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- PS4 Cross-Play with PC?
i'd like to play this great game with my wife.
As i can see, there's no local coop option on ps4
My newest idea, maybe you support cross-play?!
I already have VH 1+2+3 in Steam but no 2PC and no 2Consoles
I'd like to know if this will be somehow or sometime be possible - there is no sense from by perspective to buy a single player game twice.
On the other hand - i'd love to support the direction you're going (Action-Adventure, PS 4, PS pro - thumps!)
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PS4 Cross-Play with PC?
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8 years 9 days ago
These are on different systems, so the crossplay is not possible. Unfortunately.
8 years 10 days ago
I doubt crossplay is gonna happen. It would be nice if it did tho...
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