Power weapons


As a dedicated melee player in this game, I have some concerns:

1. Where is the blue power glow of power weapons? I hope its comming, because for now I feel like in the Lord of Rings rather than 40k.

2. Dont you guys find a power sword way too short - its not longer than inquisitor arm. What the hell is that? Gladius? We all see how BL GW artwork depicts power swords - its all about longswords/hand-and-a-half swords. I really hope we will see longer variations on higher power levels.

3. Combat animation of 2 handed sword is terrible - I believe there is no chances we see something different for release?  (ESO did it the right way, especially carve animation). 

4. Power sword/axe swing sounds arent realistic - if I close my eyes, I can imagine wooden stick hitting a wet carpet hanging on the tree. That still could be changed and isnt too late - all the other w40k games got it better than we have here. Why not to ninja that from them? 

BTW, from time to time I see people trashing the cover system - I, personally, find it great and very useful for my melee crusader. I jump in, slaughter, than retreat behind barrickades, switching to pistol, doing some quick shots on closing enemies while my health is regenerating and jumping back to the fold. It could be fun as hell (and immersive, because all inquisitors in all damn books love to hide behind the cover all the time, along with their henchmen). To lure in a stupid heretic and cut his head with one swing from the cover  - what could be better for 40k fan? 

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Power weapons
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6 years 146 days ago
Airsick Hydra
Almost a year and we have nothing changed in the most important W40k weapon division - melee weapons :) 

While bolter is a main weapon in the franchise, all heroes use some kind of melee weapon - I still dont understand, why developers dont pay attention to it? Almost a year have passed, in this very topic developer noted that they READ. Doesnt look so or they truly do not understand what W40k really is. 

Along with no respect to power weapons (glow around the blade, lenght, sound) you guys dont show any effort to make melee builds more popular. Icons and numbers do not bring fun. Make melee weapons atractive visualy, make them coolest looking in game - more people will go and play them even without tweaking any stats or mechanics. 

P.S. What about executions on elites or humanoids? As promised so long ago? You made everything great in this game, except the most important thing - i would call it W40k soul even - gruesome melee slaughter. 3-4 monotonic swings with plastic sword isnt it. 

P.P.S. You were able to design the most awesame mechanic for simple NPC like Chaos raptor, but coudnt turn on blue glow on a stick? Really? 

7 years 76 days ago
Tarantus Bohart

While Eternal Crusade is a flop, it's not the worst flop out there. The game is still playable, so chin up and keep gaming.

I've been doing the beta/alpha access for a long while, from almost fifteen years ago when it was closed signups that gave you something to put on a resume through purchased access to the hideous mess that is Steam's Early Access program. In all that time, sure... I have a few stinkers, but largely they're nowhere near as disappointing as they could be.

Except StarForge. Bolted together from Unity store assets in a cash-grab, it hemmorhaged features each update until the released game was a shadow of the first alpha build I played, and was nowhere near the promised features list. The developers claimed they had finished with game design, the usual spiel... and then submitted Reign of Kings, with the same UI as StarForge, less than two months later. On Steam. And then couldn't figure out why their forums were inundated with very angry players who had been ripped off. It sat, mouldering on my hard drive, until an update some months back rekindled a bit of rage.. "We're removing the game from steam with this update, and offering it for free on our website." No refunds were ever given, with the developers pushing responses to that off to their community managers (who were unpaid Steam volunteers), and they raked in enough cash from the asset flip second game to continue to stay afloat.

So, ya know. It can always get worse, and experiences like StarForge have given me the understanding that it takes a lot of work for a dev house to [expletive deleted] up that hard, and usually almost has to be intentional. Yeah, VH3 had some... rough elements to it on release, but Neocore largely actually does what Neocore does, and soldiers on to deliver solid content that actually takes our concerns into consideration.

7 years 77 days ago

We read every single topic here, but we don't always have the time to reply.  

So thank you for the great feedback! Keep it up! We'll listen!

If you would like to chat with us, you can reach us at Discord too: https://discordapp.com/invite/SK4sKZG

This comment was moderated 7 years 76 days ago by Jim Fox
7 years 77 days ago
Posted by Tarantus Bohart 7 years 77 days ago

I actually wonder do the developers actally read such topics? I rarelly see them replying, but on twitch they say that they do and encourage us to say our opinions out loud here. It doesnt matter how the Eternal Crusade has ended, but in the early stages of Alpha the devs were extremely active in forums answering, debating and showing great attention to the founders who were trying to help to build a better game. I miss that here a bit.

I hope you are right about the devs here. And yes, you are right about EC devs. It was my first founder program where even in alpha I spent over 1000 hours testing and "training" for the real game to come. Which never came. The outcome of EC broke me mentaly so hard that in every shadow I see an echoes of the failure :) 

I really hope they will release Martyr in 2018 instead of 2017. Things like personal fortresses were postponed instead of postponing the release date and having more than they promissed for launch. Instead of less.

7 years 77 days ago

I duno I think the aesthetics of it are just as underwhelming as the audio and visual effects. This is just my my own preferences though. 

Should I ever get a suit of power armour and a choice in weapon, i'd likely not want to wield something the same length as my forearm.
7 years 77 days ago

Well the sword is just a stick that wiggles around anyway. Length pretty much seems to be somewhat irrelevant here.

As for the glow effect.

We do need some glow effect.

7 years 77 days ago

Perhaps worth taking into consideration future skins might have an impact on length, although likely not because the animations correlate. 

7 years 77 days ago

Yes, and they also tend to fire bolt pistols that apparently weigh nearly as much as a fully-loaded, all-the-bells-and-whistles M249 SAW... one handed.

Without power armor.

I want my chainaxe before ya'll get longswords. :P

7 years 77 days ago

Well it feels more like a power blade rather than a fully sized power sword which I would also prefer. Especially since our dude has a background as crusader.

So imho a european knight sword style should be preferred. Most notable something big.

Keep in mind on the heroic scale of WH40k Crusaders run around with swords as huge as they are themself.


Without power armor.

7 years 77 days ago
Airsick Hydra

Well, we can already see two or three variants of each weapon as-is with the current Forge World prefix; I wouldn't be surprised to see more prefixes and some affixes modifying the model of the weapon (especially as many of the 1h weapons' cleave effects extend past the end of the weapon, to where a "full size" version would end) and having access to some of the interesting stuff like power tulwars, falchions, epees, longswords, etc.

I didn't think it sounded like a plastic tube though, I think they sound like lightsabers (which actually makes sense when you consider what a power field is and what it does). Could use a little tweaking, especially considering the visceral wet-smack-bone-crunch of the Assassin Death Cult blades, but... this is what I do. Offer a differing viewpoint with reasons to support it. I'm contrary and ornery. :P

7 years 77 days ago

Thing is though, while being fluff appropriate. It just looks meh. It is probably entirely in proportion to what it's intended to reflect. I know neocore took care in making all proportions fit.

But when a character model swings a weapon that barely extends past their own character frame it's the opposite end of the spectrum to being "badass"

7 years 77 days ago

Actually, it's not uncommon to find short swords, arming swords, gladii, etc as power weapons in the realm of the fluff. The *gag* Smurfs largely carry the gladius format, while unaugmented humans tend towards (because of the weight) short/arming swords. Why this happens whilst we're in power armor I can't say, but like everything else in the setting it's largely Astartes gear that's XBox Huge.

7 years 77 days ago

Every thread is read, I can assure you of that. Most if not all is copied and pasted into a format for the developers themselves to them go through and digest. 

The difference is though EC developers might have been more vocal but they did nothing to improve their game.
Neocore on the other hand don't reply to everything - but they do act on most of it.

7 years 77 days ago
Posted by Airsick Hydra 7 years 77 days ago

I actually completely agree with all of this.

Sword barely extends beyond the reach of your shoulder

Sword sounds like it's hollow plastic being waved around. 

1/2 the animation are looking good - Mostly the assassin ones tho!

I actually wonder do the developers actally read such topics? I rarelly see them replying, but on twitch they say that they do and encourage us to say our opinions out loud here. It doesnt matter how the Eternal Crusade has ended, but in the early stages of Alpha the devs were extremely active in forums answering, debating and showing great attention to the founders who were trying to help to build a better game. I miss that here a bit.

7 years 77 days ago

I actually completely agree with all of this.

Sword barely extends beyond the reach of your shoulder

Sword sounds like it's hollow plastic being waved around. 

1/2 the animation are looking good - Mostly the assassin ones tho!