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- Power Sword Wide Strike Stuck in Run
Power Sword Wide Strike Stuck in Run
Warhammer 40K Bug Report
3 years 34 days ago
replied 3 years 18 days ago
Power Sword Wide Strike has not worked well since the game debuted. It has a dash, but it’s does not specify a path AOE. It consistently gets stuck while running. PS4 console version.
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Power Sword Wide Strike Stuck in Run
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3 years 18 days ago
When you click the button to initiate the wide strike, the player dashes followed by a. strike. Few issues - is the dash on purpose? Doesn’t seem like it would be based on the description of wide strike as an. AOE (vs. a Path AOE). Second, the dash/running animation continues to run when targeting an enemy. Stuck = dash/run animation continues to run for 3-5 seconds into the enemy and may or may not show a strike animation. The player seems to take damage while in this looped animation and when it becomes unstuck (i.e., stops), it doesn’t appear the attack lands.
3 years 29 days ago
They asked me if I could provide more information on the problem as they cannot really understand what this part 'gets stuck while running' truly means. Could you please explain it in more detail or even better share a short footage?
3 years 32 days ago
I'm not familiar with this issue but I forwarded it to the console team. They will look into the problem.
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