Priority Assignments Bugging Out [PC] Ver 2.2.1


Playing on PC using an XBOX controller for windows.

The Priority Assignments sometimes fail to complete correctly.  I'm getting some assignments that don't inform me that I've finished (no 'Final Thoughts...' debrief screen) and it just goes to the reward crate screen.  More importantly when this happens it bugs the Glory reward, when this happened I started with minus figures on the Glory meter and when complete the final Glory total was wrong as well.

I've also had no multiple missions for assignments any more, every assignment I've taken in the last couple of months has been one mission only - quite often not fitting the narrative of the mission you were given.

System Spec.

Windows 10. 64Bit

32 Gig Ram

Nvidia GTX 1080ti Driver - 441.87 WHQL

i7 6700k CPU

edit - added more information.

This post was edited 5 years 20 days ago by Chas88
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Priority Assignments Bugging Out [PC] Ver 2.2.1
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5 years 19 days ago

This problem is known by our developers - they will get it handled in the shortest time possible!