ständig so das ich in der Story nicht weiter komme und festhänge.

Bitte fixt dieses Problem

Vielen Dank


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PS4 (GER) "Vorboten des Hasses" Mission Crash
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6 years 120 days ago
The crash issue is not present since day1. It occurred when a patch came out in October.

I said that either this week or the next the patch will come.
Now I can confirm that this week (most likely tomorrow) the patch will be pushed out! 

6 years 120 days ago
you said that last week when you released season 1
6 years 120 days ago
its been broken since release.
6 years 120 days ago

ok so I completed every story mission as the crusder no problem. yet on a second character the psyker  it crashes continusosly whilst  loading pushing back the reblles. you can not have playtested this game properly. why did we have to pay full price to be beta testers for your product?? this bug has existed since day one and all we get is the next patch will fix it yet it never gets fixed.

and it just crashed yet again.

6 years 121 days ago

a patch will fix this matter on this week! Our apologize for the inconvenience!

6 years 122 days ago

Have the same problem with this level, every start of this mission my ps4 crashed.

Please fix this problem