PS4 Bug-Report


1. the controller setting is only saved in the menu but when restarting the game is set back to standard (as far as the key assignment is concerned)
2. You lose the control of the character from time to time, this automatically attacks all opponents, without command input
3. the character stucks in the game world at destroyed objects (wriggle)
4. from time to time not possible to open boxes, display is there, but does not respond to command input (open)
5. Game crash in the Coop Multiplayer after successful mission - when leaving the war site -
6. Aiming problems - no precise aiming is possible, usually the back targets are recorded
7. Psyker-there is no exact override of spells that are not changed by weapons
8. Assassin - Dodge roll is only possible in forward position

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PS4 Bug-Report
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6 years 91 days ago

I have a PS Pro and I use the controller setting "advanced".

6 years 91 days ago

PS4 fat, french, setting Dodge

I reported that bug early september, and each I was launching the game, even if the setting was displayed as dodge in options (and YES we exit with O to save), the controller settings is set to default.

Tested with english and same behavior.

We have to change preset setting to right of left and then go back to dodge (for example) for it to be taken into account, and then save by pressing O (lol, i was answered that when i reported it), but that the only way to exit this menu by the way ^^.

If you don't do it when the game is launched, playing the first mission (any) we quicly realise that default settings are active, then, we have to change it through options !

As the game crashes frequently, I remember doing that controller setting several times a day.

This comment was edited 6 years 91 days ago by KiLLyoX69
6 years 91 days ago
PS4 fat, french, setting Dodge

I reported that bug early september, and each I was launching the game, even is the setting was displayed as dodge in options (and YES we exit with O to save), the controller settings is set to default.

Tested with english and same behavior.

If you don't do it when the game is launched, playing the first mission 'any) we quicly realise that default settings are active, then, we have to change it through options !

As the game crashes frequently, I remember doing that controller setting several times a day.

6 years 94 days ago
We thoroughly tested this problem but could not reproduce the case. Would you please give me your PSN? We will test it with your character. Also please tell me, do you use a Pro or a normal PS? Which layout are you using?
6 years 94 days ago

20. Unfortunately, the problem with the control setting is still not solved.

The set control will not be saved although it will be displayed.

6 years 94 days ago
Posted by Marcopolocs 6 years 95 days ago
The Charybdis Outpost DLC along with the Servo-skull DLC were pre-release bonuses for those who pre-ordered the game that is why these are the only exceptions which are not included in the Season pass. All other DLCs coming out in the following year will be for free for every Season-pass-owners. The very first DLC is already out on console called 'Mind Plague'.
Thank you for the information.
6 years 95 days ago
The Charybdis Outpost DLC along with the Servo-skull DLC were pre-release bonuses for those who pre-ordered the game that is why these are the only exceptions which are not included in the Season pass. All other DLCs coming out in the following year will be for free for every Season-pass-owners. The very first DLC is already out on console called 'Mind Plague'.
6 years 95 days ago

How can it be that I have bought the Imperium Edition with Season Pass and still have to pay for the Charybdis mission?

6 years 136 days ago
Yes, that's the one.
6 years 137 days ago

May I ask was the terrain of the mission you experienced the problem on similar to this?

6 years 137 days ago
Posted by Marcopolocs 6 years 141 days ago

we will check on the crash issue and will get it fixed ASAP!
May I ask did you play in coop or solo when you experienced the sound bug? 

Had a sound issue again, but this time the controller stopped responding too. Playing solo again. The game wasn't frozen, scenery still moving etc. I let the mission time out, it was a destroy the artillery type one. Eventually had to restart the machine and when it came back i got an error message saying the opperating system had failed. Didn't think to get the error code. Not sure if the problem's the game or not, maybe the way it interacts with the operating system.
6 years 138 days ago
Korean localization is available ingame you can choose it but please mind this affects only the subtitles and item names, the voices remain English! 
6 years 139 days ago
Thank you, I will
6 years 140 days ago

I am a ps4 pro user. I am purchasing the Korean version of Inquojitar Maart. However, if you look at the video, it is a pity that you do not have a choice of language. And I want to report one bug. The videos in the game do not appear in Korean but in other languages. I want you to know the story of this game and modify it to focus more.

6 years 141 days ago
I was playing solo. It's only happened to me once and not since the recent update, although I don't remember anything about sound in the patch notes.
6 years 141 days ago

we will check on the crash issue and will get it fixed ASAP!
May I ask did you play in coop or solo when you experienced the sound bug? 

6 years 141 days ago

I also have the Captain Ragna bug on PS4

PSN: RD_Rabin

Char: Rabinus Albanis

Finished the main story, got a level 800 mission from the Conclave. Saw another purple mission in the star map and went to it. It was the Story mission where you meet the Inquisitor in his Fortress and decide his fate at the end. I repeated it for fun. Afterwards Ragna did the same "Unknown Moon" speech that you get at the end of the actual story mission, and then the Conclave message came in too. She then kept a green exclamation mark over her head and refuses to open the shop. My bags are getting full and I can't sell anything.

I went and did the level 800 mission and completed it - it now tells me to speak to Ragna, but she won't talk to me, other than the 'Moon' speech, and still has the mark over her head.

This comment was edited 6 years 141 days ago by Rabin
6 years 141 days ago

Game crashes out when I try to enter I think the 6th the viper's nest mission, Secret Sanctuary on Vismar Minoris. PS4 error code is CE-34878-0 if that helps. Also, I did have an issue with sound cutting out midway through a mission a week or so ago but it hasn't done it since.


6 years 141 days ago
Thank you for the fast solving devs. Capt. Ragna now works fine againe.
6 years 142 days ago
Feel free to send the screenshot to [email protected]. Thanks in advance! 
6 years 142 days ago
 Hey I’ve tried about 15 times now to upload a screenshot into this server and for some reason it just won’t load ,  i’ve tried it on Apple device ,   And android device ,  my iMac ,   And on windows 10 .  I do run a cabal in your game ,  and not being able to give you feedback is rather frustrating ,  maybe you should put some effort towards this game instead of the 10,000 shitty games you made before ?  Me and my friends were so stoked over this game that it makes Diablo look like crap .  Apparently you’re so worried about your tactics Warhammer game ,   That you don’t have enough time to even put people decode in the right shit in your servers . P.s.  thank you for not having pay loot boxes,  i’m not leaving your game just because of that kind of bullshit , with this game you make epic and high-riez look like crap !!  Maybe if you put some support behind it you might make a little bit more money ?
6 years 142 days ago
 This is not the same situation but it happened on a tarot again, as close as I can get for now,  I have urged my cabal members to please take screenshots of this for us ,  it’s on a constant basis on these types of missions and eliminate all .  it is not giving me the option to download the screenshot unfortunately .
6 years 143 days ago
No worries, I found your account and forwarded it to our devs!
6 years 143 days ago
Correction the characters name is Daikazan. How can i correct my posts without reply to myself? Theres no edit button.
6 years 143 days ago
First thank you for supporting us players. 

I have done the campaign plus black legion incursion so theres no mission left under the time bar. Then ive continued the clone line from driving the knight to inquisitor Draken's death (puritan). Now captain Ragna talks to me about the next mission on the moon , but her green exclamation mark dont go away and i cant access her shop. When i return to the main menu and continue, im able to talk once again to her about the moon with the same result.

GK-putt are my nicknames, the crusader is my only character yet. (haven't noticed i can set a char name)

6 years 144 days ago
We are really grateful for the video, thank you! 
6 years 144 days ago

I just experienced the same issue, all of the sudden no more sound in the game.

Need to close the game and restart to get the sound working again.

Here is a clip of the sound issue occurring.

6 years 145 days ago
May I ask your PSN and the character's name which stuck? We will make sure to get it fixed as soon as possible!
6 years 145 days ago
Posted by KiLLyoX69 6 years 147 days ago

20. It happened a few times during solo missions : usually during a big fight involving a lot of dying, guns and riffles firing, and melee attacks, all of a sudden, NO SOUND at all (being a perfect assassin, killing in pure silence lol). No sound as usual on reward screen when the mission is finished, and no sound as well back to command center.

The only way to get the sound (music, dialogues and sound effects) back is to close the game, and when the ps4 main menu shows up, a quite loud 'scratch' sound plays and all is back to normal. When restarting the game, sound is back.

If i may deduce, much sound sources can overlay each other causing scrach sound. For that a sound limiter ignore lets say all over 50 sources. Sound will crash on overuse if the limiter doesnt work for any reason. I had no sound crash on this game so far, but some exp. on free2play titles.

Now too my bug, i had completed the baneblade driver mission and logged off, cause it was late.

Next day i had redone the mission to my suprise, maybe not saved? Afterwards i had a duplication of that mission and the next step on the same planet. One time i was forced to do the clone line to continue the real one. Now i have the chapter done and a half way done one peculiar. I hope this will not have any influence to the rest of the campaign. 

6 years 146 days ago


@KILLYOX69‍ I'm not sure how you meant when using a Stationary Gun. How did you get stuck if I may ask? We will check on those Guns which are destroyed but cannot pass through them afterward! The Vendor items have been designed this way due to some things. After a restart will it reset correctly!

I thought I answered but no trace of it O.o


Stationary gun : It happened in a multiplayer mission with 4 players, we had 3 objectives to do. Arrived to the 2nd one, there was a stationary gun with an ennemi operating it. I killed him and took control of the stationary gun. When I exited it, my character spawned at a corner of the stationary gun. I couldn't move, roll away or attack to destroy the stationary gun : I couldn't do anything and as no ennemi were still alive, I couldn't even get killed.

I pressed option buton and in the menu, I had only 2 options related to the mission : capitulate OR quit

As I didn't want to loose the loot I got so far, and unfortunatly for the 3 other players, I had to wait, stuck on the stationary, that the mission finished.

Mission finished normally.

Vendor item level : yes, after a restart of the game, the level of the items for sale are matching the character level.

This comment was edited 6 years 146 days ago by KiLLyoX69
6 years 147 days ago
Would you please take a screenshot when you enounter this issue again? I cannot recall suddenly any enemies which cannot be killed and the mission cannot be finished for this reason.
6 years 147 days ago
No, I mean phantom enemies that appear in the marked path, not the secret teleport room red dots. But I appreciate your answer.
6 years 147 days ago

20. It happened a few times during solo missions : usually during a big fight involving a lot of dying, guns and riffles firing, and melee attacks, all of a sudden, NO SOUND at all (being a perfect assassin, killing in pure silence lol). No sound as usual on reward screen when the mission is finished, and no sound as well back to command center.

The only way to get the sound (music, dialogues and sound effects) back is to close the game, and when the ps4 main menu shows up, a quite loud 'scratch' sound plays and all is back to normal. When restarting the game, sound is back.

6 years 147 days ago
Posted by ThrillKillAS 6 years 149 days ago

9. If I do the dodge roll with the killer, I'll reset a bit, after completion. But only in the Multiplayer.

13.  this is the error quest ;)

Yes, I agree, I faced same issue while playing online.

When I use the dash/roll ability of my assassin, first my character goes to its "final/designed position" and then straight away it goes back half way : very confusing

Its like the lag between players interfers with the standard dash/roll distance, and then respawns the character "somewhere" between starting point and usual dash/roll distance.

6 years 147 days ago

to 15.  If the indicator is empty (red), then it can happen that the figure can not move at all and does not die. 

6 years 148 days ago
Please mind that there can be hidden rooms in specific mission into which a Beacon will lead you. This usually occurs in Purge missions. Just find the Teleport and it will take you there. The revive bug will get fixed with the next patch (it is in the doorway)!

@KILLYOX69‍ I'm not sure how you meant when using a Stationary Gun. How did you get stuck if I may ask? We will check on those Guns which are destroyed but cannot pass through them afterward! The Vendor items have been designed this way due to some things. After a restart will it reset correctly!
@THRILLKILLAS‍ By overwhelm you refer to the skill which gives you extra damage for 10 seconds?
I'm not sure about your last sentence, would you please rephrase it?

6 years 149 days ago

How bout the constant 1 enemy remains that’s not there, waisting 100 fate on tarot missions isn’t cool, it also waists your booster items. This occurred 8 times last night, oh and please fix the damn revive, warworld you can’t pass through the checkpoints with dead characters:(

6 years 149 days ago
17. After using a turret (you enter in with X) my character got stuck at the corner of the turret, no action was possible. I had the choice to wait that the mission finishes or exit the mission (Multiplayer)

18. Invisible remaining of destroyed "big manual turrets", character has to go around the invisible remainings

19. Vendor items stayed at the level of the previous character (I started the game with lvl 50 assassin, then I went back to main menu to select another assassin lvl 5, when I went back to Ragna, she only had lvl 40 items to sell, even if my character was lvl 5

6 years 149 days ago

14. In the war zone, graphic-error occurs with texture loss and falling to the ground

15. In the status of "overwhelmed" it comes to absolute loss of control so that the figure is not always react and does not die (only multiplayer)

16. When finishem-move at normal opponents this remains visible for the other player. But is count as killed.

6 years 149 days ago

9. If I do the dodge roll with the killer, I'll reset a bit, after completion. But only in the Multiplayer.

13.  this is the error quest ;)

6 years 162 days ago

Thanks for summarizing these issues.

May I ask:

9.  Would you be a little more specific on this?
10. We will further polish the game and will solve the problem.
11. We are checking this problem already!
12. This has been fixed internally, the next patch will have it.
13. What is the error message you got? Would you please take a photo if possible? That would greatly help! Thank you in advance!

6 years 162 days ago

9.  Assassin Role, I get reset a bit each time (Glitch) (multiplayer only)

10. I still hang on some destroyed objects

11. The controller setting is saved only in the menu when restarting the game is reset to default (as far as the key assignment is concerned)

12. revival in multiplayer is no longer possible

13. Error in the Quest (Urgent Tasks) "Drukhari Raid - Planet NereusII)

6 years 171 days ago
I do agree with those bugs. 

The second point is clearly annoying.