PS4 Fans Loud While Playing


Whenever I play this game (in particular when I'm on the ship's bridge) my PS4 Pro's fans spin to their maximum--making it sound like a Boeing 747.  It's likely due to the poor optimization.  Just wondering who else is experiencing this.

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PS4 Fans Loud While Playing
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6 years 119 days ago
Posted by theblackfrog 6 years 119 days ago

well early in the days fire were made from animated sprites , not sure how the fire was made in this game (pure shader?). Opacity plus shadows can also cause extreme rendering if there is a bug or not optimized.

Bugs, not optimized .......... exactly what we have with this game ^^
6 years 119 days ago

well early in the days fire were made from animated sprites , not sure how the fire was made in this game (pure shader?). Opacity plus shadows can also cause extreme rendering if there is a bug or not optimized.

6 years 120 days ago
I suspect  the fps may be uncapped or some texture issue is taxing the gpu way harder than it should on the bridge, not even in game is the fans this loud.

seriously leaving this game idle on the bridge might cause damage the the ps4 hardware in the long term.

6 years 120 days ago
i hope not, everybody deserves a 2nd chance (look at no mans sky) so i dont think it would help bashing the devs the whole time. maybe it will be better if we support them instead of bashing them. yes, the game cost 70 bucks and we deserver a functional game first, but i really hope they are cool and know the problems and work on it.

the crash fix should come this week. maybe we will get an optimization fix :) i noticed thatsome  japan rpg gams have the same problem that the console started to take off (e. g. dynasty warrriors 9 on some occasion). i bet it is a shader problem (mostly fire or shadow effects produce problems).

6 years 121 days ago
It would be good that they solve the so long list of bugs first !

The game is not playable for 6 weeks now because mission loading result in crashing the PS4 !

The game was a beta when it was released, and with time passing, the bugs are stacking up at high rate, I'm not expecting anything from the devs anymore.

They took my money once, good for them ! Not twice !

The bad reputation is spreading on forums, so many players complaining to have bought a game unplayable !

6 years 121 days ago
Posted by Megapull 6 years 190 days ago
As someone mentioned earlier, numerous consoles do this with the majority of the games. Everyone tries to get the best out of the hardware at hand, hence the fans running at high speeds to maintain normal temps.
Sorry to mention, but God Of War which is by far so better looking than WH40K Martyr doesn't make the PS4 ready for take off.

But all those crashes we get from PC converted games to console, have in common their origins : PC

So yes many portages from PC games act like that, probably because the effort put into coding is not the same ^^

6 years 122 days ago
I have to say i have the same problem. I thought an optimization  fix would kill it but it seems no or it was never in the backlog. Maybe not all ps4 pro does have that problem.

But neocore it would be great if you could adress this big problem because it is ultra loud and i think its a shader problem when some effects connects together.

The fan is very loud when choosing a character and on the bridge. When im in the inventory it is quiet.

6 years 188 days ago
Posted by Megapull 6 years 190 days ago
As someone mentioned earlier, numerous consoles do this with the majority of the games. Everyone tries to get the best out of the hardware at hand, hence the fans running at high speeds to maintain normal temps.
No, no they don't.  Doom, Destiny 2, Diablo 3, literally any game I've ever played doesn't make it sound this loud.  And it's at random times like on the ship's bridge, when  nothing is even going on.
6 years 190 days ago
As someone mentioned earlier, numerous consoles do this with the majority of the games. Everyone tries to get the best out of the hardware at hand, hence the fans running at high speeds to maintain normal temps.
6 years 191 days ago
Anyone else having this issue?
6 years 191 days ago
MIne too. There are few games that make my PS4 Pro sounds like industrial vacuum cleaner, WH40K is one of them.